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An employee newsletter. theOLIVER MIRRORVOLUME 2, No. 6 JULY, 1950OLIVER MODEL 4 CORN PICKERPLACED IN PRODUCTIONBATTLE CREEK, MICHIGAN- One of the first of the new Model 4 Corn Pic ke rs toroll off the a ssembly li ne is g ive n a check by H. C. Wolsey, left, assistant ch iefe ng ineer, Hugh Wa llace, a sse mbly line fore ma n, in drive rs seat, and Be rt J.Noakes, stand ing, assista nt plant supe rinte nd e nt.BATTLE CREEK MICH.-Climaxingseven year of engineering anddevelopment res arch the OLIVERModel 4 Corn Picker, n westmemb r of the companys farmmachinery line was placed inproduction at th Battle Cr ekplant on June 29.The first direct-mounted pickermanufactured by OLIVER, the Model4 is d signed to harvest modernhigh -producing hybrid cornwhere yields reach as high as 100bu hels to the acre. Poweredthrough the tractor power takeoffshaft the late t addition to theFine t in Farm Machinery isgeared to four mile per houroperation with ability to harvesttwenty acres a day. The raisingand lowering operation of themachine is controlled hydraulically.Fourte n experimental modelsof the n w picker were designed,built and field tested during thedevelopment period. Test runswere made in the corn-belt stateof Ohio, Indiana, Nebraska andIllinoi .The re earch and developmentof the new picker were directedby Chris Nyberg, chief engineer,Battle Creek plant. He was assistedby H. C. Wolsey assistant chiefengineer, and John Twells, designengineer. Mr. Twells built theoriginal pilot model in 1943 withthe assistance of John Powell,owner of the basic patents.In th corn picker line, the BattleCreek OLIVER plant also manufacturethe one-row pull-typecorn picker, marketed in 1947,and the two-row pull- type, firstmanufactured in 1935.DAVE RICH - BATTLE CREEKNEW EDITORSJOIN MIRROR STAFFCHICAGO ILL.- Recently joiningthe plant editor staff of THEOLIVER MIRROR are Dick OverholserCharle City plant · andDave Rich, Battl Creek. Dickreplac Bob Watters who hasbeen transferred from th per-onneldepartment to methods.During hi 18 month a planteditor Bob wrot many excellentarticle for the paper, outstandingamong them being his tory ofThe Little Brown Church appearingin the current i sue, thelapidary hobby tory an articleabout Loen Fritsche lingui t andmany ther of a production andhuman interest nature.Dave Rich, formerly in productioncontrol, ha assumed theduties as assi tant personnel managerat the Battle Creek plantreplacing Howard Thoma , transferredto Public Relations, Chicagooffice.Dick OverholserA recent graduate of the Universityof Iowa Dick calls RedOak, Iowa his home town. Hejoined the personnel departmentof th Charle City plan duringJune.With a considerable backgroundin newspaper work Dick shouldprove a natural for the job as theCharles City plant editor. Dickis married to a former b autyque n from the university and isnow located in Charles Cit .(Continued on Page 7, Col.1)DICK OVERHOLSER - CHARLES CITYSOUTH BEND 2 STRIKEENDS AFTER 40 DAYSCHICAGO, ILL. - Employes ofOLIVERS South B nd plant 2 werer caU d to work beginning Jul17 after announcement was madethat the 40 day old strik hadb n ettled.The settlement came when themembership of Local 296, UAWCIOvoted Sunday July 16, to acceptan arb i tration propo alreached by plant management andunion official at a meeting withFederal Conciliator, Ch ster Ralston.Under the agreem nt an indepndent arbitator will rul uponthe dispute, caus of which wasthe companys action in dischargingan employe for cause. Managementstated that th dischargedemploy destroy d a timestudy report. The union cont ndedthat it was accidental.Under the terms of the m diationpropo al the only question tobe consider d by the arbitrator ithe discharge. C. W. Shider, planmanager stat d that no contractchanges ar involved, but that theme tings did bring about a meetingof the minds on time-studyprocedures. The case in questionwill be heard by th arbitrator onAugust 4.Cleveland Remains OutTractor production at the Clevelandplant r mains at a standstillwith the strik called on May 18still in eff ct. Cause of this strikewas the inability of managementand the union to agree on companyrequest d contract changesat the termination date of the oldcontract. M etings betwe n localplant manag m nt, union officials,and conciliation are being heldregularly, but at this writing littleprogress ha b en reported.Further progres has b en x;e portd in rec n m tings atSouth Bend 1, pointing toward anearly agreement on a pension andin urance plan. Of the important(Con tinued on Page 5 Col. 3)2.,,_OLIYER~MIRRORVOLUME 2 o. 6Published at Chicago, Ill., by and for themembers of the OLIVER Organization.The OLIVER Corporation400 W. Madison Street, Chicago 6, Ill.JULY, 1950Ed ito rHoward D. ThomasPla nt Ed itorsBattle Creek .. ............. ............. Dave RichCharles City ........................ R. C. WattersCleveland ........... ... .................... Len OgleShelbyville ........ ................ G. BlankenshipSouth Bend No. 1 ........................ Dick FrySouth Bend No. 2 .............. John TuoheySpringfield ............................ Tom RobertsStaff Photographe rsCharles Dillman Carl RabeTheron Tallman Alfred DeverellThebert DetrickEl GentryJack Fort• July, 1950TOURING FRENCHMEN STUDYOLIVER MANUFACTURING METHODSVACATION NOTEAlong the waterfront in historicBaltimore, Maryland, stands theCandler Building. In this buildinga visitor may see a birds eyeview of the employment historyof approximately 97 million people,for housed herein are therecords of all who have appliedfor Social Security numbers.The Social Security Administrationinvites the public to viewthe worlds largest bookeepingoperation. Visitors are impressedby record keeping machines thatalmost talk, and are so sensitivethat the slightest error causesthem to stop.Vacationists to Washington, D.C., Baltimore, or nearby locationwill find a trip to the CandlerBuilding to be educational and ofextreme interest.Picture on Page 3By Dave RichBATTLE CREEK, MICH. - OLIVERSBattle Creek plant had the airand appearance oi a junior-sizedUnited Nations on June 21 and22 as 20 French farm machinerypeople delved into the Americanway of producing farm machinery.Under the sponsorship of theEconomic Cooperative Association,better known as the ECA thegroup of French visitors touredthe Battle Creek plant as a partof a seven week visit to majorfarm machinery manufacturingplants in the middle west. Accompanyingthe group were fourinterpreters, three of whom arenatives of France.CHARLES CITY CALLING AUSTRALIAHighlighting the plant visit wasthe conference held on the afternoonof the 21st, at which timethe plant guests sat down withJ. R. Mohlie, plant manager, andlearned first hand the plant methodsand procedures. Each of theFrench speaking conferees hadheadphones, and interpreter Jacg_~s Petit translated their questionsfor Mr. Mohlie and otherBattle Creek plant personnel, andthe answers were rapidly transmittedinto French by Mr. Petit.MELVIN STAEBLER- Radio HamCHARLES CITY, IOWA- Anyonedesiring to talk with Australia,Japan, New Zealand, France, England,and any number of otherforeign countries need only getin touch with Melvin Staebler, anelectrician at the Charles Cityplant since 1948. Melvin statesthat he is only one out of 80,000radio hams in the United States;however, few probably have operatedas long as he has, havingbeen actively engaged in radiooperation for fifteen years.Everything in Melvins 450-500watt set is home built exceptthose things which must of necessitybe purchased, uch a tubesand condensers. The set is builtto operate on either radio, telephone,or code, and in case ofpower failure, he has built anemergency AC generator sufficientto run a 75 watt transmitter.A former member of the AmericanRadio Emergency League,Melvin has been an active forcein cooperating with the Red Crossand the Armed Forces in time ofnational emergency. During thewar he served as a radiomanaboard a YP boat. It was MelvinsYP that helped supply the fleet ofPTs which took General MacArthurout of the Philippines.Of interest to the members ofthe delegation were two of theguides employes of the plant.Adrian Dionne, assembler, wholived in France for 15 years andwho speaks the language :fluently,was a popular companion to thegroup. William Brandenburg, dispatchclerk, and a retired Armycaptain reviewed many memorieswith the visitors from across theAtlantic. Bill saw many monthsof action in World War II in NorthAfrica, Italy, France, and Germany,and learned to speak theFrench language through necessity.Other guides were Les DeMent,service manager, and DaveRich, assistant personnel manager.Visit South Bend 1Upon completion of the BattleCreek tour the French farm machinerymen departed for a weekendin Niles, Michigan, and continuedtheir plant visitations witha trip through the OLIVER SouthBend 1 plant on Monday, June 26.The windup was to be a tripthrough the South Bend Studebakerplant on June 27.Other companys included inthe tour were International Harvester,Massey- Harris, Allis- Chal-BURTWELL APPOINTEDCANADIAN MANAGERFREDERICK G. BU RTWELLCHICAGO, ILL.- The appointmentof Frederick G. Burtwell as Canadianmanager for The OLIVERCorporation was announced byMerle S. Tucker, vice president,on June 23. Mr. Burtwell succeedsDouglas Swinton, Canadianmanager for 19 years, who passedaway June 9 after an extendedillness.Mr. Burtwell joined the CanadianOLIVER Chilled Plow Worksin 1928. During his 22 years withthe company he has served asdistribution manager for westernCanada office manager at boththe Winnipeg and EdmontonBranches, Canadian accountant,and Canadian comptroller. In 1946he was appointed assistant Canadianmanager, and has been actingmanager for the past nine months.Long years of experience inboth sales and accounting makeMr. Burtwell particularly wellfitted to head up our Canadianorganization.mers John Deere J . I. Case, andthe Caterpillar Tractor company.Roger Fabre, owner of the FabreCompany, farm machinerymanufacturers located in Paris,was the group leader. In chargeof the tour was Frank Higgin ,a projects manager for ECA inWashington.TelaNews, nationally famousnews camera service, filmed manyphases of the trip, including thetour of the Battle Creek plant.The finished picture will be shownthroughout Wes tern Europe as areport to the people on the farmmachinery industry in the UnitedStates.3. • July, 1950s~.