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344 THE NORMAL ADVANCE$si ttyetaTHE Psi Thetas began the fall term with the following eight members, Blanche Johnson, Ella Inglis, Florence Peck, Madge OHaver, Helen Pheifer, Esther Norris, IvaTrout and Margaret Underwood, with Esther Norris as leader. Beulah Boewin, ReineKeefer, Eunice Peck and Elsie Veit were initiated into the sorority at the home of MissMadge OHaver. Two social affairs were held during the term, one a party at the home ofHelen Pheifer, at which Miss Ruby Martin, of Tangier, was an out-of-town guest theother a Christmas dinner at Herz tea room, covers being laid for twelve. The regular Saturday afternoon meetings were held throughout the term. Three of the members, Florenceand Eunice Peck and Beulah Boewin, left school at the close of the fall term.At the beginning of the winter term, Ella Inglis was elected leader. The girls wereentertained during the first of the term at the home of Miss Elsie Veit. Twelve membersand three guests were present. A winter picnic was enjoyed January 25th at the home ofMiss Blanche Johnson. The main feature of the term was a Valentine party at the home ofMiss Nell Flesher. The house was appropriately decorated with hearts and flowers. Theevening was spent in making valentines for the members present, after which a twocourse luncheon was served.Among the former members to return at the opening of the spring term were Faun Mc-Kamey, Val Patten, Nell Glover, Vina Seister, Estelle Spitz, Carrie and Ruth Siefer,Misses Etta Rusher and Edith Reiner were admitted into the sorority. A flower hunt, eastof town, was enjoyed by the girls early in the spring. May 17th the annual May breakfastwas held at Collett Park.The members now in school are: Ella Inglis, Martha Foster, Nell Glover, MadgeOHaver, Elsie Veit, Blanche Johnson, Edith Reiner, Etta Rusher, Esther Norris, EstelleSpitz, Iva Trout, Carrie and Ruth Siefer, Vina Seister, Faun McKamey, and Val Patten.gtfjletaTHE Athletas have enjoyed a very pleasant year. Several rush parties have beengiven and our annual dance given at the Phoenix Club in February was a very successful affair. At this time many of our old girls were back and a small reunion was held.Our last party was given at the home of Esther Price. The house was beautifullydecorated with wild flowers and a very pleasant time was enjoyed. The guests were theMisses Bond, Blanche Smick, Margaret Kisner, Gertrude Leonard, Ruth Sprinkle andGladys Weaver. The members present were Helen McKeever, Esther Ray, Anne DeHority, Margaret Black, Alberta Harstine, Marie Rucker, Jesse Andrews, Helen Dick, BerthaMiller, Bernice Canine, Audrey Ross, Sarah Daniel, and Helen and Esther Price.Eleanor Crosse, of Vincennes, was visiting us a few weeks ago, and a very pleasanttime was spent during her stay.Sorrow came to us this winter in the death of Edith Trotter, one of our dearest andmost active members.The members in school at present are: Helen Dick, Esther Price, Mamie Asperger,Edith Brunker, Helen McKeever, Beulah Smith. \Anne DeHority. Bernice Canine, Audrey Ross, Bertha Miller, Esther Ray, Sarah Daniels and Margaret Black. |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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