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Showing 1 - 20 of 828 results
Search Results - (( fire a drive a...
Showing 1 - 20 of 828 results
An unidentified chaplain seated at a desk at Camp Atterbury, Indiana during World War II (No. 162 H).
Indiana State Library Photograph Collections
Soldier eating in mess at Camp Atterbury, Indiana during World War II (No. 338 A).
Indiana State Library Photograph Collections
Technician Fourth Grade Christos Demetriou, a cook of the 317th Station Hospital receiving his $1,000 war bond from Lieutenant Willard W. Ja...
Indiana State Library Photograph Collections
In 1861 Edwin Forbes was hired as a staff artist by Frank Leslies Illustrated Newspaper. He covered the Army of the Potomac from 1862-1...
This item was part of the Indiana History Train 2006 exhibit: Faces of the Civil War.
Civil War Materials
In 1861 Edwin Forbes was hired as a staff artist by Frank Leslies Illustrated Newspaper. He covered the Army of the Potomac from 1862-1...
This item was part of the Indiana History Train 2006 exhibit: Faces of the Civil War.
Civil War Materials
Group portrait of company D, S.A.T.C., commanded by Lieutenant E.C. Timms. Military training camps were established on college campuses and other ...
The original nitrate negative was copied with funds provided by a grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission in 1990....
Panoramic Photograph Images
Francis is sorry he has not written in a while but he has been busy at night school. They have class from 5:30 pm until ...
Clark County Collections
Black and white photograph of John A. Ferguson (far left) and two other members of his unit, the 82nd Airborne Division, possibly ...
Knox County Community
Francis has at least two or three letters to respond to each night. His company is just starting up their classes in Radio Repair. ...
Clark County Collections
Gratton has been classified as a pilot and is starting preflight training. He explains his experience with cadet training. The competition betwee...
Jesse G. Dorsey WWII Correspondence
Marvin is back in the Air Force Electronic Center school. He is studying a new Ground Controlled Approach system. He describes how the ...
Clark County Collections
Buddy provides Jesse with his correct address. He is over his homesickness. He thinks he will miss being back home when basketball season...
Clark County Collections
Carl is at Camp Polk, Louisiana. He has just been home on furlough and saw a few people from the mill but mostly spent time w...
Clark County Collections
Dorsey tells Zihala that he was happy to receive his card. He remembers that he was from the first group of servicemen they entertained...
Jesse G. Dorsey WWII Correspondence
Francis has learned more from Jesse’s letters and the Speed-O-Meter than he has from his parents. He was stationed at Camp Gordan, Ge...
Clark County Collections
Written in his fourth week of band training school, Himebaugh has finally been able to answered Dorsey’s letters. He is very busy wit...
Jesse G. Dorsey WWII Correspondence
Fisher is very busy with his Air Corps training. Training time as been reduced to 6 to 8 weeks instead of 12 to 14 weeks.This ...
Jesse G. Dorsey WWII Correspondence
Peyton writes on United States Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, Illinois letterhead. They have been doing 6 mile hikes and it is cold....
Jesse G. Dorsey WWII Correspondence
Alfred is at Fort Worden in Washington. He tells about the Red Cross and how they help people get leave to go home if a famil...
Clark County Collections
Marvin lives with his wife in regular quarters. He says that he forgets about writing to Jesse. He is at Wright Patterson Air Force...
Clark County Collections