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Showing 41 - 60 of 522 results
Search Results - (( first state re...
Showing 41 - 60 of 522 results
The July 1980 issue of TROIS (Three Rivers One In Six), a publication of the Gay/Lesbian Organization (GLO) at Fort Wayne....
Northeast Indiana Diversity Library
The April/May 1982 issue of TROIS (Three Rivers One In Six), a publication of the Gay/Lesbian Organization (GLO) at Fort ...
Northeast Indiana Diversity Library
The June 1985 issue of TROIS (Three Rivers One In Six), a publication of the Gay/Lesbian Organization (GLO) at Fort Wayne....
Northeast Indiana Diversity Library
Edwin Coots, local undertaker and county coroner, was asked to take over as acting mayor during the weeks of the 1937 Ohio River Valley...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
One typed page including photograph of St. Benedict Church before the fire in 1930. A brief history of St. Benedict Church.
WABASH VALLEY P R O F I L E SA series of tributes to hometown people and events that have shaped our history.St. Benedict ChurchTh...
Vigo County Historical Society
Frank Monroe Rose was 17 years of age when the 1937 flood reached Jeffersonville, Indiana. He was living with his father and two sister...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
Arthur L. Smith, closed his auto repair shop during the flood and volunteered himself and his boat to rescue people trapped by the floo...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
The wife of a city council member, Catherine Richardson describes the tense hours leading up to the Ohio River flooding the city of Jef...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
An employee newsletter
the ·OLIVER MIRRORVOLUME 3, No. 2 FEBRUARY, 1951Donagher, Miles, RichieElected Vice PresidentsHOMER F. DONAGHERW. E. MILESL. PIERCE RICHIECHICAGO, ILL.-A.&...
Business & Industry
A magazine dedicated to sharing the mission, spirituality and ministries of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana
2 HOPE // WINTER 2011The Shrine of Saint Mother Theodore GuerinFor information about Saint Mother Theodore Guerin, contact Sister BarbaraDoherty,...
Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana
An employee newsletter.
Business & Industry
Transcript of a series of six interviews with Alfred F. Dowd, a former employee and administrator of the Indiana correctional system for mor...
Indiana State Library Oral History Collection
An interview with George Bere who was age 33 at the time of the 1937 Ohio River Flood. At the time he worked at his brothers&...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
Autobiography of Ruth Tulchinsky. Ms. Tulchinsky recounts her life in Germany and immigration to the United States before World War II, her ...
- . - •THE FOUR QUESTIONSThe Four QuestionsThe previous page shows a family Seder at a Passover festival in which themother is hiding...
Civil Rights and African American History
Program and speeches for Indiana States fiftieth anniversary in 1920.
Indiana State University Archives
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922