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2009-2010 Modulus

Description: Yearbook
11iii1iiiim 3 0000 380 , 65 932•DATE DUE.. .,..., ,...,,... .. ...O\ersi.le378Mnlt2009-10I thiball, youthe HallTerry, itsfi rst shoof this bline, herto yourhow you- 2010 acHulmanrelive allONst i his Hall of Fame Induction Speech:don share with people. You dont get elect ...... ...,·ng oes with making a yearbook. So much ·oun ess people that made this book a reality. ee who designed and made at least two thif..dsproba y w :u t be reading this right now. Th soming our advis on rather short notice, giving sing there whenever e needed her. Thank you! 1id Murphy, thanks 6 giving up a whole lot of yo rup to become editor . You guys are the best! Go de to work with the res of you guys again next yer_.ed with who was alw way more on top of · ;gsdedicated Features ters and staff photograp rrk, thank you, Le ·s, Seth, and Li! To my alwa re­mehijack his ph aphs at will, thank you <.I! To· zy by b ea.king literally ev; single1eworks aulman histnts. Later on,kthen. Most, since thatsriences, and wet. Until next year ..aylor, o was instrume tal inthank ul And n yecu· lat wan ed to hel so muchxplaininge2009Rose-itoR-iN-CHieDedication/....-News Briefs1se Thorn s~<..ut1+yFouncl Ie..cle\ h d~ boo .-de .. ~,.J. tiEA TUR e-t 1. ,..,. ._..._aa.rNewsweeki 11 ~h ~eo..- ·oJro.i ~+ . \ ~---<< r~t - -~I CA. re c.e ~ poll, RHIT J ~CI CA.SS C!. <;. were.. ti 10...9 C>. 1f\, c.o ~ 1n~ ~ ° Sl.4.fpr i!.- tof\obocl:I . RHrr we-..< 9ivc.n- ~i lier reviews b~ s ever e../ J1 nv~s+ i_q~tors . R HIT h~~+I o~t its p l-c. c..,s fiaJ·. J-? .... +ersIo~ Ros< -H .... I .. °c( ;+- he...>) c.,._ +-o p j ~he. po lls.1/ove.rr...kin t-he. ~s~ o...~ Hieu nc(.ispv.fecl. tti sc..hool lri #.~__;whole l\~}ion . Whe.H.e,. -4-his<.1s -1-o <..ollrinv.e. rem-..insfo be {.<e. (Th.,LL ts o,_~,orweh~ftlmv.s, bl-w) A:J-~, ba.c.k 1-o ~ iE-~vw- rn J o..rtid e . !n Uic. c.o,.., In~~ eo.r.1 Rof.c. ;, ~ Ol.~itIPro0Pread1nqcon +a.1 nwl!rronr\-1--_,,_,, -- I WS- •••t M,. , , l..., V JI . • ••• ~~ ~ \/JrfMoov1.v~ vv I - l.CJ-___;;,;~---- -Despite a 45-38 loss to Mount St. Joseph, Rose-Hui­mancelebrated a successful homecoming in 2009.Freshman enjoyed their first homecoming, whi lesen iors cherished their last. Junior JohannaMoore, elected I lomecoming Queen, sununcdit up with The whole weekend was absol utclygreat ... Ive made some great friends over thepast few years and being able to share thatexperience with them was amazing. TheEngineers, though defeated in football,were never defeated in spirit.(F•r W.ft) Hom~com1nf Qu~t.nJobot1M /Haa,.tt ( Jurr.UN) llU.4pt~tlIMI cro...,. Md iroU4t.t Nn1 witltc.ltori !Indy l<rutlt (Junior)·(wfl;) hf•mlnrs or 11/pho r ••Ont6fl off th.sir !idty111bmi1s;on Co tire posternt-cse·(8dt7w) 11t.c. bottfi,.c ontc• ~t Ntto /&me •S 1t ..,.,h •v t4<t· Th< Wovf.lst: 1Mt st!ltkna orul~tlmlN to~t:At.r in c.dth,.t-.o1tof .. Dur OIJ Ros~· ..IR e e ka me sThe imcr-frawrnity council once again puton Greek Caml>S w promote healthy com­petitionbetween f1\1lernhie~ .rnd sororitiesand provide a day full or fun activities forall Greek organizations involved. The daystarted off with a chariot race, follOl•Cd by atug of war. Nell.I, participants competed lna tug of before engaging In J tliro1vinglOmj)1!tition. wherl mcmlx>rs of the Greekorganization~ laum::hed items ranging fromping pong ball• and foo1b.11ls all the way totires The challenge rounded off itha relay race invohmg a thrtt legged race, awhttlbarrow race, v.ater botch~ egg toss, a pyramid challenge inrnlving_15 fraternity or>Ororicy members, and aneating contebt Pomtb were assigned b<l!-edon performance in each and m 1he endLambda Chi Alpha won a 11.uro-. v1clp1 > 1MnAlpha Tau Omega8 Features & News(i../I;) hr Om•t• ond D<lta D.Jto De/to raec off in th• thorlob rote• ( ll!iddle) The ladle< oF Delta De/to De/to J/IJ in ror the up<om­lnfturoF-ar 6ottle· (Bottom, from Id~ to rifht) De/to 5ifml Phi ~hrows th<ir b~t rootboll· hi Om•f• •uilds o perfut T5·porsonpyNJmuJ· Two DelttJ Slg1 ompetc irr the thre-c/fftJ roc1 part/on of the relay rac.t.• P;kt. rr11.-mb•r1 prt.porc to ut tom~ hot dogs.i&-£. ,rum 1onJw1ch.s, onJ atcrmelon· Pik~ t.1Jmp1et«.d th• pyramid (aster than any other fraternity or tcrorlty with prat.tieeJ prccrlion·Do not 90 where the path may lead; 90 insteadwhere there is no path and leave a trail10 Features & News-Ralph Waldo £merson( llbov•) 11re Graduotln9 (/ass of 2010 poses for apl•ture·At Ro5l~Hulmans 132nd commencement, a record38<) undergraduate tudcnt rccc1\ed diplomas and 53students gradu.11ed ith Masters degrees from Rose. fbecommencement speech as given by Bob Metcalfu, theinnovator bl hind f:tbcrnet, a tee hnology rhat bas changedthe way we look al information I ransfer in a global sense.Science rinding new knowledge; engineeringusing Lhat knowledge to solve problems; andentrepreneur~bip- scaling those solutions out into theworld. 