--·--Battle Creek, Mich.- A tour of the plant completed, members of the touring. ECAsponsored French industrial group sit down with members of the Battle Creek plantmanagement and compare notes on plant methods and procedures. At head table,left to right are: W. S. Schader, personnel manager; l. W. Parrott, repairs andshipping manager; Les DeMent, service manager; Cecil Wolsey, assistant chiefe ngineer; Merle McClure, budget analyst; J . R. Mohlie, plant manager; JacquesPetit, Paris, chief interpreter. At far right is Bill Brandenburg, second from rightAdrian Dionne, plant employes, both of whom acted as interpreters for the group.SOUTH BEND, IND. (Pla nt 1)-Bob Cole, sixth place winner with a net 74, teesoff in the first golf tournament of the year held by Plant l employees. Playingover the beautiful and difficult Erskine Park course, Keith Bondurant copped tophonors for the day with a net 60.PERSONALITIES IN THE NEWSBATTLE CREEK, MICH.-Studying with interest a load of cylinders on the assemblyline at the Oliver Battle Creek plant are six members of the farm machineryindustry of France. The plant visitation, sponsored by the ECA, was one in aseries stops at major farm machinery manufacturing plants in the middle west.Guide for the group was Dave Rich, assistant personnel manager, extreme.Jacques Petit, second from right, accompanied the French delegation as chiefinterpreter.CLEVELAND, OHIO- Outstanding scholar, president of the student council, PatriciaWawrzniak, Euclid High School senior, was awarded the 1950 Oliver ClevelandManagement Club scholarship. Miss Wawrzniak plans to major in science and toenter the field of nursing after graduation . Left to right: J. W. Fickes, club secretary;Miss Wawrzniak; R. Bruce Scott, club president; E. A. Gentry, cha irman ofscholarship committee; and Mrs. Helen Sheats, dean of girls, Euclid High School.South Bend, lnd .-(Plant l ) A recent event of power importance took place atOlivers South Bend plant l when the complete conversion from 25 cycle to 60 cyclepower was successfully completed . Started in May, 1945, this changeover calledfor complete plant rearrangement and the elimination of line shaft drives. MathewSaree, electrician foreman, makes the final pull on the 25 cycle switch, as JosephKealey, power house for e man, looks on .4. • July, 1950FAMILY TEAMWORKCHARLES CITY STYLEBy Dick OverholserCHARLES CITY, IOWA- Thirty-nine years of loyal Oliver service is pictured above.Ernest Schwartzkopf, second from right, recently celebrated his 25th yea r at theCharles City plant. Sons Francis, left, and Bernard, right, olso are employed atOLIVERS wheel tractor plant. Mrs. Schwa rtzkopf, a typical American mother of atypical American family, guided husband Ernest to the tall corn state when theyarrived in the United States from Germany.CHARLES CITY, IOWA- Thi is notonly a typically American succestory, but also an exampleof OLIVER teamwork on a family1 el. The hou sehold in questionis the Ernest Schwartzkopf family.Ernie industrial engineer atthe Charles City plant, and sonsBernard and Francis have accumulateda total of nearly 39year of service with OLIVER. Thistotal does not include son-in-lawLeRoy Webster, a pattern maker,who has been employed at theplant for five years.German ImmigrantsIn order to have the opportunityto live in a free land, theSchwartzkopfs migrated to thiscountry from Germany more thana generation ago. Due to the factthat Mrs. Schwartzkopf had relativesthat lived in Iowa, thefamily moved directly to the tallcorn state where Ernie got hisfirst job in his new land.Ernest, who observed his 25thyear of employment at the CharlesCity plant last July 1 was originallya bench worker on theHart-Parr washing machine, aide-line of the Hart-Parr tractorindu try. He recalls that at thattime Hart-Parr manufactured the12- 24, 22-40, and 18-36 modelt ractors, a far cry from todaysmodern line of OLIVER tractors.A the years passed, Ernie advancedfrom operating an enginelathe to the job as turret latheoperator, then to the gear machine.His foreman on the latterjob was C. W. Shider, who is nowplant manage at the OLIVER So thBend plant 2. Further promotionsbrought Ernie to his present title,industrial engineer. Although hewont take full credit for bringinghis sons into the OLIVER organization,he does admit that he mayhave influenced them somewhat,especially after their return homefrom service with the armedforces.The old adage, as father is, sois his son, certainly holds truein this story, for both Bernie, atime study man, and Francis, apattern maker, are following inthe steps of their Dad as a partof the Charles City OLIVER organization.Although Bernie is marriedand no longer lives at hisparents home, his visits are manyand the Schwartzkopfs spend agreat deal of time together in aclosely knit family circle.If ever a man was grateful forthe opportunity to enjoy democracyas it is found in America,and to live the life of an Americancitizen, Ernest Schwartzkopfis that man. It takes people likeErnie to remove the complacencyin many of us who take theseprivileges a a daily matter ofcourse.SPRINGFIELDORGANIZESPLANT SOFTBALLSPRI GFIELD, OHIO- Primary aimof the newly elected athletic committeeat OLIVERS Springfield plantwas mass athletic participationamong employes. First move inachieving this desired participationwas the formation of anOLIVER Plant Softball League.