114THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY1914-1916 principal, department school.New Albany
1916-1917 student, IndianaUniversity
1918-1921 principal, juniorhigh school, Hastings, Nebraska
1921-1923 principal, junior high school, Ard-more, Oklahoma
1924-1929 engaged innewspaper circulation work with Oklahoma News and Daily Oklahoman, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
received A. B.from Indiana University in 1920.Beard, Asa L., ha Scircleville: pa Flora
1914-1916 teacher of history, physicalgeography, commerce, botany and algebrain high school, Scircleville
1926-1929principal, high school. New Richmond
graduate student, Indiana University.Bowles, Forest, ha Terre Haute, pa Harts-ville, Ohio. RFD 1
1914-1915 student,Indiana State Teachers College
1915-1917 teacher of woodwork and mechanical drawing, Lawrenceburg
1918-1919United States Army
1919-1930 teacherof woodwork and mechanical drawinghigh school, Canton, Ohio.Brotherton-Furstenberger, Mrs. Helen,pa 1020 6th Ave., Terre Haute
1914-1916 teacher grades, city schools, TerreHaute
1916-1918 teacher of art, juniorhigh school, Terre Haute
1918-1923 notteaching, homekeeper, married
1923-1927 teacher grades, city schools, TerreHaute
1927-1930 teacher of art, McLean Junior High School, Terre Haute.School, Terre Haute.Brown, Dorph H., ha Peru
1914-1917superintendent of schools, Amboy
1917-1920 superintendent of schools, Miamicounty, Peru: 1920-1921 superintendentof schools, Peru: lr 1921.Brown, George J., A. B., 1916
B. S.1923
pa RFD C, Farmersburg
1914-1915 teacher, Montgomery county
1915-1916 teacher, high school, Pimento
1916-1917 teacher, high school, Portland
1917-1919 in the United States Army
1919-1924 teacher, mechanical drawing, highschool, Mt. Vernon
1924-1925 teacher,high school, Pimento
1926-1930 teacher,mechanical drawing, McLean Junior HighSchool, Terre Haute.Bruner, Claude E.. A. R., ha MulberryGrove, Illinois
1914-1917 teacher in highschool, Staunton
1917 military service
lr 1917.Bullington-Lapping, Mrs. Alice, pa Hard-insburg
1914-1915 teacher in departmental school, Bloomington
1915-1916teacher in grades and high school, Hard-insburg: 1916-1919 part time teacher,Hardinsburg
1916-1924 married, athome, not teaching
1924-1929 teacherin Hardinsburg.Burget, George E., A. B., ha Kempton:pa 670 E. 16th St., North, Portland,Oregon
1929-1930 professor of physiology, University of Oregon, MedicalSchool, Portland, Oregon
for completerecord see class of 1912.Burkett-Hemmer, Mrs. Zclpha, A. B.,ha Owens ville: pa Fort Branch
lrmarried, not teaching, homekeeper.Carlisle, Edwin B., pa 4369 Madison St.,Gary: 1914-1929 teacher of technicaldrawing and drafting, Gary.Carmack, H. LeRo...
1913-1914 assistant wardprincipal. Vincennes
1914-1916 teacherof mathematics and history in highschool, Brazil
1920-1924 superintendentof schools, Newburg, and public accountant
1925-1921! student, Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute
1926-1928principal of schools, Roann, Wabashcounty
1929-1930 principal of schools,Stewartsville.Carmichael, Harley F., pa Decatur, Illinois, 1820 N. Church St.
1917-1918 principal of Dunfee School, Decatur, Illinois
1919-1920 principal, Central High School,Decatur, Illinois
1921-1929 principal,Roosevelt Junior High School, Decatur,Illinois.Carrithers-Bickel, Mrs. Mary E., ha 341N. 13th St., Terre Haute
1914-1917teacher of home economics, high school,Edwardsport
1917-1918 teacher of sewing, high school, Elkhart
1918-1929 notteaching, homekeeper, married in 1918to H. N. Bickel.Clark, James Russell, ha Crete
pa Winchester
1914-1917 principal, SulphurSprings
1917-1923 principal of schools.Farmland
1923-1929 principal, McKinleyConsolidated Grade and High School,Winchester.Clauser, William S., pa Rossville
1914-1918 teacher manual training, highschool, Evansville
1918-1919 in UnitedStates Army
1919-1930 farming.Cleaver, Nellie, ha Lebanon
1913-1914,primary teacher in rural schools
1914-1915 at home
1915-1916 teacher in ruralschools in Boone county
1916-1923teacher, rural schools, Lebanon
lr 1923.Cline, Charles V., ha Leavenworth
1914-1915, ward principal, grade school, CrownPoint
1915-1916 student, Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute
taughtclass in history at Indiana State Teachers College during summer of 1916
1916teaching history and agriculture in highschool, Madison
lr 1916.Cline, Coia M., pa Cloverdale
1904-1905teacher, Putnam county rural school,Cloverdale
1906-1908 teacher Parkecounty, Florida township rural school
1908-1909 teacher, Parke county, Catlin,primary grades
1909-1912 teacher Owencounty, Jackson township rural schools
1912-1914 teacher, Vermillion county,Helt township rural schools
1915-1916teacher, Pretty Rock, North Dakota:1916-1921 teacher, Putnam county,Cloverdale
1921-1922 teacher, Pensa-cola, Florida
1923-1929 teacher ofgrades, Putnam county, Cloverdale.Cochran-Knickerbocker, Mrs. Dorothy
ha Elwood
pa 4301 4th Ave., Sacramento, California
taught three years inElwood before graduation
1914-1917teacher, grades, Edgewood building, Elwood
1917-1929 homekeeper, married in1917
substitute teacher, elementaryschools
Sacramento since 1927
1929-1930 teacher of grades, Sacramento, California.Conncll-Johnson, Mrs. Edith, ha Indianapolis, 1244 King Ave.
1914-1915 teacher, primary grades, Roanoke
1921-1929supply teacher, Wayne township andhousewife, Marion county.Connor, Wm. E., pa 432 E. 109th St.,Cleveland, Ohio
1929 director, referenceresearch, public schools, Cleveland,Ohio
for complete record see class of1910.Cooprider, Vida, ha Clay City
1914-1916teacher of grades, Martz and Ligonier
1916-1918 teacher of grades, Knightstown
1918-1923 teacher of grades, LaPorte
lr 1923.Corn, William S., ha Augusta