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Cooper, Thomas adv United States 1809

United States vs. Thomas Cooper

Description: The file contains documents related to the suit the United States brought against Thomas Cooper for the assault and battery of Elijah Cooper in 1809. At the July Court 1809, a Bill of Indictment was brought against Thomas Cooper, yeoman, in Knox County, that on Monday 26 th of June 18089, on the road between the houses of David Prince and William Deaton, in and upon the body of Elijah Tubbs, yeoman with force and arms and assault did beat wound and abuse Elijah Tubbs. Signed Thomas Randolph, Attorney General. Henry Mills was the jury foreman. Nov. 9, 1809, Elijah Tubbs was Subpoenaed to appear before the judges on the last Monday of November to give evidence against Thomas Copper in a plea of assault and battery. If he failed to appear he would be under a penalty of $100.00. The Subpoena was witnessed by R [Robert] Buntin. It was executed by John McCandless, D.S. McCandless noted 23 miles at $1.38; Serving and Returning $.46 1/2 for a total of $1.84 1/2 court costs. In November 1809, a Summons was issued for Thomas Cooper to appear at court the last Monday of November to answer to an indictment against him for an assault and battery committed on Elijah Tubbs. R [Robert] Buntin, Clerk issued the Summons while John McCandless, D.S. executed it. McCandless noted Summoning $.37 1/2; 20 miles $1.20, Returning $.09 with a total of $1.66 1/2 court fees. On March 5, 1810 another Summons was issued for Thomas Copper, He was to appear in court on the third Monday of March 1810 on a plea of assault and battery. This Summons was issued by R Buntin, Clerk and J. McCandless, D.S. noted not found. A Subpoena was issued for Elijah Tubbs to appear on the third Monday of March 1810 to give evidence against Thomas Cooper. R. Buntin issued the Subpoena on March 17, 1810. On the verso of the document, John McCandless, D. Sherf. noted, not found. According to the Minute Book of the Knox County Court of Common Pleas 1807-1810 pages, 195, 228, and 235, during the July Term, 1809, Benjamin Price, David Price, Thomas Cooper, William Price and Smith Hansberry were indicted for an assault and battery plea against Elijah Tubbs. During the November Term 1809 the case was continued. During the March Term 1810, a motion of the Attorney General was for a continuance of the case. The Defendant by G.W. Johnston argued the case not be continued. The court ordered the case be dismissed.
Origin: 2018-06-05
Created By: Indiana Territory. Court of Common Pleas (Knox County);
Contributor(s): Decker, Luke; Johnson, James; Leech, George;
Collection: Early Vincennes, 1732-1835
Copyright: No Copyright - United States
Subjects: Indiana Territory
Assault and battery -- Indiana Territory
Court records -- Indiana Territory -- Knox County
Grand jury -- Indiana Territory
Indictments -- Indiana Territory
Summons -- Indiana Territory
Subpoena -- Indiana Territory
Court Records

Further information on this record can be found at its source.