THE NORMAL ADVANCE107cers for the winter term: President, GladysGray
vice-president, Hazel Taylor
secretary,Maize Jane Elliott
treasurer, Alma Mooney
parliamentarian, Edith Overpeck
sargeant-at-arms, Audrey Slinkard
editor, Edith Scott.FORUM.The first Forum meeting was called to orderby Mercker on Friday, Jan. 8th. Hahn actedas secretary. The entire meeting w...
L. L. Standley, secretary-treasurer
C. French, press reporter
J. C.Tranbarger, corresponding secretary, and J.Henderson, reporter to the Advance.Last term the work of the society proved tobe very successful. But&...
once Miss Lederer told of her experiencesin Germany this summer after the outbreak ofthe war, and sometimes the meetings have beendevoted to ...