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South Bend Turner Vol. III No. 07

Description: A newsletter issued by the South Bend Turnverein, begun in September, 1937.
Sec. 562, P. L. & R.SOUTH BEND TURNERVol. IIIMEMBERSThe officers of 1940 feel honored tobe entrusted with the guidance of theSouth Bend Turnverein for the comingyear, but inasmuch as only 15 or 20members have been present at the recentmeetings, feel that they should ha~emore support from the 175 members mgood standing.We have often wondered if the mem­bersrealize that this society is a co­operativeorganization in which eachmember has the privilege of expressinghis thoughts at the meetings and should,therefore, endeavor · to do his share tofurther the social and physical activi­tiesof the society. Our children andactive gym classes are well attendedand we are proud of their achievementsin the recent and other gymnastic meetsin Chicago. Our social affairs have alsobeen successful.We regret to say, however, that ournew members are not attendiqJS themeetings and we are particularly in­terestedthat they become acquaintedwith us so that they will enjoy th~benefits of the society. This goes forthe old members too, that dont showup.We all want our Turner Hall to be aninteresting spot. vVe know Lhere iroom for improvement and we needyour help. Only thru cooperation ~anwe continue to improve. So, lets ALLset aside the SECOND and LASTMONDAY of EACH MONTH for theTURNER MEETINGS.(E. 0. W. Pinch-hitting forThe Attendant. )GYM EXHIBITION BY NOTRE DAMEGYMANASTIC TEAMThe members who were present onFriday evening, February 9th for thespecial Exhibition by the Notre DameGymnastic Team enjoyed it very much.We were treated to a very interestingprogram of gymnastics including WandDrill, Club Swinging, Tumbling, Hori­zontaland Parallel Bars, ElephantVaulting and Pyramids on Ground andParallel Bar.March, 1940LAST REMINDER!Dont Miss This VeryEntertaining PerformanceAROUND THECORNERA Comedy DramaBy Martin FlavinPresented By OurTURNER LITTLE THEATREDirected by Jeanne M. WalshFRIDAY and SATURDAYMARCH 7th and 8thLEAP YEAR DANCESponsored ByLADIES AUXILIARYSATURDAY,0th.BOB BURKHARTand his ARISTOCRATSTickets 40c Door PrizeRegular GERMANNight in theRATHSKELLERSATURDAY, APRIL 6thMusic ByEMIL KISS and hisSTRING QUARTETYOU CAN ALWAYS BESURE OF A GOOD TIMENo. 7ILLINOIS DISTRICT GYMNASTICMEETOn Sunday, February 25th a bus loadof boys and girls from the gym classestraveled to Chicago to wmpete in theannual gymnastic meet. The SouthBend team achieved laurels in return­ingwith medals. Frank Clasquin ofthe active class took the highest honorby placing first in the championship di­vision.A great ovation by the specta­torswas given his spectacular work onthe horizontal and parallel bars. RayBoxwell won third place in the activeslow division, Bob Bogue a 4th place andBill Hanna a 5th place in the juniormiddle division. Not to be forgotten isChet Kistler who unfortunately de­velopeda ripper in his hand whilepracticing the difficult fly-away on thehorizontal bar. We are sure he wouldhave placed in the meet had he notbeen handicapped by tliis injury. Allof the boys and girls are to be con­gratulatedon their sincere efforts dis­playedat the meet. Keep up the goodwork, boys and girls and start prepar­ingnow for the next meet.The gymnastic committee is consider­ingsponsoring a city-wide junior boysand girls gymnastic meet in Aprii.Housy.JUNIORSThe Junior Boys and Girls Gymclasses have organized and elected of­ficersas follows:President -------~------ - ---Jack HannaVice-Pres. ----··--·-···-----Bill HannaSec.