1hats innovation, stated Metcalfe during bis speech.lnno\ation L\ h) Im here tu<lay in Terre Haute, where ~Ouaspire to excellence, impacl and leadership in innovation.This clas, of :mo has achic\cd much in their fouryears at Rose, p.1r1 itularl) Joseph K. Ausserer and J\nrnon)C. Klee, both of horn arc disunguished by their 4.0cumulatlH grade point averages o\Cr their four years atRose. We look lonvard to seeing the great things this classcan accomplish out in 1 he world of engineering.. f JA, i t;~ I i I I > j I • • • •Graduation 1112 Features & NewsRoseRose during the summer. You cant be serious, you say. Add afourth quarter of work co my year? No thank )OU. Yet, a smallcolleclive of students each year chooses lo stay behind andcontinue to work either on summer classes or on research witha professor.In addition, Rose hosts two summel programs: OperationCatapult and Fast Track Calculus. The former isa 2.5 week pro­gramfor high school juniors that gives 1 hem a taste of the Roseexperience; lhe latter Jets a select group of incoming freshmenge1 ahead of the fundamental Calculus I. 11, and 111 classes bypacking them into a 5 week period.Operatton Catapult 2008 1t<1·dents pre$ent their projutsto other $tuclent1, Fawlty,parent$, and eounst!ION·/OpeRatioN CatapuLtWhether youre looking for pure fun, pure work, or aFar ~~ - Catapult stuclontsg1<t to know eah oeher on thefirst Jay· Near le~ - ,q BigTrip took 50 Catapult stu­dentsto Chicago, where they9ot to see the Unco/n ParkZoo, amon.g othtr attractions·fast tRaCk CaLcuLusmi)( thereof, theres probably something at Rose for you during the summer·Sununer@ Rose i3ON vs. Off CampusON OffWhile Rose-Hulman freshmenare encoulaged lo live on campus, l0ws the unique possibltty to ®lyfrnm schoo• meiifaU} but p~si~~~ and statactiveat R<>Se.(/..•fli) 11ie f:/,r/ta9e 1rollflpartments ore anotheroption For those loo~itif toJuve Resldonee /./all /if•·(1.c~) Demint Woll, theoldest reS1ciC11<e ho// oneomp11s, wos butlt in 1926•P<it~oNaLpt>1t.~p<.C:tiv~·~living in thedorms is incred­ible!There isalways someonedoing some thingFun or someonewilling to helpyou if you needit!-Doug /Ylann(Sophomore)J..laving anapartment al­lowsme to getaway From thestresses or cam-pusat night·You dont realizehow Freeing it isto get away un­tilyou physicallyremove yourse/FFrom campus ev-eryday·- Chad Wine(Sophomore)(l:Uiolll) 11ra Vlfloge QuarterflJ>ortfTlents, •omtt/mes justea/led VQ, house manyRose students off -campusResidence Halls vs. Off-Campus Housing 15Ev€0 6comes to Rose-Hulm~.&The Residence Hall Asso­ciation,the Student GovernmentAssociation, and various otheron campus organizations cametogether to put on one big rockshow for Rose-Hui man students.Eve 6 lived up to the hypethat lasted for week.\ before rheshow. Rose studen rs were able toattend the sho1 completely freeof charge, while tickets for guestswere available for a small price.The band, consisting of MaxCollins (bass, vocals), Tony Fa­gcnson(drums), and Matt Bair(who replaced Jon Siebels. thebands original gllitarist).Eve 6 played a mixture ofsongs ranging from their originalchart-topping hit Inside Ollt,into hich Collins inserted lyricsfrom Miley Cyrus hit song Partyin the USA, to newer songs suchas Heres to the Night from theiralbum Horrorscope.Rose students showed theirexcitement and appreciationof the band through shouting.yelling, and even crowd surfing.The energy level in the Sportsand Recreation Center rocketedas the band took stage and didntdrop until rhe trio of rockers leftthe stage (andl quickly rerumedfor an encore at the encourage­mentof the crowd).This experiment Ylith a bigname group turned out to be asuccess and was fun for all in at­tendance.(flbove) Student$ packed In to the SRG to get a$ c/o$e to lfve 6a$ poHib/e· (Right) Max Gollin$ anti Mott Bair rock out for Rose·t6 Features & News(Top) Students gotInto tire cone.rt antishowed th•ir onthusi­osmby crowd surfing·( l/bovc) 11.1 bondloved tire energyl•vcl /;hat our FightlnEngln .. rs brought toth• show·(LeAI) llfl:er th•sliow, Col/Ins, Fa·9enson, ontl 80/rstuck orountl to signauto9roplrs for thovolunt .. r1·Eve 6 Comes to Campus 17International Student Coun,elor: Karen DeGrangeUndergraduate International Students: 27 freshmen & 22 returningGrnduate International Sludenth: 24Exchange Students: 6Photo abo1,e top (lrom left to right): Jinwoo B.ick, Didem rune, /ian Li, Qian~ Jiang, Ruih Zhao, JulianaMoreira, Keqiong Xin, Raphael Depcs, Myung Soo Jung, Taehwan Lee, Jongwon Son. Congnan Zheng, Pas-­sakornAramrueng, Jakob Beer, DUiushkaAhmed, Navcen Chandrasekaran, Paulo Monteiro Martins, Tan LiTianren Yang, Atul Jaganathan, Vile Gu, Shi fan Geng, Faisal Kagri, Guanqun Wang, Jessica Lipscomb, RyanLin. Xiang Gao.18 re.itur<.S & NewPhoto opposite lower (from left to Tight) : Fei Liu, Shifan Geng. Yile Gu, Guanqun Kuangda LiPhoto ..ibo\e tup (from left to right): Priyanka Singh. Raphael Depes, Vidhushah Sudh.1kar. Malte Recker, Juer­genKunzm,1nn, Atul Jaganathan, Naveen Chandrasekaran, Shi fan Geng. Jakob Beer, Pas,,akorn Aramrueng,Guanqun WangPhoto abvve left (from left to right): Jinwoo Baek. Atul )aganathan, Naveen Chandr.1slkaran, Didem TunePhoto above rI~ht (from left to right): fei Liu, Yaomin Zha. Tiannan Wu, Jing Wang, Ku.1ngda U, PassakornAramn.;eng. Jinwoo Baeklntcmat[onal ~tudt!rttsRose-Hu Ima ns study abroad program allows studentswho want to add a more international flavor to theireducation to take a quarter and visit a foreign country.Several departments have dose ties to universities inforeign countries; students canchoose to go to Germany, Ja­pan,various Spanish-speakingcountries, and other destina­tions.In addition to continuingtheir work on Rose credit whileaway, study abroad studentsget an invaluable sense of thelocal cul tu re and gain coun LlessITiendships during their limeabroad.20 Features & News21deaths on campusRose-Hulman said goodbye to two fine individu-alsthis school year. Senior biomedical engineeringstudent Robert Rea lJilSsed away Monday, November2, 2009, leaving behind his mother, father, stepfather,two sisters, and a brother. Physics and optical engi­neeringgraduate student Mohammad Habeeb passedaway Wednesday, March 3, 2010, due to a healthcomplication.Both students wW be missed for their contr.ibutionsto campus. Reas brothers in Lambda Chi Alpharemembered him fond ly, with one saying ofRea:Hes a lways willing to srnile at you in the hallway andsay Hey. Likewise, fellow graduate student JessicaWittig said that !Habeeb] always had a smile on hisface.•26 features & NewsDeaths on Campus 27I28 Features & NewsSignatures 29.. r • \ dllf- r ~~- -~ __ __,tII ..J)~) --... -. - • -........ •,I --- --- .............. --• /-• -- - - - ---.~ -• I-..•, z_::-/_- ----- ------Mcchnical Engineering, Fol\\<;Jrd, Sr.~009 HCAC Mosr Valuable player6€U¥t 0,&rw&( Head C0<1ch l 1009 HCAC Coach of the Vea1500V-df?~o(1~6-1, g_o H::;teRlllT OPPI Earlham Colle!?c 03 Principia College ~0 Washington Univ. 2I Cnse Western Re.~. I-l Wabash College 20 Ohio Wesleyan Univ 3() Oberlin College II Tmnsylvania Uni•• 03 lllrnois Weslc~an U 02 Millikin UnivcrsiLv 02 Defiance College• 0I Manches1er Collene* 02 Anderson Univ* I2 Hanover Colle2e• 02 Franklin Coll .. <>e* I3 BlufTLon• 00 DcPauw Universitv I4 Mount St. Joscoh* 00 Hanover Colle11.e11 Ii.. Denotes HCAC ma1ch~ O.:notc~ HCAC Tournament mutch32 Sports>o,..i.otro .... Qi,,t V.rt..­ (3). 1.l.e- •NW.• .. ,.,, l111ptNt .,. ...tJfhmrw 11d1. o( ,.,.. v., ~,., ~·· ,.,,411 dtf. J/1f<nHFf w;el! ~OJlffU •If /H/JotJ tltfffH(I Ml ,,.,,. - ......, ...ft • «-t ~· Ma,,,,...., •111 .........,.... ~ ...._.,. •u111U ltf,,~ ........ ,. ,,_.,,.,_. .., ~ 1-.!Hnior RJ.ys £-· (11).t40W1 C4 t.J(I n,JttflMT Mme.I Hlj(. IPfH-tV•hl11bl4I Ph~«r- for •A•t~rif/ y.ior ,,, • •nd MmtJ 1~eontl·~um1f1-6rut l.,,Au Rc11onby t• NotioMf ~,.,.41llm IUl«dt;,rt -flmvk~ •hil ,_,. t1.-1.uM ,.... • row­,,,,.,to 7 Mlt1-I £414.S•tt« C.m.ftlf HGJ (7). ,,.,,,.,,, Hl.,,w. flNIJ•J • JCrcMf .,.Mt to the lf4H J.r.f.14 f~>t ~¥ MIJ ..Wt 4d ....... HUft.. kt 1tn ,.,.._.,, ~I tterC~ 37 ~..tlrd *4 twfflJf.(f; .,,,; ,_.. lhf ~ fh(41H ~ jvit. 0 ~1 f*.h,,.,.r M1U1r- it.s ~ (16 ion Ill ,...uf.d),,.. .... .,;..J ......Junior lrif fffrJ•N (5), s.kowl1 •kw, eo1np/.r1d tCJ«iNNI Ju1.011 ct • 1.tareu witlt orr• .SJd6 NI 1# ~ t-• EttJ;nur J, rot.oCf...,· k11 /fflpmv-J !l•r••r ut•h to tlrN• fHh cnJ tllr•• «Jt1ft1 ... /II oft9 C#Ted eppdHtttd fot ... •fhrff, ,M lfllMffl-4J -~t4Mft .. J.l<.itC•Plwt• ~ hf.<J.el ~.)1111(11 Cor* er • ., (10), ,., •i. rtUJwif ,. ,i., eo.. ,.,.,.,, - ™ fnt•c:IWCI•tl-HeAC· U.w t.d ti.. ~r­•rN• .-it/< lf.Wr1 ~td1tJ v,i·,,_ ~ e.m..t 11 ~t• .,,(M~ .-J~.wrtr MlOlfUI .iotllllf 11tdub.i/ Ill fll•il(TOH1 >ff ° ;.,ft.tyy), 13.umc., .,,, .l/-9 F<<flU: (.1nw1tlt•It-tom,.)Pi+llt.11 •11 M!i:loHI l.M~5.,,,,,,. n11eu.111 h.Jom111 ((J}.sS..,; or1 H1t ittlb iJOl11 foe tlle~W-..11111r-w/ ~-.c<1111From completing a perfect conference re­cordand winning the regular season title ...-ilv~ ;V\y( s S oCJCJRY ~SOVl... that could have bee n onefor the record booksNlandmark season for this years men·s soccer 1:11am, which had eaTned thetop seed in the Heartland Collegiate Athletic Conference (HCAC) tournamenL,was ended ilbrupdy in the semifinals or the tournament.After winning the HCAC regular season ;md Loumament titles and the firstNCAA Tournament appearance in program history in 2008came a b.ighly antici·pated season for the Rose-Hulman mens soccer team. Led by new coilch SeanHelliwell · the20Q8 (and 2009) HCAC Coachoftheyear· the Enginccrs:linisheclon top or the HCAC last lhll with a 7-0·1 record, i.~·5·3 overall, and defeatedTransylvania in theconfercncetolllnamem fi nal t·o. Roseadvanced to the NCAALournarnent and fell to Dominican (Ill.) 3·1 in tbeftrst round.After only losing rhree seniors to graduation, rhe team rerumed with most orthefr starters. la a preseason poll, tliey wen? picked to easily win the conferencetitle, receiving 8.5 of 9 first place votes given by the conference coachc:s. Thesoccer team looked to malntaln its strong 11old ln Lheconforenceand 10 make animpression on strong te.1ms outside the conference, including Ohio \lesleyanwho were ranked 1.5th nationally in the National Soccer Coaches Association ofAmerica (NSCAA} 11011 at the beginning of the season.The EngincelS returned llu-ec first ream All· HCAC selec1io1lS ftom their 2008learn, ind udJng the HCAC Most Valuable Player in zoo8 and 2009. me<:hanicalengineering student Rhys Evans. Evans led Lbe Enginecroffonse with eight goalsand one assists this past Fall, completrnl? his career ranked fifth in school historywith 29 goals and 66 points. Junior civil engineering major and forward CorbinClow and sC!Oior mecliankal engineering major and back/ohn HolLingshead alsoreturned after being named all-conference in 2008. Clow ed the conference withseven assists this se.ason and rallied 17 points on Ave goals and seven assists. Hiscareer totals incJuded 18 goals (10th in sclwol history), 3 assists and 49 points(se,enth all-time), while Hollingshead contributed to rhe Engineer cwo goals, three assists and seven points in his second season as a starteLThe mens soccer team had gone S·o in HCAC play this season and won theregular season conforence tiLle witl1 ease. However, the team sCTUggled will1fourth-seeded Hanover College in the semifinals on November 3, 2.009. Hanoverscored in the 23rd minute forthc 1-0 lead and held off a barrageofRose-Hulmana ttacks (or ll1e semifinal upset over the Engineers.Hanover withstood a second half charge that featured Rose·Hulman ourshoot·ing ll1e isitors 18-3 in the match.Rose-Hulman dominated possession and field position in the second half, buta strong defensive effort lifted Hanover to the league title round.Sophomore civil eni:ineering major Clint Vatterrodt led the Enginee.roffensewith five shots, with iunior civil engineering major Corbin Clow add ing fourshots. Evans provided three, aod the Engineers also earned a 10-2 advantage oncorner kid <$ in the match.The mens soccer team loses six seniors, leaving the underclassmen 1viil1 bigsboes to fill for next year as the Engineers look to retain their srronghold on theHCAC•H-H&At· tt;,1mul 1#tflM•d ---------------------------------0/l:q fflfU/Jf (Aft -~ ~. 