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Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1915, Page 81

Description: THE INFORMER2FORD AEROPLANESTHE UNIVERSAL BIRDKnown the World Over as the Best$250.00CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ELECTSOFFICERSThe Chamber of Commerce met inthe City Hall last night and electedthe following business men as offi-cers: Edwin Simmons, president;Dr. Raymond Myers, vice-president;Hon. Robert Fee, secretary, and CecilLanum, treasurer.The old city hall was thronged withmen during the entire meeting, dueto the fact that the auditorium wasnot able to accommodate the crowd.This is another proof that we need anew city hall. Our present buildinghas stood for twenty-nine years--itbeing built in the year 1915.President Simmons announced thatduring his term as President of theChamber of Commerce he hoped tosee the foundation for a city cathe-dral laid. He also said that the Cham-ber of Commerce would do its part inraising funds for the new edifice forBloomington.The Informer wishes the newlyelected officers success in fulfillingthese responsible positions of honor.PREACHERS CONVENTIONRev. Vincent Heaton is planning toattend the Preachers National Con-vention at Terre Haute, U. S. A., nextweek.The convention is to last for oneweek and will start next Monday. Theheadquarters for the Ministers is atthe Hotel De Robert. Many vital ques-tions will come up this year whichwill greatly affect the state of Indiana.The convention was held at Denver,Colorado, last year, and will morethan likely be held next year at Bos-ton, Mass.A man by the name of McCaughanhas found the fourth dimension.C. E. Montgomery, Director of Ath-letics at Illinois University, is herefor a few days.The Hon. G. N. Corr has purchaseda new aeroplane. It is one of thelate models made by the RairdenCompany.Paul Davis has accepted a positionas traveling salesman for the Bruns-wick Supply Company of Boston. Da-vis will travel in Ohio and Illinoismost of the time.Ed. Burke has a complete line ofbase ball supplies in his store now,and has the order for the High school,as well as the University, for all sup-plies during the season.MANGLED BODY FOUNDWas Struck by Fifth StreetCar Last NightBody Not ClaimedA mutilated body was discoveredthis morning by Patrolman Engledow.Engledow found the body strewn overthe car tracks on West Fifth street.Soon after the discovery, a great com-motion was aroused as to whose bodyit was.Citizens residing on West Fifthstreet say that the person certainlyis a stranger, as there has been noreport of anybody missing.Night Was DarkMotorman McNabb said that as hemade his usual route on Fifth streetlast night he noticed nothing thatseemed to him to be unusual. Hesaid that the night was very dark andthat it was almost impossible for himto plainly see the track. This probab-ly accounts for the accident. Never-theless it is not yet clear as to wheth-er the death was due to accident orsuicide. Motorman McNabb says thathe continually sounded the gong asthe car swept down the street. Hesaid it was necessary to use the bellat all times due to the darkness.Body Taken to MorgueThe body was removed this morningto the morgue owned by Mr. DonaldRogers, where it will be held for identification.Later.-- Just before The Informerwent to press it was learned that themutilated body was the carcass of askinny, one-eyed cow which was own-ed by an old lady, residing on WestFifth street, by the name of MarthaBuskirk.ESSAY ON CRAMMING(Written by a pupil in BloomingtonHigh School.)Cramming for an examination islike trying to pack a suit-case in fiveminutes. You might throw the tooth-powder in, but you are liable to for-get the brush.When we have got about twenty-three minutes to pack a suit-case andto catch a train, we are, most gener-ally, somewhat up in the air. Wethrow shirts, collars, ties, safety raz-ors, and what-not in an any-way-to-fill-up method, into the suit-case.The packing is finished--or it wouldbe better to say, cramming is fin-ished. We rush to the depot in timeto see the big, important looking gen-tleman on the back platform of theparlor car looking out over the crowdas the train steams away and leavesus. The train was missed because wedid not prepare for the journey intime. We put the preparation off.Likewise, when examinations comearound, some of us put our packingoff until the last minute and then weget all fussed up and go to cram-ming. We throw in dates, proposi-tions, poets, essays, definitions, ex-amples and most anything that wehappen to see in print. We then tryto make the exam, but generallymiss it. We put the preparation off.We can get more in a suit-case ifwe take our time and fold things nice-ly and neatly and place them in asystematical order. The contents ofthe case will then be easy to find.We will have the tooth-powder andalso the brush. We can get more intoour brains if we start early and studyeach thing carefully and thoroughly.An overloaded stomach will not di-gest properly. A brain that is cram-med full of facts in a night will notwork clearly the next day.I see youre smiling. O, weve allcrammed!
Collection: Bloomington High School

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