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Description: 42THE NORMAL ADVANCEECLECTIC.The Eclectics are planning a debate on the
question, Resolved, That equal suffrage is a
benefit to the American home.The captain on the affirmative side is Miss
Fay Wilson and on the negative side Miss
Ruth St. John.A special musical program has been made
for the evening of. the debate.The discussion of Walt Whitmans works
have been discontinued, and the works of Sid¬
ney Lanier are now being discussed.Two new members have been added to our
society, Misses Steepleton and Maehling.We regret to say that we have lost one of
our best members, Miss Jennie Hayth, the vice-
president. Miss Ruth St. John succeeded her
in office.FORUM.The outlook for a great year for the Forum
is the best in the history of the society. With
seven (7) of the old members back in school
the work started off with the real Forum spirit.The number of men in school is limited, but
out of this number the Forum has been able to
secure such gentlemen as Messrs. George Hahn,
Clifford Blackman, Charles Dalton and Luther
Troutman. These men are not only the best
of students, but are also the kind of men in
Avhom the society can anticipate a good future.Messrs. James Mackell, superintendent of
the Montgomery schools, Montgomery, Ind.,
Clem Nugent, who is teaching in the Attica
schools, H. LeRoy Carmack, who is teaching
in the Vincennes schools, Warner Lowe, prin¬
cipal of Blackhawk schools, Lee Harshman,
who is teaching near Terre Haute, and Chester
Pike, The Stylesville Banker, all old Forum
boys, came to Terre Haute on October 25 to
greet old friends and attend the first Normal
dance of the season.Every member intends to attend the annualdance at Indianapolis, given by the graduate
members to the active members, on the night
of December 23. Every active member knows
that his presence is wanted at the occasion, so
let us live up to the real Forum spirit and be
right there to greet our old Forum boys and
make the meeting % grand success.The society is manifesting a teal spirit in
athletics. The Athletic Association has the
service of Messrs. Rightsell, president
Johnson, treasurer
Bob Hoffman, baseball
manager, and Andrew Mercker, custodian.
And to prove to you Thomas Mahans interest
in the national game you need only to notice
his hair cut. It took them so close that his
mustache and pompadour got an even start.A banquet was given in honor of the new
members Friday evening, November 7. The
object of the occasion was to welcome these new
men. Extemporaneous talks were given by the
several members in which all manifested a true
Forum spirit. We were glad to have with us
Mr. Lowe, who made an interesting talk. It
is the ambition of the society to have a house
by the winter term in order to give every mem¬
ber an opportunity to get the best there is-to
be had through the association with his society
brothers.The program committee has arranged a very
interesting line of work for the term, and the
increasing interests which the members are
manifesting in the work is casting a whole¬
some influence over the society, as well as the
individual members, and promises a good year
for the Forum.PHIL OMA THE AN.The meetings of the Philomathean Literary
Society during the past month have been profit¬
able and interesting. Most of the time has
been given to the study of James M. Barrie
and his works. The life of the author, his
home circle, his friends, his methods of writ¬
ing, his style and mannerisms, and his place
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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