2()()9 Rosr/./Uffl.tlln hlcttI Souu- r~am: .Row I (/,. to R): Jt>hh J.16/Nttt•burJ, ~r.tnl<lln Tot-t~n. hIJetheil ldtffklcl,:.Z~!;t.!11• ::;~r ~:,,.f! NnU Bttlc~r, Joe Sa.lirbury, NW.. Rae. .. RnJ11 Glt-Wlf, Rndrc111 8~w•r, Ami~ J<ruth, (ri DwcnfNNt;, CamcrtM H•~cl.or , l•femhr HJ• •(fd~s °l•n P~f(. Corbin Clow, K~lc ChwtJf1 S.m 81()(;/B• Row 2 (l. tC R); .iskft41nt e;o.,n lf!u p,_JllHt. £M.1f V41n /.lo~.c.:imbyNJ 1UuJ rm dw tn.rk. J•ntM, R,,~,, Evt1nt, H~le (Jirruclew1kl. SroJ /!ou/Ae. ilM ffo/lln11/fei#J. W•ll T~rrlll. hlftth SulfJnJt-M, P.,1.110•11? !14h .,....,,,,, ~11 els-t So11.01nor1, Clint. V.:rtt4rrodt, l.u4 R.;.dr.rt, 5rk J>ly,.rf, m.otc K•n•, J114 6yr4, ~.tlom Corl10n1 Erf< FMJcJJq,lttfp•J /tltKIJJlm.r• 11r.t.Mlf Cmcron £ontJoffy, B•J• 11tomps111t, Zan. fttflcrt, ),/,-4 C011e lt $.. UiH1We}I•t-• U(rPJJ k.;ist ~ ¥iftst•llf,...,.. llf .litU~)I·P1t1111~ it .. ,Mens Soccer 3334 SponsFora sport that plays only 18 g;imes in a season, fI 1its hatd to believe a team ill make it to the ~post-season after starl.lng tne season by losing all ~of its first seven games. But this \Yomen·s soccerteam did notgive up. Theyprocee<le<I to win the , eight of 10 g.i.mes and claiming a share of ~the regular season conference title. ~The run of the second halfofthcseason was cut looshort. however. Ul their first post-season game. roThe Lady Engint>ers natrowly lost 1-0 to the Pio.- ><neersofTransylvania. Rose-Hulinan IMlituteo~Technology relied on a strong defensive effort to UkeepTransrlvania ,.,...but the Pioneers scored in the final five minutes ~to earn a t-o win in the Heartland Collegiate 1 .JAthletic Conference womens soccer semifinals. Mjunior Annmarie Stanley was named the 2009MCAC Player of the Year and joined jtmiors EliBaca and Molly Richardson on the fTrs1-teamall-conference squad.Sero11d-team honorees included jwlior CarolineAndersen, freshman Gloria Boxell, md sopho­moreJulie Brenlliln.Stanley joins Jennifer Gordon (20<>]) and Jes·sica Farmer (2003) as Rose-Hulman womenssocrei· players to earn league Player of the Yearaccolades. She also becomes the L2th player inschool history to earn two •ll·leaguc aw;irdsduring her career.ro0..Womens Soccer 35loCAafvol.ovJvtI TOP HITS OF THE SEASON IRose-Hulma11 finished the season with a 6-4 ma1·k for its fourth consecu­tivewinning season; this year also marked the first time that the flghtinEngineers have won six or more gam~ in four straiglu yearsRose-1-lu lman Tnstitule of Technology placed 11 players on the all-Heart­landCollegiate 1\I hletic Conference footba I I team, an event nighlighredby rhe unanimous selection of senior Derek Eitel as league OffensivePlayer of the YearThe Rose-Hui man Institute of Technology football team established twooffensive school records, highlighted by 589 yards of total offense, in a 34-21 Heartland Collegiate Athletic Co11fere11ce victory over Franklin CollegeKyle Kovaeh claimed the Freshman of the Year and his pair of seco11cl­tearnall-league accolades a frer finish ing second in the con f e1·ence inrushing wilh 736 yards and nine touchdowns on a 5.0 average per carry.He also returned io kickof!S fur 216 yards and one touchdown. His effortsincluded a career-high 153 yards and two touchdowns in a victory overHanover.Eitel finished his final football season witb every major career passingrecord and rewrote the fightin Engineer offensive record book in 2009.His career totals include school record mali\S of 576 completions for 7,50;passing yards and 52 touchdowns. alongwith a careerpa$Sing efficiencyrating of 125+Thomas Reives is just one of two firsc-team receivers on the College Divi­sionAcademic All-America Fearn. The squad is comprised of the top uoffensive and defensive players from all players in NCAA Division II, lll,NAIA and Junior College diVisions.Junior Scott Eaton captured lhird-team honors on Lhe d3football.comall-Nortb Region Team. Ea Lon ranked second in the Heartland CollegiateAthleLic Conference with 112 lackles and led the Rose-Hulman defensewi Lh 10 tackles-for-loss this season. He also finished second on the teamwith foursacks.Single-season records for Eitel included 2.723 passing yards and 24 touch­downs,along with a passing efficiency rating of 152.8. He also passed (orthe second most yards in school nisto1·y in a 27-45 elforl for 4.12 yards andthree touchdowns to lead Rose-Hulman over franklin )4-21.36 Sportsus OPPONENT THEM61 at Earlham Collel!.e 2448 North Park University 1718 at Greenville Collee:e 1938 College uf Mount Saint Joseph 4517 at Manchester College 20·lJ Hanover College 3821 Defiance College 2850 at Bluffton University 434 Franklin College 2137 at Anderson University 6Football 3738 Sports;lRose-Hulman volleyball is setting the bar higher as the program continues toreach new heights each year.The team started the season strong. winning 16 or its lii·st 21 ~es. TI1eystruggled in conference play in the si:cond pan of the sNson. compiling a 4·4record, but rhatwas still good enough to quaLify for the league postseasontournament for tbe firs1 Lime since 1999. Rose-Hulman finished 20-13 overall,yielding its higl1est winning percentage and most victories in program history.In the opening round of the conference tourn., ment, the volleyooll team cameback fri>m a 2-0 deficit before losing in 1he first row1d of the He.irtland Col·legiate Athletic Conference tournament to Defia11ce 3->.Oefornce jumped out to the early lead by winning the first two games, 25-20.25-23. Rose-Hui man then won the next rwo sets 25-20, 25-22 but rouldnt holdon to the momentum as they dropped Lhl! fiJU1 set 15-u,Hitter Anna Lcwt!r wa> named Heartland CoUegiate Athletic Conferencefreshman of the Year and the volleyball team eamed two all -leaguehonors for the 6rsl time ever.junior Amanda Jevons joined Lewer on the first·team all-conference squad.40 Sportseping theThe me11s and womens cross counlr)squads kept a strong pace this year, mak·ing a SI rong showing at various meecs andplacing some individuals among the torrunners in the region and country.The mens