·Composed of four teams, namelythe Foundry, Tool Room, Office,and Assembly, the games areplayed every Wednesday night atthe Cosmopolitan field.First game played was a highscoring contest, with the Foundryteam downing the Tool Room bya 34-4 margin.VETERAN BONUSDEADLINES NEARCHICAGO, ILL. - Veter ans whohave not filed for their respectivestate bonus are urged to do sobefore the filing deadline. Veteransdesiring information or aidin filing, are advised to contactlocal Veterans Administration office,or the Red Cross.Deadline for filing bonus applicationsare Illinois, June 30,1951; Michigan, March 20, 1951 ·Indiana, January 1, 1951; Ohio,June 30, (past) ; and Iowa, December31, 1950.WYGANT SHOOTSHOLE IN ONESOUTH BEND, IND. - (Plant 1)Playing in a foursome with JoeZawierucha, assembly; Bob Cole,stock No. 2; and Ralph Heck, processengineering, George Wygantof Plant l s cashiers office accomplishedthe dream of all linksmenby holing out a tee shot fora coveted hole in one.The unusual happening_, andone that will remain forever inGeorges golfing memoirs, tookplace on the difficult number 4hole at the South Bend Erskinegolf course. The hole measures216 yards par 3. Georges accomplishmentwas the fourth totake place in the 25 year historyof the course.To date he has received a caseof Wheaties for his valiant effort,and the members of theplant golf league expect greatthings from George once he getsaround his breakfast of champions.AMERICAN LEGIONHONOR GRISSOMJOHN GRISSOMSPRINGFIELD, OHIO - John T.J ack Grissom, accounting grouple ad er , Springfield plant , washonored by the members of theOhio American Legion at the annualconvention held in Xenia,Ohio, when he was nominatedand elected to the post of Commander,Third District of Ohio.A staff sergeant, infantry, duringWorld War II, Jack has beenan active member of the AmericanLegion for five years. He wasAdjutant of the Third Districtduring 1949. The district he nowcommands includes more than9,000 Legionnaires.RECENT PROMOTIONSCongratulations are extended bymembers of The OLIVER Organizationto the following men whohave been promoted recently.South Bend 1Joseph Mahoney, formerlyPunch Press Operator to Foreman,Cut and Punch. GeorgeMatthews transferred from DrillPress Operator to Foreman, ForgeNo. 2. Charles Meeker, assignedas Quality Control Engineer. Hewas formerly a Design Engineer.Frank B. Thomas, transferredfrom Assembler to Foreman AssemblyNo. 1. Alvin Bajer toForeman, Assembly No. 1 fromAssembler. Valentine Dolniakfrom Assembler to Foreman , AssemblyNo. 2.Charles CityBob Watters, former MIRROReditor for Charles City plant,from Personnel Department toMethods Department.Chicago OfficeDick Hurlburt, formerly SalesOrder Supervisor, Cleveland Industrial,to Chicago Sales.SpringfieldCharles Boggs . promoted fromFactory Clerk, Forge Shop, toForeman, Forge Shop.the5. OLIVER MIRROR • July, 1950THE LITTLE BROWNCHURCH IN THE VALEBy Bob WattersCHARLES CITY, IOWA- Theres achurch in the valley by the wildwoods.. . With very few exceptions,everyone has at one time oranother during their lifetime sangthe very famous hymn The LittleBrown Church in the Vale. Yet,not everyone is aware that TheLittle Brown Church is more thana myth and that it actually existstoday as a physical symbol of asong that has been sung millionsof times in churches throughoutthe world.The Little Brown Church ,tarted in the year 1860, completedin 1864, stands today near Nashua,Iowa, just eleven miles south ofCharles City. Originally paintedbrown, since that was the cheapestpaint color available, thestructure has remained unchangedthroughout the years except forthe addition of an oil burningfurnace and electric lights.A National ShrineThe song which made thechurch famous was written byDr. W. S. P itz, whose home wasoriginally in Wisconsin. Dr. Pitzmade a trip to the vicinity of TheLittle Brown Church and whilethere became so entranced by thebeauty of the spot that upon hisreturn home he wrote the nowfamoussong.A few months later he movedto a small town near the locationof the church and introduced hissong originally by singing it duringa church service. As the songrapidly gained recognition andacclaim throughout the world,The Little Brown Church becamea national shrine. Thousands ofvisitors flock there yearly to paytheir respect to a monument thatwill never be forgotten. Thechurch congregation now makesit a practice to sing the song atthe close of each service.The church is the place of worshipfor many OLIVER employes ofthe Charles City plant. M. L.Nicholson, a general carpenter atthe plant for nearly twenty years,and Mrs. Nicholson are both onthe board of trustees of The LittleBrown Church. Mrs. Nicholsonhas been attending services therefor nearly half a century. She isalso secretary-treasurer of thechurch. Henry