THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY121high school, Brownsburg
1914-1916 student, Indiana State Teachers College
1916-1916 principal, high school, Mooresville
1916-1918 principal, North TerreHaute
1918-1930 teacher, vocationalagriculture, Brazil.Briggs, Helen C, A. B., ha 1909 N. 8thSt., Terre Haute
1915-1916 privatetutoring at home
1916-1920 taught inEarlham, Pennsylvania
1920-1921 teacher of Latin in Yorktown, South Dakota
1921-1922 teacher of Latin in Farnham-ville, Iowa
1922-1923 teacher of Latinin Strawberry Point, Iowa
1923-1924principal, high school, Ogden, Iowa
lr1924.Brown-Christy, Mrs. Erma, ha Vevay
1915-1916 teacher of grades, ManchesterCollege, Manchester
1916-1918 teacherin training school, Manchester
1918-1923 principal, high school, Muncie
1923-1924 attended Cornell University,B. S. degree
1924-1929 teacher, homeeconomics, Muncie.Brown, J. J. William
pa Valley Mills
1915-1917 principal, high schools. Deckerand Montgomery
1918-1919 UnitedStates Army
1919-1927 principal ofschools, Wallace, Oklandon and Sand-burn
1927-1928 student Columbia University
1928-1930 principal, high school,Valley Mills, Marion county.Brown-Kimble, Mrs. Nellie, ha Brookville
1915 teacher of domestic scienceand English, high school, Rockville
lr1915.Brown, Osie, ha Clay City
nr.Bryan-Tygart, Mrs. Ruth, pa 226 S.22nd St., Terre Haute
1915-1917 teacher of grades, Sioux City, la.
1917-1918teacher departmental grades, Warsaw:1918-1920 teacher high school, Atwood
1920-1922 teacher in high school, Pierceton
1922-1930 not teaching, homekeeper,married.Burke-Devore, Mrs. Effie, ha Fairmount
pa Swayzee
1930 not teaching, home-keeper, married.Burton, Charles C, ha 1331 S. 7th St.,Terre Haute
1915-1917 assistant superintendent of high school: 1917-1918in army
1918-1923 in coal business,Terre Haute
lr 1923.Burwell, Geneva, pa Fort Wayne
1915-1917 teaching in Cadez
1917-1929 teaching in high school. Fort Wayne.Byrne, Herman D., pa Kent, Ohio
1915-1916 superintendent of school, Freelandville
summer 1916, student, Indiana University
1916-1917 student, Indiana University, A. B.
1917-1918 principal, highschool, Freelandville
1918-1919 servedin army as lieutenant
1919-1920 receivedM. A. University of Chicago
1920-1921extension professor, Kent State College
1921-1922 high school, inspector, OhioState department of public instruction
1922-1927 head of department of historyand social science, Kent State College,Kent, Ohio: 1927-1928 graduate student,Columbia University, working on Ph....
1928-1930 county superintendent ofschools, Kent, Ohio.Carroll, L. Grace, pa 70 E. Chester Road,New Rochelle, New York
1915-1916 assistant principal, Laconia
1918-1919principal. Knox
1919-1922 principal,Boone Township High School, Laconia
1922-1926 teacher of mathematics, highBchool, New Albany
1926-1927 studentin graduate school, Columbia University
1927 received A. M., Columbia University, New York City
1927-1980 teacherof mathematics, high school, New Rochelle, New York.Casey, Ethel E., ha Austin
1915-1917teacher of grades, Seymour
1917-1920teacher of grades, Hibbing, Minnesota:1920-1921 graduated from Battle CreekSchool of Home Economics
1921-1923assistant dietitian, city hospital, Indianapolis
1923-1924 dietitian, St. LukesHospital. Spokane, Washington
1927 didgraduate work, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City
lr1927.♦Clayton, George B., ha Lowell
nr.Cockerham, Mundosy, ha 1643 N. 9th St.,Terre Haute
1917 teacher in Whiting
lr1917.Cooper, Grant, pa Brookville
1915-1918teacher of district Bchool
1918-1920assistant principal, Paragon
1920-1921principal, high school, Eden
1921-1922principal, high school, Patricksburg
1922-1925 principal, high school, NewSalem
1925-1928 principal, SpringvilleTownship High School, Brookville.Cooper, Helen M., pa Paw Paw, Michigan :1915-1916 grade teacher, Logansport
1920-1928 critic teacher, Michigan StateNormal School, Kalamazoo, Michigan
1928-1930 third grade critic, city schools,Paw Paw, Michigan.Cox, Gertrude, la RFD. Terre Haute:1916 teacher of grades, North TerreHaute: lr 1916...
1924 taught in Arkansas
lr 1924.Crouch, Caroline, pa 6021 DorchesterAve., Chicago, Illinois
1915-1916 teacher in Fortville High School, Fortville
1916-1918 teacher in New Palestine HighSchool, New Palestine
1918-1919 principal, Eden High School, Eden
1919-1923 teacher in Anderson Junior HighSchool, Anderson
1923-1924 student,University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
1924-1930 teacher in public schools, Chicago, Illinois.Cunningham, Ray M., pa 64 8 W. 40thPlace, Los Angeles, California
1914-1915 teacher of mathematics, Cannel-burg
1915 summer, graduated from Indiana State Teachers College
1915-1916principal of high school, Cannelburg
1916-1917 principal of Taylor townshipschools, Greene county
1917-1918 principal of high school, Jasper
December6, 1917 enlisted in air service
commissioned second lieutenant, Sept. 15,1918
was discharged at air service concentration eamp, New York, Dec. 16,1918
1919-1920 principal of high school,Knox
1920-1922 agent for PrudentialInsurance Company, Portland, Oregon
1922-1923 worked in cabinet shops, LosAngeles
1923-1923 manual trainingteacher, Beverly Hills and Sierra Madre,California
1924-1926 attended University of California, Los Angeles, A. B.:1925-1929 manual training supervisor,Downey, Duarte, San Marino, Templeand Lawndale, Los An...
nr.Davis, Foster, Mrs. Edna M., pa Bartlee-ville, Oklahoma
1916-1917 teacher ofgrades, Franklin building, Marion
1917-1921 teacher of sewing, high school,Marion
1921-1929 married to Mr. Dwite