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South Bend Turner Vol. IV No. 04

Description: A newsletter issued by the South Bend Turnverein, begun in September, 1937.
Sec. 562, P. L. & R.SOUTH BEND TURNERVol. IV=:-;========--=-==-~~--ARE YOU AND THE MEMBERS OFYOUR FAMILY PHYSICALLY FIT?So much is being said and writtenthese days about the physical fitness ofthe American people. On ... ~ ov.ember24th an article bv Lawrence E. Daviesof Philadelphia ~ppeared in the X ewYork Times under the heading Planto Toughen America Calls for :MoreExercise,., Physical-Training Programfor. People of All Walks Considered bvthe President.! •In his article, l\Ir. Davies refers tothe enlistment of Olympic ChampionJohn B. Kelly by our President, to de­visea nation-wide program to Toughenup America as an integral part of na­tionaldefense. In this l\lr. Kelly hashad the aid of a committee of Collegeand University Track coaches, PhysicalEducation experts and Physicians. l\lr.Kelly forsees a nation doing less sittingand more walking and a decided increasein physical training classes in schooolsand colleges witp a larger number ofstudents participating. Also. to quote.hiking and calisthenics clubs in whichthe factory worker and the white-collaremploye ~vill take part -- in short.America~s millions, from 6 to 60, get­tingfun out of exercise all on avolunteer basis. Hiking, swimming andgvmnastic clubs alrt>a(l\· in existence~ill be urged to join ·the movement.Women will not be omitted from thetoughening up program, even if itwas originally concei ved as a man\movement.For more than 90 \·ears the Turnersall over the rnuntry have been keepingphysically fit with classes for childrenand adults. You, as a Turner, can doyour share in this nation-wide programset forth by our Government, by invit­ingyour friends to join our society andmake use of our physical trainingclasses.At present, the Ladies of South Bene!seem more ambitious than the men.Their gym class has an enrollment of7 S and regardless of weather conditions,December, 1940A MERRY CHRISTMASLADIES OF THE JURYA New ComedyTo Be Presented Bv OurTURNER LITTLE THEATREUnder the direction ofVernon ArchambeaultFRIDAY and SATURDAYDECEMBER 13th and 14thTake time out from the Xmas rushand enjoy a real show.CHILDRENSCHRISTMAS PARTYSponsored ByLADIES AUXILIARYSATURDAY, DECEMBER 21stThis party is for all the childrenof the Gym Classes and memberschildren - Time: 7:45 P. M.ANNUALNEW YEARS PARTYTUESDAY, DECEMBER 31stMusic BvDUSTY RHODESand His OrchestraD.l\NCING f~om 9:30 P. M. to 3 A. M.See Max Wolle for reservations orphone one of these numbers: 4-6217:4-1361: 3-7007. MEMBERS: make reser-vationsbefore December 20th.A HAPPY NEW YEARNo. 4the attendance is large and thev are allrrady for a real workout. \Ye a~e happyto s ·e that. with the help of ::\Ir. ::\IaxBullock of Riley High School and Turn­erChet Kistler (who demonstrated ap­paratusexercises at the school gym)that our Junior Boys class has increasedin membership and we hope they willcontinue their attendance and invitemore of their fellow-students. about our Active Class? \ ou knowyou will feel much more energeticafter a nite or two in a gym class, andwhile having a good time vou will begiving your body a treat. ·~IE.MBERS: dont forget to