Bartell, anotherOLIVER employe, is a Sundayschool instructor at the church.According to Mr. Nicholson,souvenir hunters often wreakconsiderable damage to the churchin their quest to take home remembrancesof their visit. All ofthe church songbooks contain thefamous song, and on the upperright hand corner of the pagebearing the song is purposelystamped the Commandment, ThouShalt Not Steal. Yet, hardly aweek passes without the necessityTHE UTILE BROWN CHURCHCHARLES CITY, IOWA- Mr. and Mrs.M. l. Nichol so n, left, pose with Rev.a nd Mrs. F. l. Hanscom on the steps ofthe fa mous lit tle Brown Church. Mrs.Hanscom plays the church organ andsings fo r the marriage ceremon ies.of replacing a few of those pages.Famous as a result of a song,The Little Brown Church has alsobecome famed as a place of marriage.Couples from all of theforty - eight states, and from alarge number of foreign countries,have been married in the church.The Philippine Islands and SouthAmerica were represented onlyrecen tly. Last year more than1,200 couples spoke their marriage vows in the famous littlechurch. The number of marriagesperformed in one day has reachedas high as twenty- one.If you ever happen to visitCharles City, or to be drivingnear Nashua, Iowa some Sundaymorning, a trip to The LittleBrown Church will long be remembered,for it is there that youmay hear the strains of this famouschurch song come drifting outof the vale, sung in The LittleBrown Church, as only the congregationof the church can singit, complete with all of the inspirationalsurroundings and historicalbackground.40 Day Strike Ends(Continued from Page 1, Col. 4)issues remaining to be settled, thethree foremost are exclusion ofleaves of absences from past seniorityservice credits, employmentqualifications in event of total disabilty,and service credits forunion officials. Also to be agreedupon is the wage re-opening date.The labor pictures at BattleCreek, Charles City, Shelbyville,and Springfield present no seriousdifferences at the present time.Battle Creek is operating aroundthe clock under the new two-yearcontract signed on May 4. At theother three plants negotiationsare presently taking place on economicissues.MEN WITH IDEAS!JAMES W. RHOADSSPRINGFIELD $1190.25JOSEPH MAGRUMBATTLE CREEK $705.58MAURICE McCANNBATTLE CREEK $671 .04JOHN BURTSPRINGFIELD $615.80N. S. BOYERSo. Bend Plant No.1 $600.47TED FRANKCHARLES CITY $583.58JACK H. WOKATYCLEVELAND $535.27CLARENCE J. KRUMMCHARLES CITY $486.07KYLE JONESCHARLES CITY $449 .61MYLES THOMAS$428.7 16.theOLIVERm MIRROR • July, 1950FREAK ACCIDENT PROVESGROUP INSURANCE VALUECHARLES CITY PLANT FIREMENDO DOUBLE DUTYCHARLES CITY, IOWA- The CharlesCity plant fire fighting squad willnot be lacking in know howshould it ever become necessaryto fight any large scale fires.Five members of the plant squadalso serve as regular members ofthe city volunteer firemen. DaleTower, assistant maintenance superintendent,and captain of theOLIVER fire - fighters, has served atotal of 16 years as a fire departmentmember, the last 8 beingwith the Charles City department.SPRINGFIELD, O HIO- Unwelcome guests, ignoring the conve ntionol means ofe ntrance, were the car and occupants that interrupted a canasta game at the LewLinton home on Sunday, May 28. Lew is steel stock control man at Olivers Sprin gfie ld plant. The Oliver Group Insurance Plan proved its worth to Lew, who wasoff work for two weeks as the result of this unexpected event.Francis Oldham, service department,has the greatest length ofdepartmental service with 32 yearsto his credit. Almon Lynch, inspector;Lawrence Matthews, toolroom; and Leonard Da.bes, toolroom are 8 year men.The OLIVER fire fighting squadalso includes Jack Baker, maintenanceforeman, serving as assistantchief; Cecil Rose, maintenanceforeman, also an assistantchief· and Eugene Galant, heattreat department.By Tom RobertsSPRI GFIELD, OHIO- Most of usare inclined to r emark at leastonce, Why group insurance? Accidentshappen to the other fel low,not me.Let take a look at what happenedin the life of the LewLinton family, three of whom areemployed at the Springfield plant.Lew, steel stock control man,his wife Golda, and their daughter,JoAnne, employed in officetores, were sitting in their frontroom on th e n ight of Sunday,May 28. Mr. and Mr . Linton wereplaying canasta while daughterJoAnne was acting as umpire.About 7: 45 p.m. the Lintonsheard a squealing of brakes andsuddenly they were aware of thepresence of uninvited guests inthe form of a car and occu pantsthat came crashing throu gh theoutside wall and into the livingroom.Pinned By WheelWh en th e debr is and du st stoppedflying the Lin tons were locatedin separate sections of the room,Lew under the car bumper andpinned by a front wheel, Mrs.Linton completely under the carand J oAnne in a room cornerwhere she had retreated to dodgea large piece of splintered woodthat flew across the length of theroom and landed at her feet.Fortunately for all concerned,the results of the accident werenot as serious as they might veryeasily have been. As the resultof hi injuries, Lew missed twoweeks of work. In remarkingabout the misfortune, Lew washigh in his