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22INDIANA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL.IMPORTANT CHANGES.The revised course of instruction now in force contains two im¬
portant and valuable modifications of the old course, under which
the school was conducted for several years.One of these is the increased amount of time given to instruc¬
tion in the natural sciences, and the improved appliances, in room
and apparatus.The increased interest in this important department and the
character of work done during the past two years has proved that
the Board acted wisely in making this an independent depart¬
ment, and in placing a competent and enthusiastic teacher in
charge of it.The other important change is the increased amount of time
given to the strictly professional work of the course. The amount
of work required of students in this department is two-fold what
was formerly demanded. The result must be that the efficiency
of our graduates will be greatly increased. They will leave the
school with a much larger experimental knowledge, since they
spend^more than twice as much time as formerly in the actual
observation and teaching of a school. They not only learn, the
theory of teaching, but the art also, and graduate from the school
experienced teachers.COLLEGE AND HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES.The recent action of the Board of Trustees in establishing
special professional courses of instruction for graduates of Col¬
leges and High Schools, meets with general approval. It is con¬
ceded by all thoughtful persons, that something more is needed
than a knowledge of the branches taught in the schools to ena¬
ble a person to teach efficiently. This something more is the
professional knowledge and skill which the Normal School seeks
to confer. Those possessing the requisite scholarship, can devote
their entire time to the study and practice of the art of teaching.The history of education in this country reveals the fact that
there have been three grades of qualification demanded of the
teacher at different periods. In the first stage of growth of our
educational system, the only preparation demanded was that he
should know the subjects which he was required to teach. |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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