sendyour children. Theyll enjoy the class.And, they are free .of dues if under 18years of age.It is the hope of our Instructors andGymnastic Committee to sponsor a cftv­widegymnastic meet in the Spring, solets all put forth a little effort to in­creasethe attendance of our gym classes.BASKETBALLThe Turner Basketball :\ teamwith Bill Williamson as Captain, openedthe season by defeating :\iles Steel Tankto a tune of 42 to 34. On Saturdav the7th the team won another game piavedwith St. Adalberts, score 24-23. ·OnSundav the 8th, the\· were defeated bvthe B.· Bombers 29 to 20. The Turnerbasketball court is one of the finest inthis part of the countrv and we alsohave one of the best teams in the citv.Games will be played in our gym thefollowing dates. Lets support our teamby attending. Bring your friends asyou will be assured of an interestingbasketball game.Sunday. December 15th 2:00 P. ?\I.,Serv-Art \\all Co.Sunday. December 22nd- 2 :00 P. :\1.,Gil bros.Admission - Adults lOc, Children 5c.2nutq iruh IDururrHazel Wirth ........................................ . EditorMax Wolle .......... . .Bu iness ManagerGene Mutzl . .... . Photographer&nutq jgrn(l Q:urnurrrinf,t I oll<FI E R.L. F. F reiberg .PrCidentWalter chachenman . .... ....... \ ice-PresidentGordon Kenned\ .... TreasurerAugie Bauer · .. Recording ecretaryRudy ~oepfrich a hier andorre ponding ecretar)J oe Koutnik.. ..... . First Leaderhet Kistler. .. .... . econd LeaderE. \anDcrbeck .......... upt of upplieF rank Yuha z ... ....... :\,;st upt. of upplie..:Max Wolle . _ . __ LibrarianCha i • oble................ . ...................... Flag BearerMeeting · e\ery second and la t :\1onday oithe monthEmil 0 WirthHan eifertha. Ku ..~la x WollTR TEEGeo ommererE. E. \ anderbeckJ ohn Greif. TEWAR4- 62 1iCHANGE OF CONSTITUTIONIn accordance with a manda te pa sectand accepted at the la t :\ ational TurnerConvention , all ocietie wer requ eelto change th ir fiscal year to complywith the • • ationa l H ead q uarter , name­ly,October 1 t to October 1 t. Thi.matter wa debated by our Tru s t ee~ anda recommendation p re ented to the o­cietyto accept thi chang . It i , there­fore,nece a ry to change ev ral a r­ticlein our con ti tu t ion, a cha ngingour Annual meeting to the Fir t ~Ion ­dayin 0 toher with election of tha t tim . The officer for the com­ingterm o f 194 1 will he lected for 9month only .Another reque t i tha t a 11 ocieticollect the X a tional due of SOc a mem­berand t h i trict due of 40c epa­ratefrom each member. The Tru t erecommend ct to ab tain from takingthi tep at thi time and the ocietvwill adva nc the 90c from the ~ 7 .00member hip due , whi h means thatyour ociety du a re ~-b .1 0 plu 90c fo rX a tional and Di ·t ri t du -, and thelatter must b paid on 0 tober l:t foron y ar in advance in ord er to getyour m mb r hip carci.. :\..UTH BEND TURNERROASTS, HAMS, SAUSAGESMEAT OF ALL KINDSThe Best There IsJIMMIES MEAT MARKETPhone 3-9326--IF YOCR CHILD OR CHILD RE. -\YOGLD LIKE TO T . KE P.