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f tir While looking through a microscope, senior Sophie Krahnke observes 1 00 fruit flies and sorts them by sex for theAP Biology genetics lab. This month-long lab was a wayfor the students to study inheritance and genetic traitsthrough their observations, photo by KelseyMcNeill ■ Junior Maya Fraser takes notes on a plant at the IU greenhouse. The AP Biology class took a trip to Jordan Hall toobserve plants and animals as Darwin did, with sketchesand written observations, photo by JanelleBeasleyX*t. ,, L,sIn Greg Mongolds AP Calculus AB class,senior Kelsey Brannon graphs the secondderivative of a function. Brannon says sheis able to manage her time between herAP and Honors classes with softball by notputting off working on her homework. Itschallenging, but Ive always loved mathand Mr. Mongold shows his love for mathand teaching, which is whats mostimportant, said Brannon.Aided by the computer card catalogand a brief orientation given by alibrary staff worker, AP English 1 2students swarmed the 1 0 floorsof lUs Herman B. Wells libraryin December. Instructor Bill Haystakes his senior students on afieldtrip to the library once ayear to explore paper topics forthe novel Middlemarch by GeorgeEliot. Boasting a collection of over4.6 million volumes of text, the libraryprovided plentiful materials for thestudents to choosefrom. Nestled inthe rows of textsand manuscripts,senior Brian Inlowpreviews a bookfor the researchpaper. I thoughtit was kind of coolthat we got to gothere, Inlow said.However, he admitted hewas a little intimidated bythe stacks of by JanelleBeasleyWith the nationwideeconomic crisis, the stateof Indiana made thedecision to stop subsidizing AP math and sciencetests. Formerly $1 3, testtakers must now paythe full $86 per exam.Several students wereforced to reconsider thenumber of tests they hadplanned to take with thenew financial considerations in mind. Here arethe number of AP teststhree students intendedon taking and how manythey actually took.4*2My mom wouldntpay for it.—junior Andrew FranczykI still want to take it because of how importantit was on my transcript.—junior Stephen Zerfas2*0It cost too much money.Its disappointing thatthe state isnt willing tohelp out students.senior Nick McBride*aa 44 □ ap classes o |
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Bloomington High School North |
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