116THE NORMAL ADVANCEwoman of today known as the feministic move¬
ment. Caesar is eternally right when he said of
Cassius:Let me ha...
Sleek-headed men, and such as sleep o nights
Yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look,
He thinks too much
such men are dangerous.Yes, and such women too—to Caesars.Do not confuse this movement with the suf¬
frage movement, wThich is really...
in a thousand huge buildings steam-
driven looms guided by a few hundred thou¬
sands of hands (often those of men) produce...
and we dare no
longer say, proudly, as of old, that we and we
alone clothe our peoples.Our hoes and grindstones passed from us ...
merely see them set before us on the table. Day
by day modern prepared and factory-produced
viands take a larger place in the&...
while among thewealthier classes, so far has domestic change
gone, that men are not unfrequently found la¬
boring in our houses and ...
neither do we demand that the chil¬
dren whom we bear shall again be put exclu¬
sively into our hands to train. This we...
no will of man can recall
them, but this is our demand: We demand that,
in that strange new world that is arising alike