-\RT L .THE X:\IA PROGRA~I ATC R­DAY,E CE ~IBER 21 t , plea e ph1me:\ Irs. Billie chachenmann , 3-2650.SPECIAL ATTENTION!ll Turner p lea e make a special ef­fortto a ttend our Annual ~ I eting ~Ion ­dayJanua ry 6th 1941 at :00 P. ~I.fficer fo r the en uing year will belect d.DO_ TJT FORGET THE CO~IEDY ,LADIE OF THE ] CRY, DE C E~f ­BER13th and 14th .LADIES AUXILIARYThe annual election of officers tookplace at our meeting December 4th .with result a fo llow~Ir . Bertha eif rt Pre ident:\Ir .. nna Lederer .. Yice-Pr id ent~Ir . Hazel Wirth ecretary:\Ir . Elizabeth Lehmann Trea. urerThe tru tee for the year a re :\lrs.Clara . 1utzl and :.\Ir ·. Emma Dor chner.In ta lla tion will ta ke place at ournext meeting, \Yed ne. day, J anuary 8th.1941.It wa decided to have a Pot-luckX:\L-\ P.-\RT\ . \\ ci ne day, D cem­ber18th , in tead of our regular ardPa rty fo r members. The time - 6: 30.Let make thi a real X ma Pa rty. AndDon t fo rget a l Oc gift fo r ur grab.YOU GET THE BESTWHEN YOU BUYKUSS BUTTERNUTBREADl IILADIES GYM CLASSIt reall) ought not to be uch a prob­itmto write about such a congenialgr.lllp of ladies a we have in our gymclass. They enter right into the piritof things. . ·ow. about thi. Xma Par t\of ours. \Ye have our regular lirst a11d top it off with ·andwiche .etc. - rved in the Rathskeller. T henwe have our grab bag; and ther willbe inging with the help of ~Irs. Bogue;: t the piano and Emil Wirth and hi5-st1ueeze box (we dare him to lea\ e ithome). This writing is the official in­vitationto the hu band. or boy friendof our members. Dont think youll br1 me ome if you have none to bring . asour men clas e are a part of the pic­turetoo. The Ladie furni ·h the sand­ al o EACH PE R SO ~BRL ·cs .\ lOc GIFT FOR I HECRAB. THE UAl E. . IO. D. \.DECE~IBER 16th. :\lake plan nowto be present. The Ladies :\uxiliar)will again ponsor a Xmas Party forthe children of all members and chil­drenof the gym cla. se. ; on , aturday,December 21 st. If your child wouldlike to participate in the program, phone:.\ Irs. Billie chachenmann, 3-2650. \Yiththe full weeks aheact. we surely ne ·clthe routine of our :.\Ionday nite work­llllt.The continuing of cla e betweenthe holidays is a good idea; we wonti el the let-down after the Xma rushs over. Lets ·how the Turner pi ri tby turning out 100 }r for the play· L \ DIES OF THE Tl.RY December13. h anct 14th. \Ye.11 be loc,king fo ryou . ???~Ir . Henpeck (he itating) : ir I--1think it i jut about time I got a rai e.Bo. : Why we ju t put a raise invour envelope on aturday. :\Ir. Henpeck : \Yhy doe nt my wifetell me the e thing ?E HOE : Breathe there a man ,with oul so dead. who ha not topped·md turned hi head and aid \\ow !\Yhat a cu tie!LESTER CAREYStokers - FurnacesService For All Makes7381/i So. Michigan3-6131 5-1020ATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERSThey Make This Paper PossibleMARVIN BERL NSODA and MINERAL V ATERSHome Delive riesPhones 4-9321 - 4-7683730;2 BLAINE AVE.\Ye are .sure that a ll the munlH:r a ndgue t who attended the informalparty in our Rath h~ ll er . aturday. De­cember7th had a good t ime. \Yr a llenjoyed the .ingi ng oi Bud Fecteau.the . tories by ( ,c. rdon Ke1.nedy and thraccordion playing of Hugo HP_er. \Yiththe aid of our loud peakfI ;lnd rec ml .we had concert an I dam c mu ic gal ire.How about more o f the e I art ie .TURNER LITTLE THEATERThe Turner Little TheatN will pre­·ent it · ·ccond product ion nf th· . ea onDecember 13th and 14th.L\DIE. OF TIU .. _fl R \ .. i.s a newcomedy pac · d it h in tere. t ing a ndhilarious happeni ;1gs and . it uations tha tcome to a jury in an important mu rc ert ri a l.