cross country team fini~hedfirst out of four teams to win the Earlhamlnvirarional. The victory marked rhe second straight ye3r that Rose-Hulm,in ha.captured top honors at the Earlham lnvita·tional. The squad also placed fourth in thtI lean land Collegiate Athletic Conferen~championships.The womens cross country team pldced ~strong I hi rd at the Heartland CollegialAthletic Conference championships.Both squads also competed in the NCAADiv ision Ill Great Lakes Regional. Themens squad placed 20th overall in the teamscoring. Sophomo1·e Tyler Kreipke led theFighcin Engineers with all -region honors~nd a 201h place finish in a time of 26:28.Sophomor~ Micah Aldrich placed 46th in2};o6, followed by Josh Elkins in a timeof 28023 The womens squad placed 25th0\lo:J-all ln lhe 1eam scoring. Senior MelissaRogers led Rose-Hulman with a 5tst placefinish in a time of :i.4:o4 Freshman CreasyClal.J,l;ercame home 85th in a lime of 24:42.Cross Country 41With only one veteran senioron the mens basketball team,the squad was young and hada season for learning. It had itsups and downs wilh some closeand exciting games.Senior Jeff McCartney, soph­omoresJason I laslag and BlakeKnotts, and freshman AustinSportsWeatherford claimed capturedhonorable mention all-Heart­landCollegiate Athletic Confer­encehonors for their efforts thisseason.Rose-Hulman finished theseason with a 7-18 overall recordand placed eighth in the HCACstandings.hlcCartn•y <oppcJIris Rosc-Uulmancar .. r with 525torttcr point1 onJ1tort1 in thct. 1Tn11f50 ,.m .. or ...reer• J.le 11v1ro9•d5·6 po.nts per m•1nJ fdnk1J s.eond onth• t .. m with l/·OrchounJ1 conttstth1I ICOStM u • .io, rwnk.J su:ond onth• tum in 1conn1 dt9·0 po;nt1 per f•meand contr.but.J 3·3rtbounJ1 ,,..., conta1t·His •fforts lntludcd12 doublrflguro scor­inJfomu, tneluJlnffour In th• /a1b liv.contcst1·Knotts led tire Enfin••r<fn 1eorinf (or the sctonJstraifht: y10r ot 9·0points per f•mc. wlr//•P tire squod .n R-u.·throw pcrccntof• •t80·31· Knotts ruc!rodJo.iblc fitures 1n uor1nfT2 times. 1r.,1r~,1rw ~• suson-!rlf!r 22·po.nteffort ttf•inst 8/ock­hurn· He odded •doublrJoublc w.t!r /Ifpoints ontl 10 01s11t1090Jnst E1rlhom·W•ath•rford P•JRo1c·Hulmon new ..comcri In 1torin, 11tlf·I polnla per ,.,,,.and shot I 7% fromt!r1 li•/J and 761 ontlr• frcc•t!rrow fine ·H1 contribut<d n dou·bl••flgur. «oring ,am11,lnc/ud/nf seven of th•Fina/ •lg!rt <onl1•1ts. •ndwas named UCllC Ployuor th• Wc•k for 1r .. LP.Forts In a doublc ov,.rt11m•victory ovor TransylvonJo·Mens Basketball 43Wilh a small squad of nine players, the womensbasketball team srruggled to succeed. The LadyEngineers were only able to pull om four wins inthe season bur managed to keep games very close,many times only falling by a couple baskets.Junior Donna Marsh earned first-team all-1 lean­landCollegiate Arhleric Conference honors andthree womens basketball players were recogni1edwith postseason awards from the league office.Sophomore Alisa Dickerson captured honorablemention all-conference accolades, and Erin Daveyearned a s1>ot on the leagues all-fres hman team.l{ose -1 lu lman completed the season with a 4-21mark and placed eighth in the HCAC standings.hfaNh •V•r4UJeJ o t«om-Jilfk 13·2 points P4-r t1m• •nti lttnlt.ctl second In tire canhr«nce wl#JJ. 10•5 r1fl4.ln11 p•r,.,.,,. Sire •Ito /dJ tlrt league ..,;1;1, n hlocltcd 1hot1 poc•J R4u-J-lulltUln witlt 36 st1:111· ,,,.,.,. rcoclt.aJd.ou•I• n,u,.., lit IC-Orinf 17 t:imd tlurin1 Cit.a 1c11on, 111tl1.1tl1nt 11 loublrtloublc •ffort1· Her top JHffoNnOIHCIJnclud1J o 21•point f4me •t .D~fioncc •nd • 19·polnt. 19-rebounJ periorrtuJM« ot lromc fft I>.fr11ftf•·44 SportsDtrvcy /cJ HCll (r~skmM 1n uor1nf ob 6·8 p01trt1 14 ffrl• in •se•son that (utw~ m doublrlituN scor/fff 1•mcs· Site 1cor.d •c•re~r-lt1th TJ p.Oints 0J4inst St•••WHdl •ntl .JJ,J IIpOJnts rtr /1 eont.est; •t•inst IH•n£ ra11ked scct111J on tlr~ sq1,u:d with 12·8 pofntJ1 onJ 7·5rebo-untlt pe,r f4fJc· S>ua ~lsQ le# tthc lqt11ttl with 61 •11;101•5/i~ (Ompilt.r/ 18 Jou.bJrfifUre StOlJ0(1f ftlfnCI O{tt/ r111tht1t) tlta20·point mark (Ol)t bimcis Jurin, the susort• She nn111t1cl th•st.ason 4Nltlt t:ltru Jo1,,1bfrdo1Jblu ;,, the (111c (9ur ftJmcs•Womens Basketball 45The S\\ imming and diving pro­gramhad another strong year, pacedby multiple individual successes.Freshman john Huster led [he Rose­Hulm.i!n effort with two NCAA provi­sionalqualific.<tion swims. He joineddiver Michael Gerdov who provision­allyqualified for both the one-meterand three-meter diving C\entsattheNCAA Division Ill Championshlps.The mens swimming and div­ingteam placed third in the CoUegeConferenceoflllinoisand WiseonsinChampionships, while the womenrecorded a strong fifth place finish.The tally included t\vo NCAA46 SportsDivision Ill National Cb.m1pionshipprovisional qualification efforts,three school records, and oneall-con­ferenceaward.The 200-yard medleyrelay team compiled a school recordtime of 1:J6.84 for fourth place. Theteam included sophomore Ben Soll­man,freshman Patrick Dcjarnatt,Huster, and senior Brian Yount.On the omens side, freshmanShannon Cunnien narrowly ~a school record with a seventh inthe 400-individuill medley (4:55.So)and established a newschool 1-e<.Ordin lhe 200-butterffy with a time of2:25.12.Swimming & Diving 47r•p• bottctl ·393 th« s<0son w;th t••m·h1,htotals or 17 tloobl.s, •• ,i.t home ,..,,,,, S6 runsJCorcd, anti SS RSI• •• port of a RosrHolmon<qootl thot rcochctl the NClill DM1;on Ill Toumo·ment for th< thin/ ttr•ifht y•ar· 1•pc tomplctcshit t11r£U the sthocl re.cord hold1r for htti(211), tlaoblu (60), ruM Stored (163) anti RBis(175) os • Fifhtin En,inccr• /,, odtlition, r.pcRn,.slteJ hil RosrJ.luJmon corc~r •• thrcr C1mfirst-t1am o/1--confucncc ,,/1ctt0n onJ was olsonam.J J.l.ort/ond eo11.,;ot1 I/th/ct/< Conhrcncc ontlA11tl .. st Rcfton Ploycr of the Y•or 2009·Stunpl~ rririlwl Htond 1n uS.HIlristory with 8q J.1t1 tlti1 lptlftfeo um his •u.DnJ ,.,.. • ., o/~,on~fuMU •nJ •Jfrf.fJOfl /tono,.. n.IJt. fi«IJ~r k~tcJ ·#Ill ~ theS~llSOft with 55 runl JU>fSd. 19R8f$. 