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This book has been dedicated to me, the flag. Why? I am only a piece ofcloth composed of stars on a field of blue with stripes of red and white. OnceI had only thirteen stars. That was in the very beginning. Then the nationwas small, but the spirit of the people was great. I have seen this spirit grow,ever urging men on to tackle the job as they found it. When the pioneerschopped down trees to build log cabins, when the covered wagons pushedthrough to the West, and when homesteads were staked out to be built, I wasthere. *I marveled at the wise men as they planned the future of their young democracy. In May, 1787, in Philadelphia, I waved over Independence Hall. Fromthe convention held there came the beginning of the present constitution. Therewas again pride in my colors when the Bill of Rights was ratified under the newgovernment. I am the symbol of these rights, for they are the foundation ofmy America.Yes, it was my America with a strong foundation that seemingly grew overnight. Roads were built, cities sprang up, and industries were established. Ofcourse, it wasn’t so easy as that, for there were wars to be fought and obstaclesto be overcome. Yet, when the days looked dark, and the job became disheartening, I saw the people try and I saw them conquer.The school system also grew. I watched the children of America as theystudied in one-room long cabins and now I watch them in buildings of moderndesign.Yes, I remember back in September, 1938, when the doors of one of thosemodern schools were opened for the first time. Its name was the UniversitySchool. To begin work was difficult, for there were no traditions and the veryfoundation of organization had to be formed. Students and teachers workedtogether to cultivate organization, spirit, and unity, which mingled togetherto form a network of education.Now in the University School pupils from kindergarten through highschool are benefiting from their school experiences. They are learning to usewisely the freedoms of the country, to understand the meaning of democracy,and to become better citizens.In history of the University High School I have seen five classes of seniorsgo out into the world. Each class carried unforgettable memories of its highschool days, and did its part in making each school year a little better thanthe year before.This year another class is leaving. Now the situation is a bit different fromformer years, for the American way of life is being threatened by war. A warof youth for the democracy and freedom which holds the future. Some willbe called upon to sacrifice more than others; yet, each and every one is willingto do his part to preserve life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.My colors have never been trampled by defeat and I trust that the youthof today will keep me proudly flying. I represent the spirit which built a nation,the freedom and democracy of a people, and the future of every individual.Yes, I shall ever wave “o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.’’—I III W |
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University High School |
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