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Description: 326 THE NORMAL ADVANCEJforum Hiterarp ikicietpJUNE, 1913, marked the close of the ninth year of the Forum. At the beginning of theyear Messrs. Carmack, Burget, Fowler, Rightsell, Harshman, and Barker, were presentat the first roll call. The usual order of work was taken up, and the upbuilding of the societywas begun. With this end in view the following new men have been taken into the Forumduring the year: Homer Wright, Clinton, Ind.
Casper Crim, Hartsville, Ind.
Robert Hoffman, Greencastle, Ind.
Casey McDonald, Armstrong, Ind.
Ralph Johnson, Saratoga, Ind.
Russell Warren, Saratoga, Ind.
Thomas Johnston, Bluffton, Ind.
Andrew Merker, Jasper,Ind., and Emmet Riardon, Commiskey, Ind.The literary work of the society has been confined mostly to topics of current eventsrather than to lengthy debating work on one subject. The fact that all of our men were doingwork outside of regular school subjects did not permit of debating work that required agreat amount of time, and current event work was substituted.As ever before the Forum has been foremost in the promoting of fraternal and socialaffairs. The feeling of comradeship is prevalent among Forum men.The first social event of the year was the Christmas dance, given by the graduate members at Indianapolis. It was a splendid affair and served to bring together again the oldmembers of the society. The members present were: Mackell, Senour, Pike, Spencer, Thompson, Nugent, Wright, Asher, McCormick, Burget, Thompson, Wood, Moss, Scudder, Pierce,Smith, Henry and Webb. During the winter a little dancing party was-given by the activemembers at the Elks Club, Terre Haute, Indiana, for the out-of-town fellows and guests.With the arrival of several old members in the spring the Forum House, at 719 Chestnut street, was again filled. The seal was placed upon the wall, and all Forum men bidden tomake the house their headquarters. The men making their home here are Fowler, Rightsell,Johnson, Warren, Senour, Hoffman, Morrill and Mackell.The close of the year was marked by the ninth annual banquet and dance which wasgiven at the Elks Club on Monday evening, June 9. The following active members werepresent: Alfred C. Senour, James F. Mackell, George Burget, Raymond M. Rightsell, LeeHarshmann, Casper Crim, Robert Hoffman, Andrew Merker, Ralph Johnson, Thomas Johnston, Russell Warren, Charles Fowler, Emmet Riardon, and Homer Wright.President W. W. Parsons, Dr. and Mrs. L. J. Rettger, Prof. Frederick Mutterer, Prof. F.S. Bogardus, and Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Westphal served as chaperones. Mr. Mackell, actingas toastmaster, toasts were given by Prof. Bogardus, of the faculty
S. C. Morrill, of theAlumni, and Mr. Senour, of the active membership. After the banquet the remainder of theevening was spent in dancing. The guests included members of the Forum Alumni, members of the faculty of I. S. N. S., representatives from the two other societies of the school,and lady friends.
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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