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THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY121high school, Brownsburg 1914-1916 student, Indiana State Teachers College 1916-1916 principal, high school, Mooresville 1916-1918 principal, North TerreHaute 1918-1930 teacher, vocationalagriculture, Brazil.Briggs, Helen C, A. B., ha 1909 N. 8thSt., Terre Haute 1915-1916 privatetutoring at home 1916-1920 taught inEarlham, Pennsylvania 1920-1921 teacher of Latin in Yorktown, South Dakota 1921-1922 teacher of Latin in Farnham-ville, Iowa 1922-1923 teacher of Latinin Strawberry Point, Iowa 1923-1924principal, high school, Ogden, Iowa lr1924.Brown-Christy, Mrs. Erma, ha Vevay 1915-1916 teacher of grades, ManchesterCollege, Manchester 1916-1918 teacherin training school, Manchester 1918-1923 principal, high school, Muncie 1923-1924 attended Cornell University,B. S. degree 1924-1929 teacher, homeeconomics, Muncie.Brown, J. J. William pa Valley Mills 1915-1917 principal, high schools. Deckerand Montgomery 1918-1919 UnitedStates Army 1919-1927 principal ofschools, Wallace, Oklandon and Sand-burn 1927-1928 student Columbia University 1928-1930 principal, high school,Valley Mills, Marion county.Brown-Kimble, Mrs. Nellie, ha Brookville 1915 teacher of domestic scienceand English, high school, Rockville lr1915.Brown, Osie, ha Clay City nr.Bryan-Tygart, Mrs. Ruth, pa 226 S.22nd St., Terre Haute 1915-1917 teacher of grades, Sioux City, la. 1917-1918teacher departmental grades, Warsaw:1918-1920 teacher high school, Atwood 1920-1922 teacher in high school, Pierceton 1922-1930 not teaching, homekeeper,married.Burke-Devore, Mrs. Effie, ha Fairmount pa Swayzee 1930 not teaching, home-keeper, married.Burton, Charles C, ha 1331 S. 7th St.,Terre Haute 1915-1917 assistant superintendent of high school: 1917-1918in army 1918-1923 in coal business,Terre Haute lr 1923.Burwell, Geneva, pa Fort Wayne 1915-1917 teaching in Cadez 1917-1929 teaching in high school. Fort Wayne.Byrne, Herman D., pa Kent, Ohio 1915-1916 superintendent of school, Freelandville summer 1916, student, Indiana University 1916-1917 student, Indiana University, A. B. 1917-1918 principal, highschool, Freelandville 1918-1919 servedin army as lieutenant 1919-1920 receivedM. A. University of Chicago 1920-1921extension professor, Kent State College 1921-1922 high school, inspector, OhioState department of public instruction 1922-1927 head of department of historyand social science, Kent State College,Kent, Ohio: 1927-1928 graduate student,Columbia University, working on Ph. D. 1928-1930 county superintendent ofschools, Kent, Ohio.Carroll, L. Grace, pa 70 E. Chester Road,New Rochelle, New York 1915-1916 assistant principal, Laconia 1918-1919principal. Knox 1919-1922 principal,Boone Township High School, Laconia 1922-1926 teacher of mathematics, highBchool, New Albany 1926-1927 studentin graduate school, Columbia University 1927 received A. M., Columbia University, New York City 1927-1980 teacherof mathematics, high school, New Rochelle, New York.Casey, Ethel E., ha Austin 1915-1917teacher of grades, Seymour 1917-1920teacher of grades, Hibbing, Minnesota:1920-1921 graduated from Battle CreekSchool of Home Economics 1921-1923assistant dietitian, city hospital, Indianapolis 1923-1924 dietitian, St. LukesHospital. Spokane, Washington 1927 didgraduate work, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City lr1927.♦Clayton, George B., ha Lowell nr.Cockerham, Mundosy, ha 1643 N. 9th St.,Terre Haute 1917 teacher in Whiting lr1917.Cooper, Grant, pa Brookville 1915-1918teacher of district Bchool 1918-1920assistant principal, Paragon 1920-1921principal, high school, Eden 1921-1922principal, high school, Patricksburg 1922-1925 principal, high school, NewSalem 1925-1928 principal, SpringvilleTownship High School, Brookville.Cooper, Helen M., pa Paw Paw, Michigan :1915-1916 grade teacher, Logansport 1920-1928 critic teacher, Michigan StateNormal School, Kalamazoo, Michigan 1928-1930 third grade critic, city schools,Paw Paw, Michigan.Cox, Gertrude, la RFD. Terre Haute:1916 teacher of grades, North TerreHaute: lr 1916.Cromwell, George, A. B., ha Ashboro 1924 taught in Arkansas lr 1924.Crouch, Caroline, pa 6021 DorchesterAve., Chicago, Illinois 1915-1916 teacher in Fortville High School, Fortville 1916-1918 teacher in New Palestine HighSchool, New Palestine 1918-1919 principal, Eden High School, Eden 1919-1923 teacher in Anderson Junior HighSchool, Anderson 1923-1924 student,University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 1924-1930 teacher in public schools, Chicago, Illinois.Cunningham, Ray M., pa 64 8 W. 40thPlace, Los Angeles, California 1914-1915 teacher of mathematics, Cannel-burg 1915 summer, graduated from Indiana State Teachers College 1915-1916principal of high school, Cannelburg 1916-1917 principal of Taylor townshipschools, Greene county 1917-1918 principal of high school, Jasper December6, 1917 enlisted in air service commissioned second lieutenant, Sept. 15,1918 was discharged at air service concentration eamp, New York, Dec. 16,1918 1919-1920 principal of high school,Knox 1920-1922 agent for PrudentialInsurance Company, Portland, Oregon 1922-1923 worked in cabinet shops, LosAngeles 1923-1923 manual trainingteacher, Beverly Hills and Sierra Madre,California 1924-1926 attended University of California, Los Angeles, A. B.:1925-1929 manual training supervisor,Downey, Duarte, San Marino, Templeand Lawndale, Los Angeles county,small city schools districts in the vicinity of Los Angeles.Curry, Ruby, ha Edwardsport nr.Davis, Foster, Mrs. Edna M., pa Bartlee-ville, Oklahoma 1916-1917 teacher ofgrades, Franklin building, Marion 1917-1921 teacher of sewing, high school,Marion 1921-1929 married to Mr. Dwite |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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