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110THE NORMAL ADVANCEg. JH anfci §, W. C a.Y. M. C. A.T T was on the 12th of Jan. that the first regu-*■ lar Y. M. C. A. meeting of the Winter termwas held. No regular speaker was procuredfor the occasion as the purpose of the meetingwas to be a general assembling or coming-together of the new and old Y. M. workers. Lightrefreshments were served and a rousing timefollowed. An exceedingly large attendancegave great encouragement to the officers of theassociation. It is safe to prophesy that thepresent term will be a banner one in the Y. The membership fee has been loweredto 25 cents, and yet the finances of the association are about as high as in former times.In the coming term, as was the case in thepast term, special music will be a feature in theweekly programs. Every man in school is requested to attend the Tuesday afternoon meetings, and to help make the Y. M. C. A. a bigsuccess. We wish that more of the Facultymembers could find time to be with us on theseoccasions.Y. W. C. A.The Y. W. C. A. meetings havebeen very interesting this past term, and instead of depending entirely upon outside speakers, the girlsthemselves have taken more active part in theprograms, one girl assuming charge of themeeting, and then appointing her assistants.Several times light refreshments have beenserved.Miss Golay directed the Christmas meeting,and there was a musical program, after whichChristmas boxes filled with candy and nuts,were distributed among those present.During this last term we have had two veryinteresting guests in our association, Miss Harriett Haggard, of Boston, who was traveling inthe interest of the Student Volunteer Association and Miss Gertrude McArthur, who wasfor awhile a teacher in the Peeresses School inTokio, and who was traveling in the interest ofthe Central Field Work for Foreign Missions.Miss Haggard addressed the school at chapelexercises, and Miss McArthur spoke at the Y.W. meeting itself, and gave an interesting account of her experiences in Japan, and whatthat little country needs today.The Normal calendars met with a hearty response from those people who are interested inthe school and its activities, and are proud toshow their alma mater. Many of the calendarswere sold, and the cabinet makes grateful acknowledgment of the interest shown in them.The Young Womens Christian Association isopen to all the women of the school, and invitesyou to attend the meetings on Tuesday afternoons at 3 :30 oclock.Cease-man to mourn, to weep, to wail Enjoy thy shining hour of sun:We dance along Deaths icy brink,But is the dance the less of fun?—The Kasidan. |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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