Teaching UsENGLISHMrs. Jeanne Schwarz, Miss RuthSmith, Miss Merle Gilstrap, Mr.Glenn Van Horn, Mrs. SarahFranklin.Miss Helen McAninch, MissLouise Slates, Miss...
Student convocations provided a different atmosphere for the audience than did the paid professionalprograms. Although somewhat similar in entertainment va...
Freshman Michael Dahlstrom stands onthe lawn in front of Indiana UniversitysHenry Radford Hope School of FineArts, participating in 2007s NationalDay ...
Freshman Julian Dietrich preforms asolo during the winter Intermediate Jazz Bandconcert. PHOTO M ELEANORE FUQUAHereDEC21DEC23JAN. 7JAN.12JAN.19JAN.20JAN31FEB. 1FEB. ...
Speaker to discuss equality : Member of the Little Rock Nine to give lecture at Pruis tonight; A familys fight : Five years...
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...
NATIONAL FORENSIC LEAGUE ANDDEBATE SQUADPlacing third in the American Legion State Oratorical Contest, LenBunger, Forensic League and Debate Squad member,&...
Singing Barber Hits Campus; Candidates Await Dance; Emens Explains Plans to Indiana Legislator During Campus Tour; Nobel Prize Winner Sends&...
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...