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Medium: Recycled wooden cigar boxes in containers.
Quaquaversal - wheresoever - turned in whatever way towards a single point viewing from right or left - reflecting the direction of written&...
Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here Coalition Collection
Popular music song folios from the C. Weir Kirk Collection of Sheet Music, which is part of the Historic Music Collections. These folios,...
Indiana State University Library
Grey pigmented handmade cotton and abaca paper with shredded pages and junk mail flyer inclusions. Flying book images letterpress printed with po...
A silent, slow motion explosion of tumbling books and ripped pages float effortlessly above the invisible corridor. One’s vision shrouded by...
Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here Coalition Collection
Victoria DillingerVincent DiprimioHeather DouglasKatherine Driscoll FaridElijah DuckworthDennis DuggerKorinne DunnNicole DyeMegan DyerAlexander EbbinghouseMary EdgeworthAustin EdwardsTr...
Bloomington High School North
No subjects listed
Tin-Tin class cuts out four foot Snowyf ■■r5^?? x5-’ : -V - ■■■:»1&2 goes to the IU Geolo...
Harmony School
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Claire finishes reading a book about Eastern Religionsfor Independent History Seminar classTansy finishes James Browns autobiography forIndependent History Semi...
Harmony School
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Now in its second year, theHarry Potter Club atBloomington High SchoolSouth is back — bigger andbetter than ever.lots of languagesThree Southst...
Bloomington High School South
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Girls Track RunsInto Record BookAlita Chambers is flying high with her performancein the long jump.Coached again by Garry Anderson, alongwith Assistan...
Edgewood High School
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This book has been dedicated to me, the flag. Why? I am only a piece ofcloth composed of stars on a field of blue with s...
University High School
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Studentsstrugglewith theurge tosnoozePING?It is 8:15 a.m. Your eyes are gettingheavy as the classroom lightsbegin to disappear. Soon you findyour ...
Bloomington High School South
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THE NOEMAL ADVANCE.185G. M. Wilson, a graduate of I. S. N., was electedcounty superintendent of Hendricks County.Prof. Curry—How did Boyette di...
Indiana State University Archives
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Vf9VL\k fal/tisto l|(9vt CdH; actJunior Chandler Waggoner tells his story ofhow he became involved in Theatre South.It was the one...
Bloomington High School South
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Joseph, Akiba ben (author)Queen, Garrett (printer)Riccio, Frank (artist)
Letterpress with linoleum cut. Edition of 50.This collection supports and promotes awareness to the important mission and framework of the Al-Mutanabb...
Our poster is a collaboration between two printmakers at The Virginia Arts Of The Book Center. Its an honor for us, who are so ver...
Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here Coalition Collection
I. Sophomore Kaleb Buclde flies over thefinal hurdle in the home stretch of the 300meter intermediate hurdles at a home meet.II. Sophomore A...
Bloomington High School South
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f tir While looking through a microscope, senior Sophie Krahnke observes 1 00 fruit flies and sorts them by sex for theAP Biology genet...
Bloomington High School North
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ROC’S NO GOOD, HORRIBLE, ABSOLUTELYROTTEN, VERY BAD DAYIt was two days, 15 hours (and ahalf), 9 minutes, 59 seconds (make that...
Harmony School
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Ben, Marabai, & Emma werealways underfoot-.there was once a desk typing nowhereand a hand laughing to the beatthe keyboard talked on endlessl...
Harmony School
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IllAge—9Phone number—988-7037What is the place youd most like to beright now—L.A.Favorite cartoon—BarbieWhy do birds fly—I wonder...How ...
Harmony School
No subjects listed
Age—120Phone—333-8901Why do birds fly? Because they donthave arms.Why dont humans fly? Because theydont have wings.What does Batman say ...
Harmony School
No subjects listed
Awareness, diversity at heart of Student Government Association 1996 agenda; Megaton move; Second dope dog enters Ball State Police K-9 unit...
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...
BSU Student Newspaper