348 THE NORMAL ADVANCEl.mcj,i*■ I TIE Y. W. C. A. has a sphere to work untouched by any other organization of the■*ɚ...
Winifred Ray.vice.-president
Erma Georg, treasurer, and Minerva Payton, secretary. Faun McKamey hasbeen appointed corresponding secretary
Margaret Gillum, chairman of the Religious Meetings Committee
Rose Rinehart, chairman of Finance Committee
Zelpha Burkett, chairmanof the Social Committee, and Nelle Glover, chairman of the Calling Committee. The othercommittee chairmen have not been appoin...
Here comes the boom : Last year emergency rooms around country treated nearly 9,800 people for injuries; Businesses give back to family...
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...
MOST♦DIFFICULT«4PCheck-out chessChess clubIm verypleased withour teams success. We didpretty well forour first year. Ihope we cancontinue at thissame...