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Showing 1 - 20 of 136 results
Search Results - (( first slate dr...
Showing 1 - 20 of 136 results
Top Row: Bruce Hatcher, Wilma Jane Borland, Andrew Wylie, Alma Davis, George Johnson, Betty Batman,Chester Dunlap.Second Row: Thelma Donate Willi...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed
tLIJentThe Student Council is the link between the students and the faculty. It isa governing body of students elected from each home room...
University High School
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In 1894, prominent Jasper businessman John Gramelspacher contracted with local brick mason Anthony Hochgesang to construct a two-story brick bakery bu...
Photographs of Dubois County
THE DRAMATIC CLUBThe Dramatic Club was first organized in Bloomington HighSchool during the first semester of the year 1923-1924. The clubhad ope...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed
G.A.A.The Girls’ Athletic Association was organized in1943 by Mrs. Doris Stewart and Mrs. Franklin.Mrs. Stewart is still its sponsor and superv...
University High School
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T..-Mg-I■ ♦wStudent Council—First row: Jack Stangle, president; Mary Poolitsan, treasurer; Carol Cason, secretary; Joe Franklin,vice-presid...
University High School
No subjects listed
Script: “I like the Zuni.”“But I like the Hopi.”“Aw, they can’t do much.make pretty pottery.”Third QuadeGive me ...
University High School
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OPCANIZATICNSVIOLINS—Danny Albright, Ross Fowler, Ellen Miller, Bob Eller, Joseph Kerr, Buren Cotton,Anna Jane Hacker, Eileen White, Ramon Johnson. Helen...
Bloomington High School
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Row I—Peggy Chaille, Barbara Fraser, Betty Jane Rothley, Henrietta Pairish,|^Htty Bell,Jean Robbins, Elsie Alice Marlin, Mary Beck.Row II—Rut...
Bloomington High School
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Junior Girl ReservesThe Junior Girl Reserves, the youngest branch of the Y.W. C. A., is composed of seventh and eighth grade girls.Prominent ...
Bloomington High School
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Proscenium PlayersAll cast on stage in five minutes! Every member of Proscenium Playershas, at one time, heard these very familiar words. Th...
Bloomington High School
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G.A.A. OFFICERS ANDSPONSORRow One—Kay Hettle, Miss LucileSwift, Judy Worley, Carol Rader. RowTwo—Elizabeth Schneider, TracyBranum, Darlene Fulford.To promot...
Bloomington High School
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FUTURE TEACHERSSeated left to right:Miss Gilstrap, Lorna Lutes,Phyllis Smith, MaryWedge, Miss Mahaffey,Carolyn Cunningham, A1C3Graves, Suzie Alexander.Annalee Payne....
Bloomington High School
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THE F FN FSHED PRODUCTTwo Gentlemen and VeronaThe house lights were dimmed, ahush fell over the audience, the curtainopened, and another Prosceni...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed
*THE Junior High School Glee Club Avas organized in 1928. In orderthat a high standard of attainment may be maintained membershipis on ...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed
Band and OrchestraAnd the band goes marching on—drums beating, hornsblaring, the Elegant Eighty resplendent in their new grey andrOyal blue uni...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed
^*u?te*r»te.%toip^*^*.W.IJ^Row 1—Suzanne Alexander, Margaret Eertsch, Jane Boxman, Frances Branam, MargaretCampbell, Bert Cassidy....
Bloomington High School
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Row I (left to right) :Nathan Abbott, HaroldAynes, Margaret Badger,Lois Beldon, Billy Bruce,Richard Buskirk, Pamela Cagle, Bill Cleveland,Jack Co...
University High School
No subjects listed
innilVi i MiMii mi,.— I■MM-anaaBottom row, left to right: Karlene Scheibner, Evelyn Salee, Janet Wyatt, Mary Jane Gilpatrick, Karen Hami...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed
THE BANDFirst Row: Ruby Lee, Robert Mav, Lois Anne Long,Helen Martin, Nancy Uland, Colleen Allen, CarolynAdams.Second Row: Virginia Wood, Barbara...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed