326 THE NORMAL ADVANCEJforum Hiterarp ikicietpJUNE, 1913, marked the close of the ninth year of the Forum. At the beginning of theyear Messr...
Casper Crim, Hartsville, Ind.
Robert Hoffman, Greencastle, Ind.
Casey McDonald, Armstrong, Ind.
Ralph Johnson, Saratoga, Ind.
Russell Warren, Saratoga, Ind.
Thomas Johnston, Bluffton, Ind.
Andrew Merker, Jasper,Ind., and Emmet Riardon, Commiskey, Ind.The literary work of the society has been confined mostly to topics of current even...
S. C. Morrill, of theAlumni, and Mr. Senour, of the active membership. After the banquet the remainder of theevening was spent in dancing....