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ynthesisf photosOn August 16, the EarthSpace Science classcompleted a lab in whichthe students createdsnowflakes by placingpaper trees in a salt andwater mixture. It tookapproximately 15 minutesfor the snowflakes to form.PHOTO BY OLIVIA WARNICKSophomore SarahOHanlon passes outstudents schedules to eagerparents during the annualopen house on August 27.The adults went to each oftheir childrens classes andmet with the teachers.PHOTO BY SARA NEMESStickers are placed aswarnings to cars withoutproper passes. It makes memad because even thoughIm an NHS senior and Ibought a parking pass Imstickered because I didntwin the lottery,said seniorFaith Groff. PHOTO BY OLIVIAtheir steThe Panther Activity Council sponsored their first pep session in four years to ignitePanther spirit before the Bloomington North versus Bloomington South football game.j^V oJi^H [^cheerleaders,perform jpsMK^- cheer GoodOld jynSSBH>frig tne event.iOmiBY LOGANf*eDGERSDuring fifth period on September 7,the Bloomington South gym buzzedwith anticipation. For the first time infour years, students engaged in atrue pep rally.Sponsored by the PantherActivity Council (PAC), the eventaimed to spark enthusiasm beforethe North versus South footballgame. We wanted to recognizeour new club and take charge asthe only group that does schoolspirit, sophomore PAC memberTaylor King said.In the past few years, PACsinfluence extended solely to PantherPreview. In 2012, however, theorganization played a larger role inschool activities. Its a lot of hardwork and dedication, but can bestressful, said senior AllisonWilson, vice president of PAC. Iput in at least eight hours a weekplanning the pep rally.PAC members welcomed fallathletes to the event with a jug line,shaking milk containers filled withbeans and sand. Students cheeredas the marching band played theschool fight song and athletesbeamed at their adoring crowd.The main event of the rally wasa relay race with four students fromeach class and a team of fourteachers. Each team dashed up anddown the court, forming humanwheelbarrows with one person on ascooter and the other pushing fromthe back. The sophomore team ofEmily Morrone, Lexie Smith, JohnJager and Isaac Sullivan claimedthe victory. Next, the dance team,coming off of last seasons first-placestate finish, debuted their pomsroutine for an enthusiastic audience.The event received positivereviews from the audience andparticipants alike. I had a lot of funand I think having another onewould be a good idea, freshmanGino Regoli said.From a PAC perspective, thepep rally marked a new era ofPanther involvement. According toKing, the school could expectseveral more celebrations in thefuture.- BAILEY UNDERWOOD AND LAUREN LESLIEactivjtiesS |
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Bloomington High School South |
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