Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2016, Page 53

Description: up, up and aw:tomore zloe/ air and the nfiuunLaino mho i<break and traveled to Lima, Peru with■?&?.**SopHomore Zoe Berensztein stands in front of the/7,972 feet tall Machu Picchu. The visito the World Wonder was theHighlight of the trip. IL Berensztein overlooks Machu PicchuII. The view of the Sacred Valley that extends, for miles across Peru. IV, TheParkof Love iLima. Peru is a popular place for couples both young and old* PHOTOS BY ZBERENZSTEINorer exposure [BREAK]ing outSenior Claudia Behne did theRomp Run with her father. Weasked her about her experience.Q: What made you decide to todo the run?A: Ive always done it withpeople from my CrossFit gym.Plus, its for a great cause, andits tons of fun doing it with mydad.Q: What was your favoritepart?A: Definitely running throughpumpkin water in a dumpster.Q: Why would you recommendthat students do the Romp Runin the future?A: Id recommend it because itsfor the Boys and Girls Club, andgetting out and running is reallygood for you. Also, its not just anormal race. You go throughmany obstacles that challengeyou and require teamwork.Although some South students went on international fall break trips,others stayed within the U.S. for their week long getaway. Threestudents visited some of the countrys most popular tourist spots.Los AngelesIt was so great tosee my sister. Shesin college in LA and ithad been a while sothat was really cool.-junior Caroline ChangChicagolove walkinglooking up at atowering over.- sophomore Tamsin Stringerin the streets andof the skyscrapers«%4m 53DisneyWorld,OrlandoWe did all fourDisney parks inone day, sothat wasprobably thehighlight of mytrip.- senior Madeline,, AllenderLi/fe __sM
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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