JoyMsiskaSophomore Alex Starry fulfills her position as middle blocker as seniors Aphten Goldman and Annie Philippsen lookon during the contest agains...
192THE NORMAL ADVANCECollege Course anfcr ClaresTHE SENIORS.T7AITH and be jabers you cant put anything4- over the Irish or the Seniors either. If...
guards, Edna Bell, Ethel Scott
center, Charmion AVilliams
substitutes, EdnaAVallace, Jesse Singleton.The Senior class met on March 26 and electedthe following officers for the spring term:President, Mr. Fowle...
vice-president, Mr.AVilson
secretary, Miss AVallace
treasurer,Miss Malott.THE JUNIORS.The Juniors during the last month havebeen compartively inactive. It is but the calmthat precedes the storm. AVith t...
With Paul Woelmer, Jason Jolivette, MichealOliphant, Colby Stratten, and Tyler HurtThe most difficult part^PleVRg with yourfailures cause baseballis a ...
Students receive less aid: Larger pool of students reduces amount of assistance offered; We know what you did this summer: Students...
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...
ynthesisf photosOn August 16, the EarthSpace Science classcompleted a lab in whichthe students createdsnowflakes by placingpaper trees in a salt andwa...
Unused resources : Online survey examines use of Ball State’s classroom aide; Senate holding open forums : Campus invited to com...
Includes Valentines Day specials.
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...