praise of the OLIVERGroup Insurance P lan, stating,those check will certainly comein mighty handy.We are prone to sit back withthe assured thinking that accidentsdont happen, they arecaused by carelessness and Imnot careless. However, injury andaccidents lurk in many a hiddenlocation, and group insurance canprove a mightly handy thing. Askthe Lintons of Springfield. Theyfound danger in a quiet canastagame played in the living r oomof their own home.Form Inspection TeamThis team of firemen make upan inspection team whose dutyincludes plant inspections twiceeach month in the search for anyand all fire hazards. They alsocheck fire extinguishers along withCharles Slack, maintenance department,who is former chief ofthe OLIVER firemen squad.Experience, training, and alertnessmake this squad an invaluableasset to the protection andsafety of the Charles City plant.CHARLES CITY, IOWA- With the exceptions of M. D. Carbine r, Charles City firechief, and Charles Ellis, driver, the fire fighters pictured comprise the Charles CityOliver plant fire fighting squad . Pictured left to right, top row: Charles Ellis, driver;Francis Oldham, service stores; Lawence Matthews, tool room; Almon Lynch, inspection; Leonard Debes, tool room; and Jack Baker, maintena nce foreman . Bottomrow, left to right: Chief M. D. Carbiner; Dale Tower, assistant maintenance superintendent;and Cecil Rose, maintenance foreman . Eugene Galant, heat treat, is notpictured .LANSING NACA ELECTSGRAMES VICE PRESIDENTBATTLE CREEK, MICH. - Now inits third active year, and rated aone of the foremost National Associationof Cost Accountantchapters in the country the Lansing,Michigan chapter recentlelected E. F . Gr ames, Battle Creekplant controller, to the position ofvice president. He h ad previouslyserved a term as program chair-man.Banded together for the purposeof study and learning in theaccounting methods field, the Lansingchapter meets nine timeeach year. Nation - wid e , theNACA boasts a membership ofmore than 26,000. The annualNACA national convention warecently held in New York City.Other active NACA membersfrom OLIVERS Battle Creek plantare: Charles Lent~_newly electedprogram chairman ; Don Estelle;Jack Hampton; Everett Potrude;Emery Cooper; Merle McClureand Forest Dubendorf.~bwin jlienber anb~arrp J»ick J»ie~ubbenlpCLEVELAND, OHIO - The suddendeaths of Edwin Bender,June 18, and Harry Dick, June23, came as a distinct shock totheir many friends, businessassociates, and fellow wor kersat the Cleveland plant.Mr . Bender, a lifelong residentof Cleveland, came to theOLIVER plant in March, 1936, asgeneral assistant, planning department.In 1945 he became abuyer, the position held at thetime of his death. He was 52years old.Mr . Dick, also a buyer, was60 years of age. Circulationmanager of The ClevelandNews from 1913 to 1923, Harryjoined the plant in 1934 as supervisorof inventory accounting.He became a buyer in 1949.Charles Dick, his son, is a staffmetallurgist at the Clevelandplant.The OLIVER Corporation andthe personnel of the Clevelandplant extend sincere sympathyto the families of both men.7.theOLIVERm MIRROR • July, 1950HURLBURT JOINSCHICAGO SALESCHICAGO, ILL.-R. G. Hurlburthas recently been transferred fromCleveland Industrial to the Chicagooffice where he will serve asan assistant to S. T. Barker, salesdepartment. Dicks first duties inhis new capacity will be the salesupervision of crawler tractors,.-----and allied. equipment. The workwill not be of a foreign natureto Dick, since his last eleven yearshave been spent with OLIVER inhandling work connected with thecrawler tractors.Originally joining OLIVERSCleveland plant in 1939 Dick soonbecame sales order manager andwith the transfer of allied equipmentpurchasing from the plantto the industrial division, he alsotransferred to industrial where hesupervised equipment purchasingand billing.New Editors(Continued from Page 1, Col. 3)A veteran of World War II, heserved one and one half years inthe Navy, most of his time beingspent overseas in the PhilippineIslands.Dave RichA New Englander, Dave wasborn in Natick, Massachusetts.However, his early years werepent in Framingham, Massachusettswhere he received his preliminaryeducation.From high school, Dave journiedto Grinnell College, Grinnell,Iowa, only to have his pursuit ofa college education interruptedby a call from Uncle Sam. DuringSPRINGFIELD, OHIO - Proudly beaming,as only grandfathers can do,Lawrence Detrick, general foreman ofservice, looks in upon granddaughter,Nancy Ann Tyree, left, and grandson,Mike Moorman, right.DETRICK TWICE AGRANDFATHERIN HOURSPRI GFIELD, OHIO - For yearLawrence Detrick, general fore manof service, has been calledthe Eddie Cantor of the Springfieldplant, since he is the proudfather of five daughters.Looking forward to the daywhen he could also claim thetitle of a proud grandfather, Lawrencewas doubly surprised onMay 24 when daughters Jeanieand Margie presented him withtwo grandchildren within thespace of sixty minutes. So, Lawrencenow claims the distinctionhis stay in the service he met thegirl who was to become Mrs. Rich,and they located in Battle Creek.Dave is the proud father