-Treas. __________ Gladys BoxwellSrgt. at Arms _______ Red LutherThe Juniors sponsored a Leap YearDance Friday, March 1st. Many menpresent were treated to a VegetableCorsage by their wife or G. F. Musicfor the dance was furnished by theMelody Girls and everyone presentenjoyed the evening very much.Editors N ote: We should have moreof these Junior Dances. How aboutit?@>nut41Brnh IDurnrrHazel Wirth ................................................ EditorMax Wolle .............................. Business ManagerGene Mutzl .................................... Photographer&nut~ iSrnh IDurnutrrtnEst. 1861OFFICERSL. F. Freiberg ... ·--··-··-··--·-·······-------········PresidentWalter Schachenman --···············--·Vice-PresidentGordon C. KennedY-------·····----·······-······TreasurerAugie Bauer _________________________ Recording SecretaryRudy Goepfrich ... ·--------···-··--·······--·····Cashier andCorresponding SecretaryJoe Koutnik ........ ---·--------····-······-········First LeaderChet Kistler .................................... Second LeaderE. VanDerbeck .......................... Supt. of SuppliesFrank Yuhasz .................. Asst. Supt. of SuppliesMax Wolle ______ _.. ...................................... LibrarianChas. Noble .......................................... Flag BearerMeetings every second and last Monday ofthe month.Emil 0. WirthHans SeifertChas. KussTRUSTEESSTEWARDGeo. SommererSteve KossackJohn GreifMax Wolle ······-··············-···················----····-.-4-6217LADIES AUXILIARYAt our February meeting it was de­cidedto have a Public Card Party onWednesday February 28th. Mrs. IreneMutzl was named chairman, assistedby Mrs. Anna Lederer, Mrs. M. Berlin,Mrs. B. Weiss and Mrs. W. Sommerer.The party, held in the Dining Roomwas very successful and we extend ourthanks to the committee and membersfor their assistance.As this is Leap Year, the ladies, asis customary, will sponsor a Leap YearDance, Date-Saturday, March 30th.Mrs. Charlotte Freiburg is chairman,with the following committee: Mrs.Mabel VanDetbeck, Mrs. R. Goepfrich,Mrs. Clara Mutzl, Mrs. Irene Mutzl,Mrs. Billie Schachenman and Miss DinaBusch. Mrs. VanDerbeck will handlethe tickets. Get yours now! We wantthis Dance to be a huge success so planyour parties now.Our regular card party for memberswas held Wednesday, February 21st.I YOU GET THE BEST L::WHEN YOU BUYS BtITTERNUTBREADSOUTH BEND TURNERROASTS, HAMS, SAUSAGESMEAT OF ALL KINDSThe Best There IsJIMMIES MEAT MARKETPhone 3-9326Five tables were in play. The GeorgeWashington trimmings were very at­tractiveand the cakes delicious. Prizeswere won by Mrs. B. Weiss, Mrs. Miller,Mrs. A. Bauer, Mrs. B. Seifert and Mrs.H. Wirth.The next regular card party will beheld Wednesday, March 20th with thefollowing hostesses: Mrs. L. Clark,Mrs. Frank Bruggner, Miss Dina Buschand Mrs. Florence Currey.Try to attend. You will have a verypleasant evening. We should have atleast 10 tables in play. Keep this datefor this party - MARCH 20th.APRIL MEETING, WEDNESDAY,APRIL 3rd. Please make an effort toattend . Dont forget your dues! Mailto Hazel Wirth, Sec. 1818 E. Ewing,phone 3-7007.DEUTSCHE ECKEUnser diesjaehriger Maskenball warals ein guter Erfolg zu verzeichnen undmoechten wir hiermit unseren Dankaussprechen zu allen Mithelfern.Die Gesangssection ist jetzt wiederim vollen Gange, und moechten wirgerne haben unseren Saengerschor aufmindestens 20 Mann zu bringen, darumdie nochmalige Auff orderung, wer Lustund Liebe zum Lied hat moechte dochFreitags Abend vorsprechen zur Sing­stunde.Mit Bedauern mussten wir verneh­men,das unser alter Sa~gesbruder Her­manArndt so ploetzlich aus unsererMitte gerissen wurde. Herman warimmer ein treurer Saenger, der vieleAbende dem Deutschen Liede widmete,denn er sang nicht nur mit uns allein,sondern auch