22THE NORMAL ADVANCEsistance to the new girls in securing rooms andin registration. Friendly greetings wereeither placed in the rooms or mailed t...
class by Mr. Buck. CentenaryM. E. Church, Sunday 9:30 a. m.
class byRev. Hixon, and Life of Christ, by MissBertha Wilson. Sunday, 9:30 a. m. at Association House, Life of Paul, by Miss HelenCrane...
Vice President, • Secretary, Miss IvaFerree
Treasurer, Miss Clara McDonald
Bible Study, Miss Belle Smith
Social, MissEdith Rhoads
Membership, Miss BlancheElliott
Religious Meetings, Miss GertrudeCope
Finance, Miss Mary Newhouse
Inter-Collegiate, Miss Iris Fish, and Home Mission,Miss Phebe C. Garman.The Sunday School at the Social Settlementopens a place for some practical...