of twochildren, Dave Jr., and Lynnette.Dave is an ardent sports enthusiast.His baseball days werecut short due to a bad elbow, buthe maintains an active connectionby serving as assistant managerto Don Estelle, manager of theBattle Creek OLIVER nine.Both Dick and Dave exhibit atrue desire to see that their respectiveplants are well representedin THE MIRROR and askthat fellow employes turn in allnewsworthy items and any otherideas they might have that willaid them in their newly acquiredassignments.NON-PRODUCTIVE EMPLOYESARE GOOD SUGGESTORSBy Len OgleCLEVELA D, OHIO- Many excellentsuggestions come from employeswho do not work onproductive jobs. This fact wasevidenced by the last group ofSuggestion Plan award winnersat OLIVERS Cleveland plant. Theentire group was made up of menand women from the indirect andoffice departments. The totalamount earned by the e employeswas $170.02.Vera Amato, a Payroll Departmentemploye, suggested that theposting of the budget sheets bechanged from a daily to a weeklyoperation. The suggestion resultedin a $65.00 award. Art Piantanidaand Howard Van Driest, both ofthe Experimental Departmentearned their awards through themedium of suggestions that eliminateddrilling operations. Arts ·dealt with the elimination of thetwo- hole drilling operation in theModel D Shift Lock Shaft togetherwith the elimination of theof grandparenthood on a doublebasis.Margie and Marion Tyree becamethe proud parents of alovely daughter, Nancy Ann. FatherMarion is an assembler atOLIVERS Springfield plant. JeanieMoorman, second oldest of theDetrick girls, and her husbandJim, broke away from the girltradition with the introductionof son Mike.cotter pins and washers formerlyrequir d. Vans idea was to doaway with the two-hole drillingoperation on th HG fuel tank.Waitress Experience PaysDrawing on her experience asa waitress, and suggesting th uof a bus cart in the cafeteria aan aid to the waitresses in movingdishes from the tables to the kitchenwon a $40.00 award for ElsieDey, Parts Record Department.C. B. Steffey, Final Test Department,saved several hundred gallonsof lubricating oil a year withhis thought that drain oil from thepower lift trucks be u ed to lubricatethe skid plates in the tractorrun area instead of unused oilfrom the assembly line. He r -ceived $32.26.Harry Olney, Cost Department,won an award for suggesting ameans to combine several steelcost records, while Lee Thwing,Layout Department, also earnedsuggestion money by recommendinga means of simplifying themanufacturing method of the airsteering locking cam return springarm.The mem hers of the indirect andoffice departments at the Clev -land plant are very much awareof the fact that it isnt necessarto work on production in orderfor a person to come up withgood ideas. Ask any one of thosewho shared in the last awardstotalling $170.02.CLEVELAND, OHIO- William F. Kirk, Ports Record supervisor, presents a SuggestionPion award to Elsie Dey, Ports Record Deportment, in amount of $40.00. Elsiedrew upon waitress experience and suggested the use of a bus cart for theremoval of dishes in the cafeteria.8 .theOLIVERm MIRROR • July, 1950POUNDERS PACECHARLES CITYLINKSMENCHARLE CITY, IOWA- The CharlesCity plant golf league, rapidlynearing the close of the first halfof play, finds the Pounders,consisting of Herb Stoakes, BillPratt, Verne Thomas, Mully Finch,Wayne Carlson, Ralph Battey, Edwant, and Lyle Lenth well out infront of the competing par pursuingteams.Officers of the 1950 golf leagueare Merv Young, president; WillyBaldwin, treasurer; and MorryThelen, secretary. Under the directionof this group the CharlesCity linksmen will compete inregular weekly league play, inaddition to three individual honortournaments.* * *NATIONAL SAFETYCOUNCIL LIFE LINESAbout 1,200 persons drownin each of the months of June,July, and August. When youget in the vacation swim, becareful. Be sure your OLIVERvacation is a sa e a at·* * *Grade cro sing tip; Figurethe loss before you cross.* * *A thought for Farm SafetyWeek, July 23-29: Cultivatesafety and harvest happiness.* * *Suntan is appealing, butsunburn is a peeling- plus alot of di comfort. Too muchsun can actually be dangerous.Take it in easy doses.• * *A peed violation is a contributingfactor in one out ofevery three fatal traffic accidents.Take this vacation tipwith you. Remember it. Thefaster you go the harder youhit.* * *A vacation les on in mathematic. Cruising speed isnever your average speed ifyou drive fast. At 42 can go 20 miles in 29minutes at little risk. Speedup 10 m.p.h. to the 48 averageand the 20 miles takes 25 minute, a gain of four minutes.When you hit the very riskytop speed of 65 for a 53 m.p.h.average you cover 20 miles in23 minutes. Is it worth it togain two minutes at twice thedeath risk?BATTLE CREEK, MICH. - Max Corless,former member of the Detroit Tiger farmsystem, is a mainstay of this yea rsOliver Battle Creek nine. Bothered fortwo years with a sore shoulder, Maxturned from pitch ing to the outfield . Hisheavy hitting and fine fielding haveplayed an important part in placing theteam on top in leag ue standin gs. Maxalso was a member of the 1949-50Oliver State Championship basketballsq uad.SHELBYVILLE BALERSBOAST 9-3 RECORDSHELBYVILLE, ILL.