mit dem Maennerchor undden Fortbildungsverein. Als Sanges­bruederhaben wir seinen letzten Wunscherfuellt, und Ihm noch ein DeutschesGrablied zum Geleit gegeben. Fuer dieunermuedliche Aufopferung zur Foer­derungdes Deutschen Liedes sangenwir: Ehre seinem Andenken und Friedeseiner Asche.Es fruet uns sehr dass unser DirigentEmil wieder im besseren Befinden ist,March, 1940HANS A . SEIFERTINSURANCE OF ALL KINDSPhone 3-5372RepresentingCARL W. GINZ, lies es sich nicht nehmen FreitagAbend die Singstunde, sowie Samstagzum letzten Geleite zu Herman ArndtBeerdigung anwesend zu sein, obwohler sellbst nur am Freitga morgen 10Uhr das Hospital verlassen hat.Unser Dirigent verdient es wohl <lasssich die Saenger mehr puenktlich zu denSingstunden einfinden, hauptsaechlichjetzt wo wir schon Einladungen habenzu einem Fruhjahrs Konzert des Fort­bildungsverein,welches am 2 7. Aprilstattfindet, und ein Konzert des GaryLiederkranzes am 11. Mai.Unsere Deutschen Abende sind soweitsehr gut besucht, und wird im allge­meinenBeifall ausgesprochen, ueber diegute Gemuetlichkeit, die an solchenAbenden herscht. Vergesst nicht dernaechste Deutsche Abend ist am 6.April. H. S.LADIES GYM CLASSThe reason for the breakina downof classes has been revealed to thewriter by her absence from three ses­sions.The first time I hated to miss ;the second I wondered if I d be missedand the third I didn t care, so .. . ..the moral to this story is - COME TOCLAS RAIN OR SHINE.And, speaking of rain, Spring is justaround the corner (I hope) also Springhousecleaning (I Know) so to keepthose muscles limbered up for thatladder climbing and crawling into cubbyholes to sort out stuff we should havethrown out last year, youll need yourregular exercises. So come down.Dont forget the show AROUNDTHE CORNER Friday and Saturday,MARCH 8th and 9th.LADIES AUXILIARY LEAP YEARDANCE SATURDAY, MARCH 30th- A good time assured. Get yourtickets from Mabel. ?? ?CONG RA TULA TIONS: Turner andMrs. Max Mutzl are the proud parentsof a daughter, born Sunday, February11th.VISIT THE MEN S CORNERJust Opened withCOMPLETE LINE OF CLOTHING AND SHOES FOR YOUNG AND OLDROSE & KATZComer COLFAX and MAIN StreetsMARVIN BERLINSODA and MINERAL WATERSHome DeliveriesPhones 4-9321 - 4-7683730;2 BLAINE AVE.CAMERA AND OUTING CLUBHello everybody!Boy, oh boy, did we have fun? Ordid we have fun? Y owsa, we did, allthe boys and girls who attended thetobbogan party will never forget it. Idon t see where any outfit can offermore that we had in those few hoursSunday, February 1 lth. There were spills and thrills, tobog­ganing,watersports, skiing, free re­freshments,free movies, plenty good­fellowship and plenty of exercise in thefresh air. It was funny to see how dis­trustfulthe hikers were of the sleds·all of em starting out on sleds, butmost of them finished the rides on theseat of their pants. As a matter offact, no two ever went down the sameway; some went fast, some slow, somestarted out with two on and only thesled went all the way, and yes, sir, oncewhen Hans and Dina went down, thesled got stuck and the two kept goingfor another 1 S feet with nothing underem but 2 pair of wet pants, and Dinasarm was still around Hans mid-section.I guess the two never missed the sled.Some went down three-layer one ontop of the other. Thats the way Grape­nutswants to go down the next time,sandwich style with Marie and Virginia.The sun was out bright and earlymeltina some of the snow into a nicelittle creek right down the best part ofthe run , making the party especially in­terestingfor the spectators ; they alwayswondered if the next ones down weregoing to get a shower or a good soak­ing.As a matter of fact, Virginia, (shewho is wooed by Korky) asking