I ten IIWo hereby give, devise, and bequeath to the underclassmenthe following:To the Juniors we give the broken down desks in the seni...
To the Sophomores wc give the right to sell candy at noonto finance the Prom of 1933.To the Freshmen we give the right to bid ...
I, John Arthur Mcllroy, give tb-oJamcs OLoary my talkativemanner and all acrobatic privileges In Chem. class
I, Frederick Hcrshcl Harris, give to Lillian Waterman myfamous ability to bluff with 10% credit on damages received alreadyin the business...
I, Richard Wells Spain, give to Ramon Schrepferrman theright to be Gods gift to women
I, Winston Woodroar Cooper, give to Dudley McKoo the exclusive right to b<- the man about town
I, John Robert -Donnelly, give to Janes OLoary ray healthyblush and to Charles Spurgeon all privileges of undistmibod slumberduring class periods ...
I, Marjorio Rose Miller, give to Mary Florence Davis myartistic temperment, and-my taking ways to Jano Elinor Rhodes
I, Paul Alonzo Griffith, give to EB.lon Hccr my ro3ral chariot.I, Joseph Warren Michael Torrence, give to Henry Cook myJoe E. Brown laugh,...
I, Evelyn Lucile Schomcr, give to H:len Stich my dancingfeet
I, Frederick William White, give to Jay Staup my seriousoutlook on life, and to George Jacobs the exclusive privilege of beingthe a pole...
I, Margaret Eillen Torrence, give to Nancy Morrison mymaidenly blush and my abilit37- to say the wrong thing at the inopportunemoment...
I, Rebckah Ruth Talbott, give to John Stineman my abilityof making last minute decisions, and to Betty Turk the art of makingafter dinner...
I, Esther Mildred Payne, give to Ruth Yan Cleave the rightto eat leftovers at Hooks, and to Gertrude Dreher the privilege ofbreezing in ...
I, Margaret Willius, leave IT to Gertrude Dreher