THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY79Ebcrley, Minerva A., la Plymouth
1908-1013 teacher of English, high school,Portland
1913-1914 attended IndianaUniversity
1914-1916 teacher of English in high school, Plymouth
lr 1916.Eddington, William E., pa 822 NorthSalisbury St., West Lafayette
1909-1911 teacher mathematics and physics,high school, Brazil
1911-1912 teachermathematics, Indiana State TeachersCollege, Terre Haute
1912-1913 graduate student, University of Chicago
1913-1914 assistant in mathematics and graduate student, University of Colorado
1914-1917 head of department of mathematics, University of New Mexico
1918 U. S. army, signal corps
19 19-1921 graduate student and assistant,University of Illinois
1921-1922assistant professor mathematics, Pennsylvania State College
1922-1930associate professor mathematics, PurdueUniversity
A. B. State Teachers College, Terre Haute, 1909
A. M. University of Illinois
Ph. D. University ofIllinois, 1921.Fauber, Oliver W., la Columbia Uni-versity, New York City
1908-1912 principal ward school, Brazil
1912-1916principal ward school, Waterloo, Ia.
1917-1918 student, University of Iowa
1918-1919 student, Columbia University
lr 1919.Fisher, Hubert, pa 1800 South 7th St.,Terre Haute
1906-1908 teacher in highschool, Fort Scott, Kan.: 1908-1911teacher in high school, Visalia, Cal.
1911-1917 teacher in high school, SanMateo, Cal.: 1917-1030 engaged in drycleaning business, Terre Haute.FlooJ.-Kr.opf, Mrs. Anna, nr.Frazcur, Susan M.,...
1908-1910 teacher of science andmathematics, high school, Jamestown
1910-1911 principal high school Jamestown
1912-1915 principal high school,Mesa, Ariz.
1915-1916 University ofColorado, Boulder, Colo.
1916 superintendent schools. Olathe, Colo.
Harper, Flora Mae, nr.Harper, Nellie M., pa 6420 WoodlawnAve., Chicago, 111.
1908-1911 teacher inpublic schools, Evansville
1911-1918teacher in public schools, Gary
1918-1921 teacher in public schools Birmingham, Ala.
1921-1830 teacher in publicschools, Chicago, 111.Harris, Edna 1., nr.Harris-Church, Mrs. Estella, pa Pari.?,111.
1908-1910 teacher of primarygrades, West Terre Haute
1910-1929married and homekeeper.Hnskinson, Bruce, la 1916 Champaign,111.
1908-1909 principal schools, StoneBluff
1909-1911 principal schools, FlatReck, 111.
1911-1915 superintendentschools, Lawrenceville, 111.
1915-1916graduate student. University of Illinois,Champaign, 111.
lr 1916.Hath? way-Brin ton, Mrs. Hazel, pa 80 5Branard Ave., Houston, Tex.
1908-1918teacher of mathematics, high school,Terre Haute
1915 graduate student.University of Wisconsin
1918-1929 athome
married, not teaching.Heath-Huffman, Mrs. Ethel, pa RFD 5,Box 123, Brazil
1901-1902, teachinggrades. Piatt county, 111.
1905-1907,teacher of grades, Nevins township,Vigo county
1907-1908 teacher ofgrades, Fontanet
1908-1911 teacher ofgrades, McKeen School, Terre Haute
1911-1929 not teaching, homekeeper,married in 1911.♦Hebb, Gertrude ,ha 429 North 8th StTerre Haute
1908-1918 primary teacher, Rea School, Terre Haute
deceasedJan. 3, 1919.Helt, Elbert E., pa Clinton
taught inschool of Vermillion county and servedas county superintendent prior to graduation
1910-1913 teacher, Carlisle
1914-1917 teacher, Lexington, Kans.
1918-1919 teacher, Dallas. Tex.
1919-1920teacher Dayton
1920-1924 teacher,Helt School
1924-1929 principal Vermillion county.Henderson, Harvey, pa 735 Graham Ave.,Indianapolis
teacher, history Logansport and superintendent schools, Good-land, before graduation
1908-1912 superintendent schools, Delphi
1912-1914superintendent schools. Greencastle
1914-1930 manager, Keystone View Company for Indiana
senior secretary Y. M.C. A. in Greece during the war.Hertenstein, Charles R., pa Clinton
1908-1910 superintendent schools, Amo
1911-1921 superintendent schools, Ripleycounty
1921-1924 superintendentschools Darlington
1924-1925 receivedA. M., Indiana University
1925-1928principal senior high school, Washington:1928-1930 principal senior high school,Clinton.Hightower, Denzel L., taught in OaklandCity College for some ti...
nr since 1916.Hlldebrand, Samuel F., pa U. S. FisheriesBiological Station, Beaufort, N. C.
taught three years in country and townschools
1908-1910 assistant in the Division of Ichthyology and Herpetology,Field Museum, Chicago, 111.
1910-1929with U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, engagedin various research propositions, in relation to fisheries and malaria control
graduate student, University of Georgia,Indiana University and University ofChicago.Hitchcock, Charles W., pa 41 NorthArlington Ave., Indianapolis
1908-1909principal SunmM
1909-1910 principalBurney
1910-1918 principal Brookville
1918-1919 principal North Salem
1919-1920 teacher of English and salesmanship, Anderson
1920-1924 sales manager, Ft. Wayne Tank & Pump Company
1S26-1929 specialty salesman, Indianapolis
attended Harvard summer of 1912.Hoffman, Myrtle, nr.Holmes, Oscar W., pa 627 South 40thSt., Louisville. Ky.
1903-1918 superintendent schools, Westport
1918-1920 instructor, DuPont Manual Training HighSchool, Louisville, Ky.
1920-1929 architect, Louisville, Ky.Hopper, A. M., pa State Department ofEducation, Paton Rouge, La.
1908-1909teacher in high school, Portland
1909-1910 teacher in high school, Marion
1910-1919 Louisiana State Normal College, Natitoches, la.
1919-1920 assistant superintendent schools, NatchitochesParish, Natchitoches, La.
1920-1930state supervisor of elementary schools,Raton Rouge, La.Hornung, Mary J., pa Brookville
1890-1899 teacher in district schools, Franklin county
attended Indiana StateTeachers College
1899-1906 teacher inthe Brookville Public Schools, Brookville
1906-1907 attended Indiana State Teach-