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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1998, Page 86

Description: Diggin ItbyAlisonVanDerWeqeFreshmen finish 7-13 while JV go 10-124 Miles the JV team had to runwhen their coach raced themfrom the school to her house.(At) one of the last practicesour coach said we were going torun to her house and if we beather, she would buy us all DairyQueen. It ended up being aboutfour miles and we were all dying.And of course she beat us,sophomore Amy Watkins said.S Number of girls thatparticipated in club volleyballoutside of the regular highschool season. The girls experiencewas a contributing factor in theirsuccessful freshman season.They were more experienced.They would help us and not getfrustrated. I think it affected us ina positive way, freshman EricaFlake said.3 Number of games the JV teamplayed against BloomingtonNorth in the second match.The team lost the first game 6-U)but won the last two games.We all wanted to win reallybad. They beat us in atournament before, and we didn twant to lose again because wewould get it rubbed in our face,junior Ashley Cain said.% m\ Serves the freshman teamI would do during a drill atpractice. They would servethe ball 10 times and for eachserve they missed, they would doa sit-up or push-up. Doing manyserving drills in practice led tobetter serving during games.Our serves got better duringthe season. Our servingpercentage really improved,freshman Erin Jones said.Eben McAvayJV Front Row: Coach Genelle Robertson. MeredithHash, Amy Robbins, Charlotta Preece, Ashley Cain.Tricia Cooksey. Back Row: Amy Watkins. BritneyCombs. Lindsey Goad. Vanessa Higgins. Ashley Hunt,Hannah Jennings.Eben McAvayFreshman Front Row: Erica Flake, Jana Teague,Jessica Conder, Lindsey Heisler, Asst. Coach CindyWells. Back Row: Kendall Weger, Amanda Holland,Ginger Lyle. Erin Jones, Stacia Helms.During their warm-up before theMartinsville game on Oct. 11,sophomores Meredith Hash andTricia Cooksey, freshman AshleyHunt and junior Ashley Cainstretch. The girls were membersof the JV team.Courtesy of Ruth Stewartsportsdesign by anshu kalhan and ravi soniCourtesy of Genelle Robertson
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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