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Showing 21 - 40 of 1,380 results
Search Results - (( fe drivers lin...
Showing 21 - 40 of 1,380 results
1In The A.M.How do you start each day? Most people have amorning routine. It usually starts with getting outof bed! After that, mo...
Bloomington High School North
No subjects listed
Seniors discuss the best, and worstthings about taking courses at IU.MollyWilkersonOpportunity to explore a potentialcollege major before college. Beforetaking&...
Bloomington High School North
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struments. We slept on it and whenwe awoke in the morning we decided to work on the instrument problem first. We went into all the...
Bloomington High School North
No subjects listed
Empty imageMary HaganA bird black as an empty hole, flies.Soundlessly its wings beatSlowly against the gray sky.A moving, soaring silhouette,Too stead...
Bloomington High School South
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FascistThey carry their flags in self righteous judgmentI dont want their hate filled minds hereI just want their close minded ways clearClear...
Aurora Alternative High School
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Story by Trey LockerbieRustling through the hectic crowd, junior Danilo Caceres has trouble finding his locker.There should be some kind of traff...
Bloomington High School South
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WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THINGABOUT CAMPUS LIFE?Id probably have to say my most favoritething about Campus Life has been meeting JAnew people...
Edgewood High School
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such an honorSenior David Benton received ascholarship to Indiana University.What scholarship did you receiveand why?(£ ( received the Woole...
Bloomington High School South
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Senior Megan SlotaThe word that came tomind when describing Slotascar was longevity; her 1986gray Honda Accord LX read317,000 miles and was ...
Bloomington High School South
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!What are your feelings about the war with Iraq?I think the war with Iraqis necessary. The thingsSaddam Hussein is doingto his people...
Bloomington High School South
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Scott SchomackerThis lifeless silenceBen CampbellLook away endless sands, look to the West.Your true outlines just now formingFrom the liquid shape of...
Bloomington High School South
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Carroll Rush was one of the Jeffersonville residents who stayed and volunteered as a rescue worker during the 1937 Ohio River Valley Flood.&...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
Interview with Larry Basham,
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
There is a way to make people like you, a way where youdont need to hurt someone or try to be someone you neverreally were. J...
Harmony School
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Election Day scene. A residential street is full of cars parked on both sides of the street and blocking traffic. The sidewalks are ful...
Image Access WideTEK 25
Okay one more come in. Hangers-on beyond limit prescribed by law. Here you! Vote these. Make them take them! How can I work v...
Karl K. Knecht Collection
Interview with Diane Stepro, Family and Local History librarian at the Jeffersonville Township Public Library (Jeffersonville, Ind.). The interview...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
One of Aurora’s annual get together takes place at NinthStreet Park right across from school. Usually the school goesthere once around the...
Aurora Alternative High School
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140THE N.QRMAL ADVANCEthe real character of a man, by coming intocontact and associating with him. During theseweeks and months, she has an ...
his manners have departed forother regions, leaving him as cross as a bear.All his chivalry is gone and he is once againa weak, sinful&...
then, it is, that she finds out thatinstead of marrying a knight she has marriedonly a man. But it is too late now for her to...
you know it yourself without beingtold.Today, love and marriage at first sight is apopular fad. A man meets a woman on a carand a ...
in a few weeks, if we should reada newspaper, we should find that a divorce hadbeen granted to a Mr. and Mrs. So-and-So, thetwo wh...
Johnlearned this lesson long before he could callMary his wife. A great many times he wascompelled to wade through the deep snow andmud ...
after enduring all thehardships in coming, he could not even talkwith Mary alone, but had to make love to herin the same room where...
there is no one to disturb them. , If they donot wish to remain indoors, it does not takethem long to go to one of the m...
Indiana State University Archives
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Left: Seniors Justin Beck andJimmy Southern cut wood with aBloomington North student.Building Trades was one of themost popular classes.Checking their...
Bloomington High School South
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BallerinaBroughtDownImagine a beautiful ballerina in her prime, as happy as canbe. Then, imagine that same graceful ballerina the next year inwheelcha...
Bloomington High School North
No subjects listed