howshe should go down, was told if shewanted her face washed to do down belly-flop and if the feet needed itSOUTH BEND TURNERmore, to ride sitting. Mrs. Wolle, anewcomer in our ranks, only went downtwice, and after hugging the warm fur­nacefor three hours, insisted she wasdry outside, but her inside was all wetyet. Emil Wirth and Hans Seifert hadfirst experience on skiis, liking it, whileHilde Wolle did the pioneering in thisnew sport.Refreshments were served at theWirth residence and there were almostthirty of us who accepted this hospital­ityand made the most of it. TurnerWirth finally had to start his movie tostop the most ardent bellystuffers.The movies were mostly of ourselveson previous hikes, in full color and werea surprise to most of us, due to the factthat we were unaware that we were be­ingfilmed and so had a real chance tosee ourselves as others see us. We cer­tainlyare indebted to Emil and Hazelfor the trouble they went to in provid­inga pleasant afternoon and eveningfor us.Attendance was very good with Billand Mildred coming all the way fromChicago as they have done on pervioushikes.Lets keep up the good work.Grapenuts.BASKETBALLThe Turner A and B teams arefinishing their basketball season withtwo more games, after which a GoldMedal Tournament will be held the21st, 22nd and 23rd of March.Three more games were added to thewinning list of the Turner A and Bteams. The A team defeated the Bear Cats of outh Bend 36 to 24 ·St. Stephens As 31 to 25 and th~Mishawaka Merchants 41 to 30· mean­whilethe B team defeated the Kew­peeB team of Niles, SO to 36 ; Y. M.C. A. 59 to 2 2 and t. Marys of Niles40 to 2 7. The remaining games to beplayed are with the Bendix Engineerswhich will take place Sunday, March10th and the Dodge As of Misha­wakaon the 17th of March.March, 1940HYDROXSPARKLING BEVERAGESAce Hy-Distributors, Inc.Phone 4-4288Do not forget the Gold Medal Tour­namentwhich starts March 21st.COME ONE, COME ALL AND HELPYOUR TEAM ALONG.DATES TO REMEMBERLADIES LEAP YEAR DANCESATURDAY, MARCH 30thEMIL KISS AND ms STRINGQUARTETSATURDAY, APRIL 6thTURNER NIGHT AT THENATATORIUMActives, Ladies and JuniorBoys and GirlsWEDNESDAY, MARCH 13OBITUARYTurner Herman Arndt, a member ofthe South Bend Turnverein and Sing­ingSection for many years, passed awaysuddenly February 21st. We extendour heartfelt sympathy to his family.Mrs. Emil Hornuff, wife of TurnerEmil Hornuff and aunt of Turner MaxWolle, passed away suddenly March2nd. We extend our heartfelt sym­pathyto Turner Hornuff and his family.Julia Marie Swanson, a member ofour Junior class, passed away March3rd after an illness of several months.We extend our heartfelt sympathy tothe Swanson family.FUELCooperative Coal Corp.Call .4-5557 735 Niles AvenueGood Old-s0 u th Bend BrewingBOWLING SCHEDULETuesday, March 127 P. M.- Hudson & Golden Mann9 P. M.- Patrick Henry & Archam­beaultPrntrs.Wednesday, March 137 P. M.- Mclnerny & Drewrys9 P. M.- Hoosier & HeilemansThursday, March 147 P. M.- Reinke & Kamms9 P. M.- Kuss & TaubeTuesday, March 197 P. M.- Hudson & Hoosier9 P. M.- Patrick Henry & MclnernyWednesday, March 207 P. M.- Drewrys & Kuss9 P. M.- Heilemans & ReinkeThursday, March 217 P. M.- Kamms & ArchambeaultPrntrs.9 P. M.- Taube Printers & GoldenMannTuesday, March 267 P. M.- Hudson & Heilemans9 P. M.- Patrick Henry & DrewrysWednesday, March 277 P. M.- Mclnerny & Taube Prntrs.9 P. M.- Hoosier & KammsThursday, March 287 P. M.- Reinke & ArchambeaultPrntrs.9 P. M.- Kuss & Golden MannTuesday, April 27 P. M.- Hudson & Kuss9 P. M.- Patrick Henry & ReinkeWednesday, April 37 P. M.- Drewrys & Taube Prntrs.9 P. M.- Heilemans & KammsThursday, April 47 P. M.- Mclnerny & ArchambeaultPrntrs.9 P. M.