THE NORMAL ADVANCE.159M^r u Wi a 1101 4 *Normal, 10
Indiana Law, 8.Umbrellas, mud and unavoidable errors werethe chief features of the Normal-Indiana LawSchool game played at the Athletic park, April25t...
Cavenaugh, 2.Struck out—Queisser, 0
Cavenaugh, 2.Umpire—Fergu son.In the preliminary track meet the Sophomoresand Freshmen contested for honors. No exceptional records were made, but t...
Sophomores, 99
Freshmen, 18.Two bi-eollegiate meets have been held.In the meet with Wabash, April 25, we weredefeated by a score of 18 to 98. Each pla...
highjump, 5 ft,, 5 in.
broad jump, 10 ft., 2 in.
running broad, 21 ft., 8 in. Robertson, I. S. N., easily won first in the discus hurl, and Byers, I. S. N.,was a close second ...
while Kitch of the Normal was arecord-breaking second. Turk won the 100 yarddash at 10 2-5 seconds
the standing broad jujmpat 10 feet
the high jump at 5 ft,, 2y2 in
therunning broad jump, 22 ft,, 1 in
the discus hurlat 103 ft,, 5y2 in.
and the 220 yard dash in22 4-5 seconds.Byers, I. S. N., won first in the shot put at 33ft., 1 in., while Sterritt of the Norm...
R. P. I., 87.