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Now in its second year, theHarry Potter Club atBloomington High SchoolSouth is back — bigger andbetter than ever.lots of languagesThree Southstudentsdiscuss theirrespectivelanguageclubs.FRENCH CLUBI feel like we do the mostactivities of any otherlanguage club, such asactually going to France.- sen/or Tabitha RomingerSPANISH CLUBWe eat lots of food andspeak Spanish. We have alot of fun in Spanish Club.— senior Grant Dingman~*MP EMMA■-4)GERMAN CLUBMaifest was a blast. Besidesthat, we ate food, had lots offun, and spoke German.sophomore Ashley KellarVROOM! SWISH! Harry Potter club is flying!Harry Potter Club initially began inspring of 2012, but wasnt able to get off theground until fall of the next school year. Clubmembers meet a minimum of twice a month inclub sponsor Mrs. Susie Sheltons room. Weget together and wear Harry Potter thingsand get points, sophomore AlexandriaConger said. Students earned points for theirHogwarts House by bringing in snacks for theclub, wearing Potter paraphernalia andparticipating in activities, such as triviabased games, according to senior WendyVencel. A duel, one of the most popularactivities, is played by two students fromopposing Houses, who are given a topic andhave to outsmart the other players to winpoints.All the Houses compete for points, andat the end of the year we have a House Cupcelebration, senior Head of Slytherin HousePyoung-Hwa Han explained. To sorthouses, students took a quiz author J.K.Rowling endorsed, met with the Sorting Hatand then were seated with the rest of theirhouse at their corresponding tables.With membership finally rising, the clubwas excited this year to introduce MuggleQuidditch and the first South TriwizardTournament. Its just the same as[Potterverse] Quidditch, except ... we cantfly, Conger said. To play, competitorsmounted their broomsticks and had to runwithout letting it drop. You have to bemounted at all times so you cant use bothhands to throw the quaffle or the bludger,Han said. The quaffle is replaced with a semi-deflated volleyball; bludgers, twododgeballs. We play how the collegiategroup plays it, Vencel added, referring tothe well-rooted phenomenon of collegeQuidditch teams.Of the most well-known childrens literatureacross the globe, the Harry Potter series maybe among the most beloved. It was the firstbook series I got interested in when I was akid, Vencel reminisced. Hailed for the theircreativity and cleverness, the books have alsobeen attributed positive messages -including, sophomore Ashley Kellar said.Dont let the obstacles like Voldemort get inyour way.The club has much on the horizon incoming years, including, some hope, a YuleBall - but for the 2013-2014 school year,the focus was on moving the clubs activitiesout of the classroom and into the school andcommunity. Weve tried to do more funactivities outside of school, get more peopleinvolved and branch out besides meeting in aclassroom and talking, Vencel explained.As a meeting of the minds and amerging of two worlds, Souths Harry PotterClub hopes to go above and beyondexpectations next year. As Han declared:Once you read Harry Potter, youredefinitely hooked.-ARIANNE KELLEYACADEMICS & ACTIVITIE |
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Bloomington High School South |
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