- Hoosier & Golden MannSAY IT WITH FLOWERSCHRISTMANFLORAL CO.Phone 3-4519 North Francis St.BOWLING HIGHLIGHTSHudson Motors and Heilemans Lagerare now fighting it out for first plac;e.Mclnerny Cigars and Hoosier Beer areright behind.Kuss Bakery, through their legalcounsel, Len. Bogue are going to lodgea protest on that tie game which Heile­mans won in extra innings. They sayLeBeau was using an illegal .ball whenhe pulled the game out of the fire bystriking out with a ladies ball. Show·em-no-fear Hans Sommerer says Hoo­sierBeer will be out there on top be­forethe seasons over. Also, SpeedBaumbach who is warming the benchon Kamms Beer was rash enough towager with the secretary that Kammsfinish no worse than second.A Game. Fill in the Last NameGang Buster__ __ __ _________ _____________ , Nickel-on-top ___ _____ ___ _________ , W.P.A. ____ __ ____________ __ ,Duck Pin ______________________________ , Two-Chair--------------------------, Who Cares ______ __ ___________ ,Great Dane ___________________________________ , PorkChop __________________________________ , Snow Cruiser------------------------------, Stinky ______________________ ,Bee Hive ______________________________ , Commencer--------------------, Pony Express ___________________ ,Senator__ __________ ___ _____ ______ __ , Stopper-Upper------------------------, Hip Boots _____________________ ,Pop-Eye _________________________________ , WorthlessGrogan ____________________________________ , Ferdinand------------------------, Half-Pint__ ______ __ ______________ ,30L ___________ _____________ . R. A. G.HOFFlVIAN & REUTTERCOAL COMPA1YCOAL OF ALL KINDSPhone 4-58912018 West Washington AvenueWHEN YOU ARE UP TOWNSTOP AT GOLDEN D. MANNTHE BEST OF NOON DAY LUNCHESGOLDEN D. MANN126 W. Washington St.CompanyTEAM STANDINGSWeek Beginning February 27, 1940TEAM W. L. Pct.A Hudson Motors ___________ .46 26 .639I Heilemans Lager ______ --43 29 .597B Mclnerny Cigars _______ .41 31 .569H Hoosier Beer _____ ____ ______ -41 31 .569L Archambeaults ________ ____ 39 33 .542E Kamms Beer ______________ 38 34 .528C Drewrys Beer _________ ___ 35 3 7 .486G Patrick Henry ____________ 3 5 3 7 .486D Reinke Builders __________ 34 38 .4 72J Kuss Bakery _______ _______ 31 41 .431F Golden D. Mann ________ 31 41 .431K Taube Printers _________ ___ 18 54 .250High Team - 3 Games(Ser.) Heilemans Lager ____________ 2745(Hep.) Patrick Henry ________________ 3029High Individual - 3 Games(Ser.) G. Wallace ---------------------- 644(Hep.) R. Williams -------------------- 702High Team - 1 Game(Ser.) Heilemans Lager ____________ 104 7(Hep.) Heilemans Larger ____ ______ 1121High Individual - 1 Game(Ser.) F. Yuhasz ------------------------ 256(Hep.) F. Yuhasz ------- ----------------- 276We are happy to see that many ofour members who were down with the flu during the past few weeks areback in harness again.We are very glad to know that Tur­nerLeslie Wrights condition is muchimproved and we hope he continues toimprove.Mrs. Charlotte Freiberg and Mrs. F.w enrick are carrying one arm in asling. They both had the misfortuneof breakino- their wrist and we hopethey will have the use of their injuredarm before long.PATRICK HENRYEDELWEISSExcello Beverages, Inc.PHONE 4-4288ALE AND BEER
Origin: 1940-03
Contributor(s): Wirth, Hazel; Mutzl, Gene
Collection: Local History
Copyright: It is the researcher’s responsibility to seek permission from the copyright owner and any other rights holders for any reuse of these images that extends beyond fair use or other statutory exemptions. For more information, contact
Subjects: Clubs--Indiana--South Bend
German Americans--Indiana--South Bend

Further information on this record can be found at its source.