\ ernon .\rchambeaul t i d irecting thi.comedy and the fo ll o\Ying per on willportray the many rnjoyable characters :~faryalice Bu well , .:\ I ichael \ ·anHoutd reve. F. E. \Yenricl·. He! n \\ righ t.Bill William ·on, Evel} n • I tcalfe, \ anceHar h. Jula l),rn1 horn . Bill Lo,·e. Janehl\\ l r, R·tlph f ri l, Lilli Hogue . ~Jab I\ anderb cl· . Carl Hau. b rg . France:~lay. ( a rl \\a l h . Bl>b . teele. .\liceFecteau Cla rence \Yeh ter. \\. F. Dem­ir and E. _ · egal.I hi large c.a.t off r you ab::;orbingt ri al c ne and in. ide ·· vit ws of theju ry at work. You will meet old have enjoy cl ..,eting many times be­fon and yuu will meet many newfctc s aero . our footlighh. Ladi e. of tht· Jury ·· l>eceml>er13th and 14t h.\\E RE ~TRE YOL LL LI KE TT.BOWLING HIGHLIGHTS\\ell. before this column gets downt) di bing up the dirt about bowling. itwould lih to e.·tend it: thank: to themembers and their iriend: for the splen­did ·upport they t?:aw c,ur FeatherPa rty, al ·o to the h >y: who : o wi ll inglydonated their time, cry ing out their\\are·. . ·eedle· to sa}. it wa: a birdof a t ime. e. pecially for tho e so fortu­nateto get the bird · and l understandthat the Barnharts ar figuring on quitea iea t . ·ma. with their booty. lsSpeedy i1l\ited, Barmy?The Bowling . \~cti o n :houlcl feelp r rnd of it .self in that it has a clistinc-We Carry a Full Line of Came ras and AccessoriesAlbums - Tripods - Personal Chrisi:mas Cardsand Small Table RadiosICTU U NT C517 Lincoln Way West Gene Mutzl Phone 3-1225t ion t hat nu other ection ha . and thati. thL nu ml>rr oi Father and . on com­binationit ha. in it. ranb;. For proof.just watch :ome nite and . ee the DAD.and L \}).get down to the .S(riou: lrnsi ­ne.·. to . e( who is the IH·~ t. which allgoe. to show that what·. good for Dadis !!;O<>d for the Lad. One nite we werefortuna te in having three set. the (;reening,:-,, .chmidts. Taube:and a lot oi ( ;oepfrichs.You know that we have a lot of~trang e tal ent an.urn! the Hall that onewould not dnam tXi. tu!. hut one of the~trangest was the _-ight of one oi our111ember: the other aturday morning,demonstrating the proper method ofhandling l· itten. and other animals toP. Joers c;randchild . .\ : a lot of theparents m Jtdd be interested in a courselil·e thi for their children. I will tryand have thi: 111an hold clas ·e. of thi.­:ort every . aturday morning. I takegreat pleasure in pre: nting, BRL · c;E:\I B.\CK .\ Ll\.E R. Goepfrich.( ·. Hau. burg put hi · iir:t nickel in t hepiehox. but it was not in front of hi.boys . but his record went by the board:and this will entitle him to one vote asto the pie or onion cal·e que ·tion. THEBOYS mi · you ·o please come back andthey mm t :ay a word. H. Kahre saysif HLRR LOC IE doe. nt :top hauntinghim. c.tu. ing him to get :o many :plit:.he i: going to do more than mumblr.In th< ab:ence of l ·ncle .John at thefou l line it seem: that Bud Freiberg gotsd .sic!· watching the Turner .