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216THE NORMAL ADVANCElife. You reply by saying, O Im safe so
long as I make my as. We agree with you
in making as, and if you have more than
you need you will always find room on our
books for the strays. School work comes first
at all times but complete education calls for
wholesome recreation.Only school teachers and professors say any¬
thing about grades (we exempt from this list
those who may be found in the front ranks of
the modern Crusaders, fighting for the New
Renaissance). The world wants folk that
can dare and do she never asks what we did in school, but she is keen to know what Ave can do today, tomorrow and the rest of our lives. TomorroAV you and your neighbor will apply for the same position your grade book will be filled with as, his will be conspicu¬ ous for the absence of as. (Apologies to two hits. But we Avere defeated by a score of the Sophomores for this expression). You and he shall be weighed in the balance the posi¬ tion is his, you are outraged and believe that merit counts for nothing, that college is a fail¬ ure, and that he had a pull. Yes, he had the pull of leadership, of the ability to think and do, and of the ability to meet and be met.Would you attend a school that refused to support a graduating class? Well, hardly. Yet you refuse to support your class and school interests. HeavTen helps those Avho help them¬ selves. Put your hand to the ploAv and turn not away, support your class and your school, and in return they will support you. Dont ask for the leadership of a community until you have shown yourself Avorthy of it. You reply, I cant afford to pay class dues. Think again, the dues are low and only a feAv shoAvs need be missed, and lo, and behold, you will have dues enough and to spare. Spend in¬ tensely rather than extensively. Get into line, prepare to be.all that you may. Weave an edu¬ cational coat with a woof and Avarp, Avhichshall be proof against the frosts of competi¬ tion and the shards and thorns of existence. Let not the days come Avhen you shall feel that you have missed the big things in school life. Pay your dues and lend a helping hand to your class. When you become a teacher you will have affairs and doings of various kinds to superintend! now is the time to learn the ins and outs of the thing while the learning is good.Could you arrange for a banquet? Could you arrange a series of toasts with appropri¬ ate subjects? Could you act as toastmaster if called upon ? Could you give a toast Avith vim and zest? Could you give the proper response to the finer ways of society? We cannot, but we have decided to practice on the Seniors seeing that they are good natured and Avilling. Socrates said to the youth, Come with me and I will show you the ways of Avisdom. We say, Come play your part and all good things will follow in due season.The gist of the whole matter is this: The Juniors are going to give the Seniors the cus¬ tomary banquet during commencement Aveek. It is to be lamented that this laudable custom Avas ever neglected but the Juniors believe in all that is worth the while and they propose to see that it is not neglected this time. The College folks are going to help us so we shall find that in union there is power and strength.The Juniors met on the 21st and on the 23rd of last month and decided to give the annual banquet followed by the dance. It is to be hoped that all Normal and College Juniors will join in making this a great success and thus shoAV other schools that I. S. N. can support a graduating class in a manner Avorthy of their respect and commendation.MORAL: If you dont pay your dues, act the man, prepare for leadership, and catch a world vision while the catching is good, or the hobgoblins of inefficiency will get you. |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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