76 clo11blct •ntl two homeruns• Stemp/a copp«J ihr lt•lonon o 21-J~ftt« Jut-tint 1tr14k •ntlwill enter luI tutlor ttAtnlf neAtsprinf with C4rur 1chool rcrJfOr bot.tinf oVerttf• (·131) •ndon-bo<J.s overcige ( ·SOI)· 11«41seven hrbl to ~l:cr Ro11-J.ll)fm•n 1U1r#-4r t:op 10·SportsRose-HuJman compJe[ed its third straight NCAA Division Ill Tournament seasonand.llso won its second straight Heartland CollegiateAthleticConferenceTournamentthis spring. Seniors on the squad included Andrew Bilse, Derek Eitel, Troy Eveslage,Chandler Kent, Jared Ktonable, Keenan Long, Nick Maloney, Daniel Prochno, DavidSilwanowicz, Ben Stenger, Tim Tepe, and Kirk Thompson. The Fightin Engineer se­niorclass comple.ted its career with a total record of 115-61, improving head coach JeffJenkins career record at the college to 532-315-1 in 21.seasons. The baseball pEogram hasnow had 33 all-region selections since 1990.The team opened lbeir tournamentrun by scoring one run in the nth inningtocapturea 5-4 victory over North Central CoUege in round one of the NCAA Division 111 BaseballCentral Regional. However, in their second game, they struggled offensively as they fellto WebsterUniversity7-1. With the loss, Rose- Hulman fell into the elimination bracket.In their third game. the team jumped out to an early 5-2 lead over Buena Vista Uni­versity,but the top seeded Beavers scored six runs inthe fifth inning to earn an 11-6 win over tlhe FightinEngineers in the NCAA Division llJ Central Regionaland eliminated the Engineers from the p-0st-seasontournament.The loss marked the end of Rose-Hulmans thirdconsecutive appearance in the NCAA Division IllRegional (and third consecutive time the: Engineerswon the opening game and lost the following two) andalso caps the career of 12 senior members of the squad.Senior Tim Tepe and junior Chris Stemple werenamed to the American Baseball Coaches Associa­tionAll-Mid east Region Team. Tepe captrnred secondteam honors at shortstop, while Stemple \.\<IS nameda lhird-tearn honoree in tbe outfield for Lhe secondBaseball 49The softball team placed four pla}er.. on the all-Hean­landCollegiate Athleuc Conference softball squad.Seniors Brittany Bernt hold and Jordan Goslee capturedfirst-team all league accolad6.Freshman Brianne Widmoyer\\a~ named second-teamall-conference. Sophomore Mcghan Canary addedhonorable mention all-league accolades.In adcUtion, Canary earned a spo1 on 1he ESPN TheMaga1ine Ac.ldemk All-Disincl Softball Team.Rose-Hu Iman earned its second winning season in thelast thrl.e years with a 16-14 overall mark 1 his ~pring.50 SportsSoftball 51SportsThe mens tracl< and fieldteam won its third consecutive Heartland Collegiate Athletic Conferencimens track and field championship and the women placed fifth as the twcteams combined for 34 top-live performances at the league meet.The Rose-HulJnan men also became the fi rst Fight in !Zngineer team t~win 1.hree straight conference titles since the crack and field squad eamedchampionships from 1987-89.Rose· l-lulman relied on seven individual titles and dominant performance>in the hurdle and relay events to outdistance Manchester College by 47poimsfor the mens d1ampionship. The Engineers also scored in every mens even1f9r t he third straight championship meet.SopnomoreSutton Coleman earned three individual titles and combinedfor a fourth cha mpio11ship on a relay team. Coleman ea med top honors inthe uo-hu1Clles (14.99 seconds),400-hurdles (54.55) and triplejump (44 u 3/4).The 4-x-100 meter and 4-x-400meter relay teams also swept con·ference cbampionsbips. Colemanwas joined by freshman Josh Selig.junior Paul Bouagnon and seniOITravis Vanderberg on the 4·X-4f10meter team chat won in 3:20.8}The 4-x-100 meter team won in43.37 seconds featuring Selig. BoU·agnon, freshman Michael JohnsMand sophomore Jake Whitsitt.Sopl10moro Micah Aldrich cap·tured top honors in the 3,000-mc­tersteeplechase wich a time 019:38.76.)lmior Derek flischak roundeuout Rose-Hulmans indJvidua 1winners with first place in thi1,500-meter run in 4:03.83.-Womens tracl< and fieldreached new heights thisyear. improving the pro­gramas a whole. in largepart due LO freshman Liz£vans success.Evans earned nationalrunner-up honors withan All-Ame1ican perfor­manceat rhe NCAA Div!·sion ID Outdoor Trackand field National Cham­pionshipson Satmday atBaldwin-Wallace.Evans was one of fourathletes lo dear the 57 mark and cleared theheight on her second at·rem pr to capture tiebreakhonors for second place inthe national meet.f!er effort marks hersecond national runner­upperformance aL theNCAA Divjsion 1ll Track and Field Championships, after claiming second­pla<0e honors indoors at DePauw in March.Asa team. the women ea rned three individual confe1·ence championshipsamong u top-five finishes to capture fifth place in team scoring,Sophomore Tanya Colonna set a conference record and tied her own schoolrecord with a pole vault leap of 10 6 to highlight the womens effort whilefreshman Creasy Cl a user contributed a conference cl1ampionship in theSoo-meter ntn in a time of 2:18.15. Senior Rebecca Fehribach rounded outthe even I winners with a dis<:vs throw of 119 ].Track & Field 5354 Sports1 ATomens golf p1acedLhirdi11the V V 4 Healtland Colle·giate Athletic Conference womens golf championships forthe se~-ond best leagul! finish in program history.Sophomore Bailey Wagner recorded a top io finish withrounds of 89 and 88 to place 10th overall.Senior Stephanie Marrington and junior Allison Luthershared 12th place witb rwo-day scores of 180. Harringtonfired a pair of scores of 90, while Luc:her had an 86 on Sundayto