THE NORMAL ADVANCE109LANGUAGE DEPARTMENTLATINTranslations from Horaces OdesLydia die per omnisFair Lydia, by the gods, impart:Why dost thou ply thine ...
Nor cares a fiery steed to sit,And tame him with the jagged bit.His precious limbs he dreads to riskTn Tibers waves and currents brisk...
The anointing oil, that soothing flood,He shuns as though twere vipers blood.His brawny arms, once black and blueWhen pondrous shaft or quoit...
Boisterous winds around thee roar
Be brave, and boldly seize the shore.Seest thou not thy side is strippedOf all its oars, thy rigging rippedBy the cruel wind, and the...
For such my state, my humble boardThe choicer drinks cannot afford.—Helen Connor.