THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY71Linson, Daisy M., pa 623 Lafayette Ave.,Columbus
1906-1909 teacher in thegrades, Columbus
1909-1911 student inthe University of Wisconsin
1911-1929teacher of history, Columbus HighSchool, Columbus.Lowry, Ellsworth, pa Indiana, Pa.
1906-1907 taught in city schools, Morris-town, Tennessee
1908-1909 student,Texas University, A. B. degree
1909-1910 fellow, Texas University, in education
1910-1911 assistant professor ofeducation, West Texas State Normal,Canyon, Tex.
1911-1913 principal,Wheatridge High School, Denver, Colo.
1913 A. M. degree Columbia University,1913-1916 professor of education, headof department, Upper Iowa University,Fayette, Iowa
1916-1930 member offaculty, State Normal School, Indiana,Pa.
now director of extension division.McGinley, Howard, la Kodiak, Alaska
1906-1908 principal, high school, Hunt-ingburg
1908-1909 principal, Indianschool, McDermott, Nev.
1909-1916principal, Kodiak, Alaska
nr since 1916.McLane, Betiah, pa Shelbyville
1900-1929 teacher of primary grades, Shelbyville.McNamara-Longfellow, Mrs. Carrie, pa716 West Center St., Sheldon, la.
1900-1908 superintendent of schools, Sidney
1909 graduated from Indiana University
1909-1910 superintendent, Sidney
1910-1916 married to Homer Longfellow, attorney, Pierceton
1915 homekeeper,Warsaw
1916-1917 teaching English,Warsaw
1917-1924. principal townshipschools, Atwood
1925-1926 principalof high school, Bradford, 111.
1926-1929taught French in junior high school,Sheldon, la.
took graduate work inIowa University.Maher, Lawrence, la 6026 Ingleside Ave.,Chicago, 111.
1906-1907 principal, highschool, Cory
1907-1908 superintendent,Pine Village
1908-1910 superintendent,Odon
1910-1911 superintendent, Decker
1911-1913 superintendent, Marshall
1913 teacher grades, industrial school,Chicago, 111.
summers of 1907, 1908,1909 at University of Chicago
lr 1913.Mangel, Emil Henry, pa Cutler
1906-1907 principal, Prairie Creek
1907-1909 principal of high school, Tell City
1909-1910 student, Indiana University
1910-1916 principal of high school, TellCity
1916-1923 coal business, Clinton
1924-1929 principal, Elletsville
1929-1930 principal, Cutler.Mentzer, Miss Marion, pa 1724 West43rd St., Los Angeles, Calif.
1906-1912teacher in Elkhart
1912-1929 teacherof history in the Los Angeles cityschools
attended Indiana University in1909
A. B. degree University of Southern California 1915
post graduate workin University of Southern California
atpresent, working for M. A. in history.Metsinger, Leon, nr.Moore, Ella J., pa 1115 Byron St.,Huntington
1906-1912 grade teacher
1912-1916 principal, ward school
1916-1919 graduated from University of Chicago, A. B. degree
1919-1929 teacherof English in high school, Huntington.Owen, Charles Elmer, la Corwallis, Ore.
1906-1907 teacher in high school, Edwardsport
1907-1909 principal, gradeschool, Bloomington
1909-1910 student.Indiana University, A. B., A. M. degree1911
1910-1912 teaching fellow, botany,Indiana University
1912-1924 instructorin botany and plant pathology at Oregon Agricultural College, Cornwallis,(ire.
lr 1924.Paul, D. H., pa 322 Wright St., Huntington
1906-1909 principal, BanquoHigh School, Huntington
1909-1910teacher, grammar and composition, Huntington
1910-1911 principal. State StreetSchool, Huntington
1911-1924 principalWilliam Street School, Huntington
1924-1930 principal, junior high school, Huntington.Pence, Jessie, nr.Pence, Sarah L., pa 638 Walnut St.,Terre Haute
taught in Terre Haute public schools continuously since graduation, and now principal of CrawfordSchool, Terre Haute.Plumner-Wynkoop, Mrs. Letta, ha Geneva...
1906-1907 teacher of manual training, Portland
1907-1928 married, notteaching, homekeeper.Folk-Hoke, Mrs. Myrtle Idella, ha Oak-town
190G-1908 teacher of grades, Oak-town
1908-1910 assistant principal ofhigh school, Oaktown
1910-1913 principal, high school, Oaktown
married C.C. Hoke, Nov. 9, 1913
lived in oldMexico and various parts of the UnitedStates
nr since 1916.Ralston, L. Curtis, pa Orleans
1906-1907 principal, French Lick
1907-1909superintendent, Versailles
1909-1916looking after business and farm interests at Orleans
1916-1929 superintendent of schools, Orleans.Ramsey, Osie M., ha Peru
1906-1910teacher of grades, Miami county
1910-1911 student, Indiana University
1911-1915 teacher of German, English, history, high school. Windfall
1913 student, Purdue University
nr since 1915.Roll, Charles, pa 2614 North 8th St.,Terre Haute
1906-1907 teacher, Brazil
1907 student at Indiana University during spring
1907-1909 teacher of history,high school, Columbus
1909-1910 student, Indiana University, A. B. 1910-1912 teacher of history, high school,Columbus
1912 A. M. University ofWisconsin
1912-1913 fellow in American history, University of Wisconsin
1913-1930 assistant professor of history, Indiana State Teachers College,Terre Haute.Shaffer, Fred F„ see class of 1924.Shinn, Bessie R., nr.Snoddy, ...
lr 1906-1909 teachinggrades, Davis Park and James HookSchools, Terre Haute.Snoddy, Mary, ha 3512 Milan St., Houston, Tex.
1906-1908 teaching grades,Terre Haute
1908 not teaching
1909in Houston, Tex.
lr 1909Specker, Guy pa Box 861 East Lansing,Mich.
taught in White, Vigo and Morgan county public schools before graduation
1907-1911, teacher of mathematics and physics, high school, Sullivan
1912-1930, instructor in department ofmathematics, Michigan State College
A.B. Indiana University in 1912
A. M. in1913
attended University of Chicagosummer quarters 1914-1917-1927.Spotts, George A., pa 47 Augusta Ave.,Pontiae, Mich.
permanent address, Hope
taught near Hope from 1899-1903 before graduation
1906-1907 principal ofvillage school near Hope
1907-1909principal high school, Hope