Search Results - (( tire sales rin...
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Search Results - (( tire sales rin...
Showing 1 - 20 of 641 results
From left to right, Butler University President John G. Johnson, First Lady of Indiana Joanne (Josie) Wallace Orr, and Allen Whitehill ...
Butler University Buildings and Grounds Collection
Indiana First Lady Joanne (Josie) Wallace Orr (left) and Rudolf Nureyev (right) sit next to each other at a table during...
Butler University Buildings and Grounds Collection
Indiana First Lady Joanne (Josie) Wallace Orr (left) and Rudolf Nureyev (right) clink glasses for a toast while seated at...
Butler University Buildings and Grounds Collection
Dr. George Henry Alexander Clowes Jr. stands with a hand on a chair next to the table where Butler University President John G. Johnson...
Butler University Buildings and Grounds Collection
Indiana Governor Robert D. Orr (right) greets Rudolf Nureyev (left), who is sitting next to First Lady of Indiana Joanne (Jos...
Butler University Buildings and Grounds Collection
Dr. George Henry Alexander Clowes Jr. (left) and Joanne (Josie) Wallace Orr (right), First Lady of Indiana, sit at a tab...
Butler University Buildings and Grounds Collection
Kiwanis Magazine: During his term as International President William J. Carrington dedicated the first Kiwanis Boundary Peace Tablet, on Detroits ...
Kiwanis International
Manuscript will of John White of Clark County, Indiana, dated July 12, 1848. Includes witness testimony and probate dated July 2, 1848. Tran...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
170THE NOEMAL ADVANCE.clashed with the Faculty when I tried to reach forward in the course and fumed when I had to acceptthe required w...
was inat all the class scraps going
wrote for the paper
performed various stunts in society
and did as little actual school work as possible. I made twelvestraight P minuses
went home in June and organized a base ball team
made myself captain andgeneral manager, and had a lot of fun during thesummer. I kept a country school during the nextwinter and came b...
cut out athletics
lectured me back into the narrow way
and Ibuckled down to business with the Girl and a breakfast table looming up on the horizon. The nextyear found me a Senior with a...
carrieda pike in the class play
received by certificate ofgraduation
accepted a forty-dollar job and wentto work. Next year I fell into a pretty good place,this year a better one, and the sailing promises...
neither do educatedteachers lack positions at good salaries. The profession is not crowded except at the bottom, andthat is true of all line...
and ifthat does not bespeak soul affinity, pray tell mewhat does ? It was rapturous to sit apart with the
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
AcknowledgementsThe 1992 GOTHICstaff would like to thankall the people involved inthe completion of thisyears book-Phil Allen and the staffof Cameo Co...
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed
An employee newsletter
the ·OLIVER MIRRORVOLUME 3, No. 2 FEBRUARY, 1951Donagher, Miles, RichieElected Vice PresidentsHOMER F. DONAGHERW. E. MILESL. PIERCE RICHIECHICAGO, ILL.-A.&...
Business & Industry
64THE NORMAL ADVANCE.books, papers and pencil a vigorous push acrossthe table, and jumped from his chair. He hesitated a minute, looked about,...
and now that he found it was to be held here hewas very anxious to see the people that attended.When they entered the room, it...
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
Werldmg hard f w the $$ Beware of thefoot you step ontoday, becauseit might be thebutt you have tokiss tomorrow.Time flies when yo...
Edgewood High School
No subjects listed
THE CENTER OF POPULATION--ContinuedI am glad we agree on this. I have always wished it sinceGenie and Owen were little tots. Just think ...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed
On slide mount: 612-614 E. St. Clair St.
Fiscus House614 E. St. Clair Street1864This brick cottage was built by Thomas Fiscus in 1984. Fiscus lived here until 1885, during which tim...
multi-family dwelling
Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection
On slide mount: 612-614 E. St. Clair
Fiscus House614 E. St. Clair Street1864This brick cottage was built by Thomas Fiscus in 1984. Fiscus lived here until 1885, during which tim...
multi-family dwelling
Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection
On slide mount: 612-614 E. St. Clair
Fiscus House614 E. St. Clair Street1864This brick cottage was built by Thomas Fiscus in 1864. Fiscus lived here until 1885, during which tim...
multi-family dwelling
Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection
The file contains the documents related to the suit David Snyder brought against Robert Adams for the failure to pay off a Promissory N...
Early Vincennes, 1732-1835
THE SPORTS REVIEWIntramurals ForBoys ResumedThrough the newly re-inaugurated intramural sports system, the boys ofBloomington High School were given theprivileg...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed
Chocolate from theNew World takesEurope by storm.Brought to Spain fromMexico, chocolate isso costly thatEuropeans water itdown for use as a drink.Nati...
Edgewood High School
No subjects listed