152THE NORMAL ADVANCECollege Course NotesThe College Course students held their election of officers January 28, and the followingwere given honors:...
Vice President, Miss Parsons
Secretary, MissCope
Treasurer, Mr. Row
Historian, MissConnor. The attendance at the meeting wasnot large, nevertheless, those who were presentwere enthusiastic. Committees were appointedto look ...
Brown, 3
Jones, 2
Riche, 1
Schorling, 3
Schoeppel, 1
Wood, 2
Laughlin, 1. Foul goals—Everett,8
Brown 3
Chadwick, 1. Referee—Kisner.Umpire—Reiter.In the curtain raiser Clinton defeated Normal. Seconds in a rough unscientific game, bythe score of 17...