highlight her performance.junior Lindsey Gault rounded out the team score withrounds of 95 and 98 for 22nd place.The team finish marks tl1e second best confei·ence perfor­mancein womens golf history at Rose-1-lulman. The 2007squad placed second overall in the league meet.Mens olf placed seventh in the lleartland CollegiateQ Athletic Coaferencernensgolftournamem,a four-day event tbafl1ded al Keltering Golf Club in Ohio on Sunday.Senior Dan Stanage led che Engineers wlrh a 28th place finish and a four­daytotal of331. His efforts were highligh ted bya 79 in round t\\to and an 80in round Lhree.Senior Brian TeJJjohann and senior Tyler Werke tied for 30th place withtota ls of 335. Tclljohann had around of 78 in round three, while Werkefiredhis best score with ao 81 in round four.Freshman Eric Kame1· placed 32nd individuaJJy with a score of 336, andfreshman john Rigitano rounded out the team effort with a four-day totalof 350.Golf 55The mens tennis teammadcan0Lherstrongshowi11g. making a deep run in theco!lferenceplayoffs before falling 2-5 to tl.nnis power Transylvania University 50 in the Championship match.The team placed three pldyers on the all-Heartland CollegiateAthletic Conference squad and six total players ere honored bythe league office on Tuesday.Senion. Sco11 Grubbs and Michael Schoumacher joined freshmanBen Para~ b) earning all-conference honors for their efforts thisseason.Juniors David Becerra and Alex Gumz captured honorable mentionall-league accolades.lunior Brent Frizzell rounded out the honoree!l by earning a ~poton the leagues all-sportsmanship team.Rose-I lulman completed the season second in the HCAC with a 5-2league m~ 1 k and also placed second in the league tournament, nar­rowlymissing an opportunity to qualify for the NCAA 1bu rn~ment.56 SportsThe wo.mens tennis team :~~ocher outstanding year, making a deep run In the conference championshipand narrowly missing an opporcunity to qualify for the NCAA Tournament.The team advanced to the championship match of the Heartland CollegiateAthletic Conference Womens Tennis Tournament before falling 5-3 to Tran­sylvaniaUniversity in Lhe title march on Friday.R~se-H ulman earned a 5-0 victory over Franklia on Friday morning to reachthe title match. Transylvania advanced to the NCAA Division Ill Tourna­mentin the spring as the automatic qualifier from the HCAC by virtue ofwinning the tournament title.Senior Sam Danesis completed her career with a four-year perfect recordin singles play against HCAC competit·ion to lead the effort. Uanesis won6-o, 6-o in the opener against Franklin and earned a 6-+ 6-3 victory overTransylvania in the ujghtcap.Danesis and freshman Melissa Montgomery teamed up for No. i doubleswins agahlst both fran kl in ai1d Transylvania, while che No. 2 doubles squadof junior Megan Chann and freshman Sage SackectaJso won against Tran­sylvaniain the title march.The tandem of sophomore Klara Scbroederus and sophomore Ellyn Norriswon al the No. 3 doubles slot against Franklin, and Schroederus wrappedup the Fran kiln match with a wio at the No. 5 singles spoLRose-Hulman completed thefaJI season with a 10-3 record and second-placefinishes in the 1-ICAC reguJar season, league tournament and individualLoumament.fennis 5758 SportsThe No. 22 ranl<ed rifle teamcapped the season with a fourth-place performance of nine teams at the WesternIntercollegiate Rifle Championships meet at Michigan State on Saturday.Senior Eddie Mayhew paced the Engineers with scores of 566 in small bore and379 in air riOe for a total of 945.Senior Brian Telljohann finished second among the Engineers with a tally of916. Senior Lucas Weir tied Mayhew for team-high honors in air rifle on his wayto a score of 931.Senior Derel<.\dlercontributed a tally of 924, and freshman l<aty Dimon led theunderdassme11 wi Lh a score of 903.Following the meet, Mayhew was crowned second place in the conference insmallbore handicap, marking an improvement in score throughout the seaSQn.Dimon earned a fifth-place aard iu the same category.RTilc & Chccrleadlng 59~-----,Ro~E- H\ILJ-•THE fSF< T. UWHO D%1>NTu ... ~. .i i. .. 1 • • ..., i.... ,. .. ,.. ... ,,- ~-~~.,.,·~~ C • •ih < •~ r <Jff/11nu> ~;; /;~~ .... ____ :. ----, J • O-l, yeu - ·f bf,L°~• vi..~ • K .. ..... .,. ,,,(r x. ;.~ 1 l 1. /,H E.llES ONlY 5iY1 ~£ HF: II FEW ~ F__.tI-t£- -T-l-l(- -c;-vr-... ----------- ~~~ ! • ~·. ..ICr\/il 13vt!WllY£Vl?eEN~• • 11 • - 1 1 -·---·&-·-~-•alUndergraduate Portraits 115I .-lv qrn.dv.t:Al- eoA -c-...r Ct::: r ( l n p l(A c~ 5 on C A Me, e t l \.) (\ j ec, (- _... ~ le. .,, P/lc.l \ )(.,\. rs<l.C spendinqo ~rs )CA.b c..,r;.n~ ever po-A11cA~These..------/ / D 4 per f.10011I ~1 .Co ~0 LJ tx-• ~ir*·~ IY,I /£. -(o .. .,., .... .,... ~ I0II .- <-··· ... ,,___ ~eoh .h tS _. . I 5IJ,-eeh lo u sJI • J e ,. a.. I I y . PI w sJ~ e h Cl-;te ri au:leo t.Uf-ia.1- Gr,.ef , J:e · ~ Clbou•IDelta Delta Delta 133Cl i;VI~- -0 ::rflnJI Row:Peler Cl!nerosPukerLeeMllrk Mcrlwr HerberKyle ClarkLucas .. lc:em•n \VelrNlck ZalabSecond Row:Chad WinoRost Kippenbr0<kKe In VenhaySiu FalcoBuilding on Righi:Seao)1yenDELTA SJGMA Pm- ZETA LAMBDAROSE-HULMAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNO.LOGY SPRING 2010Strond Row (Conld):7.nck CMncllMkh•cl RooneyAndrew MooreThird Row:Ml~• S10 .. anMike ZeroP•l lludwnMorgan RoddyJ•mts \\ oJ•nFourlll Row:Mall MooreSamad JawaidAdam ChurchlllLucas HornerCary PaynoCbrb BaldwinRob Huoning IIDu id ZitniJ.