- City leaguec a p o n 7 an 94 ,Balers, representing OLIVERS Shelbyvilleplant in the city leagueand the Tri-County TravellingLeague appear to be the softballclass of southern Illinois onceagain.Under the managerial directionof Birney Camfield, who alsoserves as squad utility man, theveteran Baler squad cu rrentlyleads the city league with an undefeatedrecord. In the strongtravelling league the record is 3-3and the team shows increasingstrength as the season progresseswith the anticipated heavy-hittingnow appearing. Mainstaysof the pitching staff are PodoBryson and Butch Helton, bothseasoned softball veterans.A second OLIVER entry in thecity league is the Mowers. Madeup for the most part of untriedrookies, the Mower had sufferedtwo losses out of the three gameplayed as of this writing. Despitethe lack of experienced talentat most positions, the Mowershave come along fa t since openingday and may be expected togive the other league teams someclose ball games before the seasonends. In a game played onJune 8 against the brother Balerteam, the Mowers were in thebattle all the way, ending up onthe short end of a 6-2 verdict.BATTLE CREEK NINE·LEADS CITY AA LEAGUEBATTLE CREEK, MICH.- Talk of acity championship, and a shot atthe coveted Little World Seriescrown once again fill the air atOLIVERS Battle Creek plant. Causeof it all is the 1950 OLIVER baseballnine, currently on top of thestanding in the strong city AArecreation baseball league.From all appearances, both onpaper and based on the seasonsshowing, this years team looksbetter than the 1948 club thatcopped the city crown and thenfought through to the semi-finalsof the national championship.Exhibiting hustle and a teamspirit that was missing from thepicture last year, the OLIVERMENhave come-up with a well balanced,good - fielding and hardhitting ball club, supporting apitching staff that to date leaveslittle to be desired. The only lossin league play was an early season6-3 decision to the Clark Equipmentnine, last years city champions.This contest was marred byfour costly errors that proved thedifference between a win and aloss.An outstanding newcomer onthis year s roster is Max Corless,a former member of the DetroitTiger system. Bothered for thepast two years with a shoulderinjury, Max departed from pitchingand took to the outfield thisyear and his power hitting andfielding have been important cogin the OLIVER victor ies.Manager Don Estelle has usedMax in one pitching assignmentso far, t his against the touringPhiladelphia Phillies Cigar teamand Max turned in a brilliant sixinning, one hit job. The reactionof the Phillie players was that itwas the best pitching they hadfaced for the past two years. IfMaxs arm comes around it willplay an important part in theRETURN POSTAGE GUARANTEEDTHE OLIVER CORPORATIONEstellemens b a ttle for leaguehonors.Behind the plate is a five yearOLIVER veteran, Jack Hampton. Agood field general, Jacks catchingability has long been recognizedlocally, as well as by a number ofbig league scouts. The additionof Denny Yarger, out two yearas the result of a shoulder operation,his big bat and catchingknow-how, makes the catchingdepartment a two- deep position.The addition of Jack VanDongenat first base is the onlyalteration in this years infield.Hard hitting J ack Kasten is backat the hot - corner, Buzz Shookcovers the shortstop spot, and BillJohnson, an outfielder last year,has moved in to take over thekeystone sack.Patrolling the outfield are DonCoss, left field, Herb Hedrick,center, and Max Corless in r ight.Utility man, and the man who epinch home run with two onbroke up a recent game, is LesJohnson, also a former memberof the Tiger system.Dick Newell, P aul Buckout,and the addition of Corless, makeutstanding muund::::::st:Iff:====::-Newell, the only veteran, ispitching with the form displayedin 1948. Buckout, figured for re-liefduty, took his second startingturn recently, and turned in animpressive two-hit job.Back at the baseball helm isManager Don Estelle, pappy ofthe athletic program at the BattleCreek plant. Don, who is super visorof the cost accounting department,is recognized throughoutthe state for his athletic leadership.His pioneering of the athleticprogram at the plant has been aninvaluable contribution to theOLIVER community reputation, andto the good sportsmanship andclean competition displayed in thecity recreational leagues.SECTION 34.66 P. L. & R.U. S. POSTAGEPAIDSouth Bend, IndianaPERMIT NO. 156 |
Origin: | 1950-07 |
Publisher: |
The Oliver Corporation |
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Collection: |
Business & Industry |
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It is the researcher’s responsibility to seek permission from the copyright owner and any other rights holders for any reuse of these images that extends beyond fair use or other statutory exemptions. For more information, contact |
Subjects: |
Business enterprises--Indiana--Saint Joseph County Labor--Indiana Oliver Farm Equipment Company |
Further information on this record can be found at its source.