\ ct ive boysslide al l m·er that lw wa::-. unable to bowlFUELCooperai:ive Co I Corp.14-5557Call I 735 Niles Avenuehi third game. ince Han ommererhurt his back lift ing a side of beef ora pork chop, the Hoosier boys have notbeen doing so well , so hurry back J im­my,they need you . It eem that whenKamms were passing out the hirt theother nite, they overlooked POLLYJOEP S, the same en.using a worriedlook until C. Greening, who had a r­rivedlat e on account of his anniversary,told him, \\h at~ a shirt for 106? butwhen he, him elf rolled the same scorethev had to give POLLY his shirt.DO:\T be surpri ed to see the KU Steam appear in old Roman style dressome nite, a they a re sta rt ing to marktheir core in Roman numerals, but may­bethev a re PLA. T ~I~ G TO :.\IARK thedate o~ bread that wav. It seems that acertai n member of the ·Edelweiss orphanhad the idea that he could pu t ome­bodyunder the hops if he fed himenough of them while bowling, therebybeing able to win the match for hiteam but it did not work as this partythrives on hop . hame on you , Ken­ney,hame.ome of the teams are having a littletrouble wi th the boys not appearin~ ontheir scheduled nite , so lets try and putforth a little more effort to how onthese nite if it is po sible, a this willcau e a lack of interest and we urelyJ u11 t \>\ dii t thi to ha pp Ii .Y our gu tt rball peciali st ,F. E. ··HOFF MA2018 West Washington AvenueTEAM STANDINGSWeek Ending Nov. 30, 1940E Platz Beer _ ··------ -· -- 25 11 .694G Hoosier Beer ___ ..... . 22 14 .611B Hud on :.\Iotors ... ... . 22 14 .611T Coca Cola .... --·. 20 16 .556c Kamms Beer .. ---- . . 20 16 .556D Edelweiss Beer - ---- - .1 7 19 .472J Taube Printer --· -·· ... 16 20 .444A Kuss Bakers .... .... 14 22 .389F Turner Active .. .. 14 22 .389H \Yyman , ~I e n hop .. 11 25 .306HIGH TEA:.\1- 3 GA:\IE(Ser. )(Hep. )Edelweis Beer ........ ... 2445Coca Cola ... .......... . .. .. ... 2887HIGH T:\DIVIDCAL 3 GA:.\IE,(Ser. ) A. Bauer .. ... ...... ...... ... .. ... 616(Hep. ) T. Goepfrich .... 699HIGH TEAJ.\I- 1 G...\:.\IE(Ser .) Hoosier Beer . 89 5(Hep.) Turner Actives .. . . ____ .1002HIGH IXDI\IDL.\L 1 GA:.\IE(, er. )(Hep.)A. Bauer _____ ____ ..... .T. Goepfrich .......... .200 CORE 247255R. Goepfri ch ____ ___ 203Final special prize by COOPERA­TIVE COAL CO. for :.\overnber to R.\\illiams, 245.SAY IT WITH FLOWERSCHRISTMANFLORAL CO.Phone 3-4519 Dixie Highway•.. >···.:.. .,. ·:... .: ::~... •1 ..COMPLETE LINE OFHamilton WatchesBulova WatchesGruen WatchesElqin WatchesWes tfield WatchesDiamond RingsWedding Ringsfrom $37.50 upfrom $24.57 upfrom $24. 75 upfrom $24.75 upfrom $ 9.75 upfrom $10.00 upfrom $ 2.50 upAlso Full Line ofLadies and Gents Rings, Jewelry.Silverware Percolator Se ts, DresserSets and Ele ctric Shavers.R. K. MUELLERJEWELERFirst in Style and Value214 N. Michigan StreetSOUTH BEND, INDIANAHAVE YOU PA! YOUR DUES? -Mail to R. Goepfrich, Secy., 1109 N.Cleveland.WHEN YOU ARE UP TOWNSTOP AT GOLDEN D. MANNTHE BEST OF NOON DAY LUNCHESGOLDEN D MANN126 W. Washington St.ALE AND BEER
Origin: 1940-12
Contributor(s): Wirth, Hazel; Mutzl, Gene
Collection: Local History
Copyright: It is the researcher’s responsibility to seek permission from the copyright owner and any other rights holders for any reuse of these images that extends beyond fair use or other statutory exemptions. For more information, contact
Subjects: Clubs--Indiana--South Bend
German Americans--Indiana--South Bend

Further information on this record can be found at its source.