THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYintendent of schools, Camden and Ke-wanna 1882-1886
traveling salesmanfor twenty years
manager of a farm in1916
no report since.Grosjean, Charles F., ha 1929 North 11thSt., Terre Haute
pa same
principal oftownship graded schools a few years andcounty superintendent Vigo countyeleven years
taught for a number ofyears in the boys vocational school andserved as principal of that school
since1920 assistant superintendent of cityschools, Terre Haute.Hobbs, E. M. C, pa 2432 Park St.,Indianapolis
taught four years beforegraduation
superintendent of schoolsLaFontaine, Ridgeville and Brownstown
for a number of years commercial salesman.Kesler-Hoff, Mrs. Laura, nr.Lawrence, L. C, nr.McClure, Z. B., pa 1320 Orchard Ave.,Grand Junction, Colo....
in Kansas 1885and taught while proving a claim
in1888 went to Denver as principal ofLroadway school
county superintendentthere seven years
living in Grand Junction since 1899 spending time teachingand operating a fruit farm.*McCord-Rhodes, Mrs. Frances, nr.♦Martin, Bailey, 1882-1916 emp...
died May25, 1925.Mason-Rhea, Mrs. Hattie, nr.Mitchell, J. A., lr 1928 teaching In ornear Spokane, Washington.Mohler, Lizzie, nr.Mowrer, A. E., deceased...
nr.Mowrer-Turner, Mrs. Elizabeth L., haWolf Point, Mont.
lr 1916 teacher inSidney. Mont.Murphy-Hillis, Mrs. Rose
nr.Nelson, D. M., deceased 1891
nr.ONeill, Kathryn, nr.Parker, A. A., nr.Rhode-Cobb, Mrs. Fannie
pa Attica:taught country school Warren countytwo years before graduation
married in1885
not teaching.♦Shafer, H. B., no record of teachingcareer
employed in real estate businessin Kansas City, Missouri for a numberof years
deceased 1912.Smith, Mary M., nr.Trueblood-Hadley, Mrs. Mary, taughtschool in Indiana, Florida, and California
did last teaching in Whittier College,Whittier, Calif.
married Perry C. Hadleyand in 1916 living in Denair, Calif.♦Wagner-Patterson, Mrs. Minnie L., nr.
deceased Aug. 1917.Whiteleather, A. J., nr.CLASS OF 1883Alexander-Pickering, Mrs. Rose, pa Mid-dletown
teacher in country schoolsthree years before graduation
1883-1889 teacher in grades, Frankfort andlogansport
1889-1929 homekeeper
wife of Charles J. Pickering.♦Austin-Kerr, Mrs. Edith, ha Bridgeton
taught in Park county for some time before marriage
no further record available.Brown, James M., nr.Campbell, Hattie, nr.Campbell-McNeill, Mrs. Lizzie, nr.♦Charman, Albert R., ha Terre Haute
assistant and associate professor in department of psychology, methods andpractice 1883-1903
head of departmentof methods and practice, Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute from1904 until date of his death Ap/il 5,1917.Cox, Mary B.,...
1877-1883 teacher, country schools, Newtoncounty
1883-1888 teacher of grades,Staunton and Rochester
1881-1891teacher of grades, Huntington
1891-1922 head of department of history, highschool, Huntington
1922-1929 retiredon account of ill health
A. B. degree,Michigan University 1904
A. M. degree,Michigan University 1907.Crouse, C. W., pa Phoenix, Ariz., 312North 9th Ave., taught fourteen yearsin schools of Clay county before ...
six years as principal at Knightsville and Harmony
1889-1893 in charge of the Pima, Papago andMaricopa Indians at the Pima Reservation
1893-1905 appointed by PresidentMcKinley as superintendent and specialdisbursing agent of the Apache Indianreservation in the mountains of Arizona,was re-appoin...
was county superintendent ofschools, Phoenix, Ariz, for six years
1928-1929, judge of the probate court.Phoenix, Ariz.Cutter-Harris, Mrs. Hattie, ha Gas City
at home and not teaching
lr 1916.Delan, George W., nr.Foley, Mary, nr.♦Hall, Biddie P., nr.Jackson, C. A., nr.Jurgens-Nusbaum, Mrs. Mary E., haRichmond
pa Marshall, 111.
lr 1928 notteaching
at home in Marshall, 111.Kirth-Eppstein, Mrs. Emily, nr.♦Kirsch, P. H., nr.Lindley, Ella, nr.McArthur, Mary, nr.Monica!, Carrie D., nr.Morrison, E.&...
taught incity schools of Terre Haute from timeof graduation until her death in 1896.Scott, Eugenia, pa 2013 South 7th St.,Terre Haute...
lr 1927, not teaching
living with brother in Terre Haute.Sheets-Martin, Mrs. Salina, ha 308 NorthHumphrey Ave., Oak Park, 111.
teacherin schools of Shelbyville and Worthing-ton and for six years Chicago, 111.
since1897 at home, spending some time writing for magazines
lr 1928.Smith, H. M., ha 595 East Walnut St.,Springfield, Mo.
spent six years 1883-1889 traveling and writing
from 1889to the present time in banking businessat Richland and Springfield, Mo.♦Stephenson, Joseph M., ha Clay county
taught in Clay county a few years andtook up study of medicine
continuedin practice until time of death.Tomlin, James H., pa 3249 Broadway,Indianapolis
superintendent of schoolsfrom 1883 to 1916 in Clinton, Rock-port, Shelbyville, Terre Haute andEvansville
member of board of trusteesIndiana State Teachers College and member of state board of education
nowstate representative of Lyons and Car-nahan, publishers.Van Nuys, Clara, pa Elkhart
1883-1884teacher in Wabash: 1884-1885 teacher inNew Harmony: 1885-1886 attended Indiana University
1886-1887 assistantState Teachers College, Terre Haute