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Showing 1 - 20 of 1,099 results
Search Results - (( a three ((give...
Showing 1 - 20 of 1,099 results
This poster tells how Indiana Ordnance Works is helping the war effort. The plant in Charlestown, Indiana produces smokeless black powder. The...
Boomtown Plant Works So U. S. Guns Can BoomBy RED FLEMINGA $110,000,000 assembly line propels Axis-bound projectilesPROBABLY the most talked-about...
Clark County Collections
This report gives a brief history of Indiana Army Ammunition Plant from its beginning in 1940. It includes a list of the ammunitions ma...
Clark County Collections
This document describes a proposed new black powder manufacturing facility to be built at Indiana Army Ammunition Plant. It gives a brief hi...
Clark County Collections
This is a promotional flier for the commercial use of the facilities at Indiana Army Ammunition Plant in Charlestown, Indiana about 1990. Af...
INDIANA ARMY AMMUNITION PLANTThe Indiana Army Ammunition Plant (INAAP) in Charlestown, Ind., is no ordinary industrial site. Located just 10 ...
Clark County Collections
The final report for installation groundwater site 90 at Indiana Army Ammunition Plant of Phase II RCRA facility investigation prepared for U.S.&...
Clark County Collections
During Newspaper, senior Mike MoatesStands on top of a chair while his classmates sing Happy Birthday to him.Moates stated that this is a...
Bloomington High School North
No subjects listed
6THE INFORMERThe Latest Sporting NewsYesterdays Base Ball ResultsCENTRAL. LEAGUEBloomington, 15; Terre Haute, 11.Evansville, 1; Wheeling, 0.Fort Wayne, 8...
Bloomington High School
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OrchestraRow 1—Bonnie Jean Bell, secretary; Ted PlewRow 2—Mary McClintock; Martha McClintock; Joan Johnson; Frances BranamRow 3—Jeanin...
Bloomington High School
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THE NORMAL ADVANCE119What then should the Y. M. C. A. as an organization, have to do with this problem?Every man that has lived ha...
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
During the first few years of its existence, Bloomington High School didnot participate in any athletic contests. Track was probably the first...
Bloomington High School
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INDIANA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL.77SPECIAL CLASSES IN SPRING TERM.Many teachers of experience and good scholarship desire tospend one term in reviewing cer...
(2) graduates of commissioned high schools
and,(3) those persons holding one or more three years licenses, andwho have also taught successfully not less than twenty-fourmonths. These ...
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
246THE NORMAL ADVANCESay, Yaller, the fellow at the Mission theother night, said that everybody was everybodyelses brother. Now, since youre my b...
yet to a large majority of those directly benefited, its worth is unknown, while to others it isan object of disgust or even of fe...
that the toad has power to poisonbabies by its breath
and that if you kill a toadyour cows will give bloody milk. How few ofus do not remember how we feared to handle atoad lest w...
Indiana State University Archives
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AL W•W :W•; ...1,..,<»/■»; V.! ’’ <™a~j Z^ZZ 6 ” *F. »£ - v£/...
Unionville High School
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Seated left to right: VRow 1—June Graves, Delight Hill, Charleen Shauntee, Pat McMillan.Row 2—Sarah Russ, Roberta Neumeyer, Keith Cooper,...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed
._»JS7? vv.Heres to YouOur Dear Old BHS . . .Yes, heres to you Bloomington High School—for knowledge, good times, and friends. Y...
Bloomington High School
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Interview with one of the 500 Clarksville, Indiana residents who remained behind and rode out the flood in one of the 2 shelters set...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
. ■.Senior Keith Lewis looks for an opening as he getsready to attack the basket. In preparation for tiring games, the team spends...
Bloomington High School North
No subjects listed
Panther Racketmen Second in SCCDAN SHERMAN, THE ONLY SENIOR RACKETMAN, back-hands the ball in the SCC singlestournament, in which he placed secon...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed
CALENDAR--ContinuedNov. 12--Mr. Walker has his hair cut and a new green tieon.Nov. 13--George Pitman is mistaken for Mr. Montgomery.Nov. 17--Mr. Myers...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed
GLEN JOHNSONCOACHWormy made his debut into our coaching fieldthis year and v/as everything that followers of thePurple and White expected him...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed