THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY103Schell, Merrill E., pa RFD 1, Huntington
teacher in rural schools, Huntingtoncounty for four years before graduation
1912-1913 high school teacher, Roanoke
1913-1920 principal, high school, Roanoke
1920-1926 superintendent of schools,Roanoke: 1926-1928 principal. ClearCreek Township Schools, Huntington
summer 1918 attended University ofMichigan for M. A. degree
received A.B. in 1926 from Ball Teachers College
A. M., University of Michigan and atpresent a graduate student in Universityof Michigan, doing work on a Ph., Mrs. Carrie, ...
1912-1913 taught botany and departmental work, Faribanks School
1913-1914 principal, Fairbanks High Schoolond teacher of botany and English
lr1916 married, at home ond not teaching.Settle, Lucy Belle, nr.Shaw, Clyde, pa Riley, taught ruralschools of Clay country 1906-1907 andgrade school...
1912-1915 teacher ofmathematics, physics and geography, highschool, Cory
1915-1916 principal, highschool, Cory
1916-1918 farmed
1918-1919 in United States Army
1919-1920teacher of mathematics and science,Riley, 1920-1929 farming.Shipp, John H., pa Washington
1912-1915 principal and teacher of scienceand mathematics, Center Township HighSchool, Francisco
1915-1918 superintendent and teacher of science, publicschools, Patoka
1918-1922 superintendent of schools, Mitchell
1922-1930 superintendent of schools, Washington.Showalter, Lena, pa 1439 Chestnut St.,Terre Haute
1912-1928 not teaching,at home.Small, Benjamin Francis, pa 641 Vi Wabash Ave., Terre Haute
1905-1906 teacher of rural schools. Miami county
1906-1907 teacher of schools, Grant county
1907-1909 teacher grades, Dana
1909-1914 principal, township high school,Hillsdale
1914-1916 attended IndianaUniversity, received LL. B. degree
1916-1929 practicing law in Terre Haute
attended Marion Normal School 1906-1907
1916-1917 student in Law School of YaleUniversity
received LL. M. degree.Snitz, Reuben H., A. B., pa 2007 S. 8thSt., Terre Haute
A. B., Indiana StateTeachers College
graduate student,Columbia University
graduate student,Indiana University
teacher in ruralschools, Huntington county
grade school,Andrews
superintendent of schools, Andrews
instructor in industrial arts,Evansville High School
critic teacher.Indiana State Teachers College TrainingSchool
assistant professor, industrialarts, Indiana State Teachers College
A.M. Indiana University, 1928.Snyder, Henry, pa Markle
1905-1908teacher in rural school, Adams county
1908-1910 teacher of grades, Petroleum
1910-1911 principal and teacher of mathematics, Latin, high school, Modoc
1911-1913 principal, teacher mathematics,German in high school, Parker
1913-1914 principal, teacher of history, Latin,mathematics, high school, Craigville
1914-1918 teacher of manual training,mathematics and principal, high school,LaFontaine
1918-1923 principal, teachermanual training, arithmetic, geography,Franklin School, Marion
1923-1925principal, teacher, mathematics, highschool, Greentown
1925-1928 principal,Raleigh
1928-1930 principal. UnionCenter, Markle, Huntington county
A. H.Indiana State Teachers College, 1927.Sowers, Hazel, pa Valparaiso
taughtthree years in rural schools of Tiptoncounty and one year at Westville ingrades before graduation
1912-1913rural training teacher, Ball TeachersCollege
1913-1914 assistant principal,Muncie
1914-1915 teacher of grades,Anderson
1915-1929 teacher in juniorhigh school, Valparaiso
also in chargeof training school for Valparaiso University
received B. S. degree in education from Valparaiso University.Stahl, Mrs. Martha Lewellyn
pa 2689Harrison Ave., Terre Haute
1911-1913teacher grades, Lost Creek township,Vigo county
1913-1914 teacher grades,Decatur, 111.
1914-1917 teacher grades,Helt township, Vermillion county
1917-1930 not teaching, homekeeper, marriedto Edgar A. Stahl, class 1915
A. B.Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute, 1929.Starr-Kraft, Mrs. Sadie, la New Albany
1912-1917 teacher of English, Departmental School, New Albany
lr 1917.Stephenson, Winchell, nr.Stewart, Thomas G., nr.Stibbins, Nelle, ha Monroe City
taughtone year in country school and one yearin grade school, Montpelier before graduation
1912-1915 teacher of English,high school, Elkhart
1915-1916 traveledon Pacific coast on account of illness
1916-1918 teacher in Akron, Ohioschools
1918-1920 teacher in Youngs-town, Ohio schools
1920-1929 not teaching on account of long illness
last springattended Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.Stines, Clint A., nr.Strickler, Joe P., A. B., pa DuQuoin,Illinois
1912-1913 high school teacher,Farmersburg
1913-1915 principal, highschool, Wheeler
1915-1916 teacher inhigh school, Hebron
1917-1919 superintendent schools, South Whitley
1919-1929 superintendent of city schools, De-Quoin, Illinois.Strum, Agnes, nr.Summers, Grover, A. B., ha Greentown
1912-1914 principal, high school, Arthur,Illinois
1914-1915 superintendent ofschools, Arthur, Illinois
1915-1916 didwork on M. A. degree, history, IndianaUniversity.•Sumwalt, Essie, ha Farmland
1912-1913student, Indiana State Teachers College
1913-1914 principal, Lancaster CentralHigh School
1914-1915 principal ForestHigh School
1916 did not teach
deceased Aug. 25, 1925.Swaidner, Wm. Lee, pa 404 Baldwin Ave.,Findlay, Ohio
1923-1924 mathematics,senior high school, Findlay, Ohio: 1924-1929 principal, J. C. Donnell Junior HighSchool, Findlay, Ohio
received A. B.1923.Thomas, Anna N., la Indianapolis
1912-1914 critic teacher, elementary school,Evansville
1915-1916 teacher OpenAir elementary school, Indianapolis
lr1916.Todd, Jesse M., ha Jasonville
1912-1913 teacher of mathematics, high school,