\lallbos:Thomai -Mu fol12Firth Row:Peter KlelnJacob Uncle Buck WarmolhJ•mts Jacobs 111RyelyMooreAaron YoslowCaleb DrakeSHnKUkuMu CrovoBiftyCbrkoPasuknm Juice AramruongBack Row Big Rick llerlngCuy Chrl11ulS1t<t N11•h Brld&•Cody fOJIW•llE>teban Flapj•ck CarrucoM111 DunnK~llh M<Crortywrns .. rnCnie Sdtl1chlerJu>llD •C1ngle. S.uorRyan S<:hullcnB•ck Row (Conld):M111thcw GilbertNkk ·Cruruperson PredanCary SimpsonKyle Baby Jnus ShlemkcBen 14Fat·ass SollmanKarl WucpperKirk HubbardOayCondolJ0<I Sln)-erLandry CarboJacob SliferTrevor ClarkNick TUIDa .... cu1ppHi ~amma OeLtaThe Rho Phi chapte.r at Rose-Hulman ispart of the International Fraternity of• Phi Gamma Delta. Phi Gamma Delta isa value based fraternity based aroundfive core values. FRIENDSHIP brings ustogether and is the basis of our brother­hood.KNOWLEDGE is the primary reason oru brothers come to college. SER­VICErepresents our obligation to give back to the campus and communitythat surrounds us. MORALITY is ourcommitment to do what is right and tostrive to be gentlemen of quality. EX­CELLENCEis the achievement of the to­talpotential of our chapter and of eachbrother. The fraternity is spread acrossthe United States and Canada.The chapter house of Phi Gamn1aDelta is located at 1121 S. 6th St. Themen of Phi Gamma Delta have 26 broth­ersin the chapter house. The chapteris also proud of its forty-six brothers140 Fraternities and Sororitieson the football team. We also havebrothers involved in tennis, basketball,track, baseball, ROTC, and rifle. Duringthe fall quarter we bid 27 pledges fromthe Rose-Hu Iman campus, and earned achapt~ semester GPA of 3.01.Phi Gamma Delta 141_kappa aLpHan J:• ,,--=-·---2009·r... 1 - .IJ~· ~ ·~ )~-.9!I.<@Jigma NuItta )lpsilnu (!;~aptrr2010lnsr-l;ubuan 1Jnstitutr nf wer~nnlngy~ I --- ----------------·-~~J. 20092010 f ,,. ,..,~ ~arked.anotherf.1~.. . mteresttngyett• 4 Cor the men ofw TbetaXL Fill?pits were built,freshmen .. ere~·~WI rushed, and treeswere fallen outof while sober*.The brothers ofKilppa chapterwelmmed cl.gbtnew brothers intothe fhld, whilesaying goodbyeto fucrrsenimswhowould begin their journey Ineoalumnation. Speaking~~4Kappa recruited at the end ofWoxid Wat ~hDntecoming clin:nertraditlon was revived,ofafwnnation, Homecom­Jngsawthearr.ival ofa11clrnland venerated alumni fiomthe .farthest comers of theknown world, including onell, and I.he chapters annualAs with every Homecoming.thec ha ptct gpt in touch with many older ThetaXisand rememberedits roots asa proud frat;emityat: Rose.llle39thWinefestwas celebtated this ~and now resounds outintoinlioitywith the thu·ty.1oeigbtwhich camebe1l>T1~ it, aII of themdestined to continue indefinitely, partthe end of time. Nuclear Hok>-Cil.ustwas anapocalypticsuccess as always, ao.d HaI!ovreenproved. whyyou shouldnevet letJohn--Paul Ver.kamp warany article of clothing modeled aftct Remitss.1nce art.IThe brave efforts of the Kappachaptermen resulted In not only keepingtheir wo+year-old lwuse standing and undamaged by flame, and wo.dtwas started on remodeling the (in)fumous Jnact:ive Room, to be finishedintbeCOlllingyear.Noneoflhlscouldhavebeen.accomplishedwlthoutthe support of Kappa Chaptersgreatalrunni, wlwwould dictatetheir will to the lowly actives bywayofemaU, in th.e form olitheinlhlliblelimeclcl<(seeexamplebelow).*Notrecommended by mosthealthcare professionals.An active, so goes the report ...Must think of a different retorIm still slightly tornTo break limerick formAnd go with a hearty @#$% you-- From Honored Alumn:Curtis Katina!THIS SPACE LEFT EMPTYON PURPOSE146 Fraternities & Sororities• tl!Theta Xi 147< c r•• <••I l CT;X• ( \- , \I \ ----0.-1i;w .. &•,.•._a v/•,.1 • c:::::::::i,,) -Il/ · i i•I /\_/f /Tc, E F• t II I, I L • D .JJ>- ~·) , , ll ., ._c.IV1r1 .. ._ -\ /~...__ /-* --- _/RAL/ IKEA Cf1AMPIONTODAL/I THESSAl,..ONIANS S:/1- \ _:./[0\•- -- -----G ( E F +In CJ r, rn f L, p rt 5 ~ f:I r F [ r ,.., ,..I r r 1r r Freeding ~hrr; ] Iltl E n r f ~ ( 0. J . LJ c- L cI. rcr...LrD n LU h 1 + e h r• c• r cl s hf r t 1 1 1 c f 1 • • r c r r ,.., J I5nmef..,•n q p t:c>r•E cell r- a. r • • 1 ~· • - c ... r r & f..t fC .- &... ~111 DJ u I LI 5 9 0 f u .. 0 JC I, c r• r I~ • rr1 n r f • p f ( r . r r , , ,, IJTlo}4 rrJ e ll r· n emotlt:r L U!, H-. Ji rl ,.,..crr• r • klrthen dectdFd r • C L~l- ~f nC· C r,4 UIC t rlc-r F ( fl.l L.Joo his ro..ct> ... . end d t •t ~,... c , r r £r p FI · r· Irr> .. rsleep.i μ,, ... l:Jer o rnf 0L•f rvrirr rng ,j clo.f D[ (T1<1Tr r~5F pr f _, o. n J H·· e n pp I• c u ~ • c•,.. o C ~ J c• c.:.. LL• h • J ~ o ! ,.. dThus-_, we \-.preb~ Lc/,.cl •rn lf_. .i~ .• • r. , 1u •f.!ordI -/+o fTlo..~~ JT)ellc•o n nd i:n.rr . - r •SL--0UF H- <7R..T~I r»E t.f.I~ i: tJ e 14Qt>uLu 5 % &E1tJ4 ~(70 $1>¢ T; ~~J r\lo I? i;- t-.Z: VJ; T >I E <I f../ o (; £. A /..J D ;) o \ o F ~ T>-<r.I M~t..,.-orv· ~ FP<e,t; ,-<> Wtl=T~E!SoAit-t>A(., II- 0 fJ ~μ vovf- vt;rz. ( Ho 1£/ l.LOSE THf..S tPA&-f7. JZ~\~~f~PLt . p.μo :tT SHALL. BE&rz..ooVt . ...,,_.lAfJ!l- Yo v JV\f?\;fvs f ...._E:. ~~UO .ffl--C.... or; (Z_~e.,. -~I<.. fj-·­-.-------------------------------------·----.......=lTo Rober·t Jol1n Williamson,tl1e f amitys youngest engineer· ....Cong1Aatulations f 1Aom tl1eoldest engineer· in the family!G1AanddadCfr om Michelle & John tooD168 e icationsThumbs Up: Winning the Winter Robot ics Challenge were freshman electrical and computer engineeringstudents Stephan Roessler, Brian Lackey and Derek Kovacik. Keep up the good work!CONGRATULATlONS2LT Jason Mark Bulsonon your commissioningand graduation!We are very proud of you!We love you!Mom, Dad, Ben,Jeremy & AndrewCongratulations, James!Good Lu cl< at Rolls!Witl1 Love from your familyand friends169I<eep up the good wor·k , JackiLoveMorn Dad Bill , Ch, ris and Br 1· ane icattonsyourethe Best!
Origin: 2017-03-09
Created By: Rose-Hulman
Contributor(s): Rose-Hulman
Publisher: Rose-Hulman
Collection: Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Logan Library
Copyright: Copyright Undetermined
Subjects: Universities & colleges Education Engineering Chemistry Mathematics Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology College yearbooks
Social Life

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