United States vs. James Hodgens, James

Hodges/Hogens/Hodgons, James adv United States

Description: An indictment is filed during the October term 1815. The jurors for the U. S. and body of Knox County upon their oath present that for years past and now is a common highway in Palmyra Township in Knox County commonly called the road leading from Vincennes to Emison Mill on Maria Creek. This highway is used by all citizens of the U. S. as well as footmen and horseman, and carriages by way of passage. These carriages in the past have driven at all times of the year without obstruction or impediment. Where as a special court was called and held at Vincennes on the Second Monday of January 1815 before James B. McCall and Daniel Sullivan. Esq. Associate Judges for Knox County. At special court James Hodgens of Palmyra Township was duly appointed supervisor or overseer of that part of the road which lies between Small Creek and the S. E. branch of Mill Creek of Knox County which appointment the said James had notice. Never the less the said James has permitted the said highway to become out of repair and ruinous so that people cannot ride or drive a carriage without great danger and injury going against the statue made. The document is filed by William Prince, Prosecutor for Knox County with William Carruthers signing as witness. A subpoena is issued February 12, 1816 for William Carruthers and William Bruce to come to court the first Monday of March next on behalf of the U. S. against James Hodgens. They are to appear and give evidence on an indictment for neglect of duty. A $100 penalty will be applied if they fail to appear. The writ is witnessed by R. Buntin, Clerk and executed by James Jordan, Deputy Sheriff with cost to serve being $1.32. A summons is issued February 14, 1816 by R. Buntin, Clerk for James Hodges. He is to come to court the first Monday of March to answer to an indictment on an indictment charged against him for neglect of duty. The writ was executed by B. V. Beckes, Sheriff with cost to serve being $1.64 1/2. A summons is issued for William Carruthers and William Bruce to come to court the Fourth Monday of May instant. He is to give evidence on behalf of the U. S. vs James Hodges. A $100 penalty for nonappearance will be applied. Robert Buntin, Clerk signs as witness on May 10, 1816 with cost to serve being listed as $1.62. A summons is issued to John McClure Jr. son of William deceased, John Wyant and Thomas Emison are to come to court the fourth Monday instant to give evidence on behalf of the U. S. vs James Hodges. A $100 penalty for nonappearance will be applied for failure to appear. Robert Buntin, Clerk signs as witness on May 10, 1816. Cost to serve is listed as $1.62. A summons is executed by B. V. Beckes, Sheriff with cost to serving being $2.11 1/2. The jury finds defendant guilty. An appeal is granted for a new trial. The attorney for the plaintiff comes before the court and states he will no longer prosecute the case and the case is dismissed.
Origin: 2019-02-20
Created By: Indiana Territory. Circuit Court (Knox County);
Contributor(s): Blackford, Isaac; Sullivan, Daniel; McCall, James; Polke, William; Raymond, David;
Source: http://indianamemory.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/ving/id/28178
Collection: Early Vincennes, 1732-1835
Rights: http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NoC-US/1.0/
Copyright: No Copyright - United States
Subjects: Indiana Territory
Appeal -- Indiana Territory
Bonds -- Indiana Territory
Breach of contracts -- Indiana Territory
Carriages and carts -- Indiana Territory
Complaints (Administrative procedure) -- Indiana Territory
Costs (Law) -- Indiana Territory
Depositions -- Indiana Territory
Grand jury -- Indiana Territory
Indictments -- Indiana Territory
Jurors -- Indiana Territory
Lawyers -- Indiana Territory
Petitions -- Indiana Territory
Subpoena -- Indiana Territory
Summons -- Indiana Territory
Witnesses -- Indiana Territory
Writs -- Indiana Territory
Roads -- Indiana Territory
Court Records

Further information on this record can be found at its source.