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222THE NORMAL ADVANCECorning as hostesses. A jolly time was enjoyed by. all on account of the original andnovel contests engaged in, in which Miss MaryNewhouse carried off the honors. Dainty refreshments were served. The guests of theevening were the Misses Wallace, Newman,Scott and Tanzie.Miss Lydia Grabbe is the leader of the Kappas for the coming term, taking the place ofMiss Eva Davis who, at first intended teachingthis year. However, she decided she could notleave her auld friends and has returned toour midst.A theater party, composed of the Kappas,attended Faust, which was presented at theGrand, April 11.The guests were Mrs Lardner and MissesBrandenburg, Taylor, Coble, Davis, Harcourt,Staples, Laughlin, Guthrie, Reitzel, Thompson,Gienor, Nugent and Metcalf.LE CEYJGAS.Le Ceygjas held their meeting of organization for the spring term Wednesday afternoon,April 7, at the home of Etta Walter, 411 NorthSixth Street. Those who have returned to supplement the membership for the winter termare, Etta Eberhart, Lucy Smith, Grace Col-glazier, Bertha Elliott, and Helen Butler, MissWalter was re-chosen leader for the term.Saturday evening, April 17, this Chapter entertained its girl friends at 414 North Sixth St.When the guests assembled at 8 oclock, theywere ushered into the waiting room of a railway station. There they waited for a delayedtrain, getting acquainted and inspecting timetables, weather forecasts, posters with doublemeanings, and post cards. As the last ticketwas sold the merry railroad party began itsexcursion. The trip ended at a little stationwhere table, pencils and tablets were much inevidence, and here, each girl expressed infancy rhymes, the pleasure she had derivedfrom the journey. These were read during apause in which refreshments of ices and cakeswere served.The decorations displayed were true railroad litter, pennants, and the colors of thechapter. The color schemes was carried out inthe refreshments.MU ZETA.The Mu Zeta Section gave a St. Patricksparty Wednesday evening, March 17, at thehome of Miss Helen Margaret Connor, 1318 S.Fourth Street. When the guests assembledthey were presented with hand-painted programs containing the different numbers forthe evenings entertainment. One of these wasfortune-telling by a professional palmist. Thelast two numbers were the singing of well-known college songs and dancing of the Virginia Reel. Punch was served throughout theevening. Ices, cakes and mints were served inthe dining room, which was decorated withpennants and St. Patrick emblems. The members of the Sorority present were the MissesGossman, Shultz, Kester, Hodgers, Abbett,Ellis, Schmidt, Corbett, Minturn, Sigler, Wray,Leasure, Cadden, Adams, Whitmeyer, Connor,Howard, Janisch and Luther. The guests wereMessrs. Grimes, Mace, Thompson, Pelham,Jones, Mace, Schockel, Nicholson, Clippenger,Busch, Rowe, Landrum, Schoeppel, Kerr, Mc-Collough, Volkers, Barbre, Franklin, and Rev.Don D. Tullis. Miss Helmer of Mattoon, 111.,and Miss Forrest Luther of DePauw, were outof town guests.On the evening of March 24 Miss AgnesLuther, formerly an active member of the Section, was united in marriage to the Rev. DonD. Tullis, pastor of the Washington AvenuePresbyterian Church. The Section attendedthe wedding and the reception which followed.The service, which was Quaker in form, wasbeautiful and impressive in its simplicity.After a delightful wedding trip to Florida Mr.and Mrs. Tullis have taken up their residencein the parsonage adjoining the church.Miss Florence Cadden, who has been an active worker in the Section, has moved to Seattle, Washington. |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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