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Showing 1 - 20 of 1,157 results
Search Results - (( _ three day ha...
Showing 1 - 20 of 1,157 results
Sophomore Andrew Buzzelli,and seniors Rich Notter, WillAutio, and Rory McGuiganhold hands while waiting tohear the state results. Theboys cross country...
Bloomington High School North
No subjects listed
the life of aLOTS seniorEvery year there was something newto look forward to as students graduated through the levels of the MCCSCschool sys...
Bloomington High School South
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Theyve Got the Cougar PrideWhat is cheerleading? Is it girls runningaround in short skirts along the sidelines of afootball field or basketb...
Bloomington High School North
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The file contains the documents related to the suit David Snyder brought against Robert Adams for the failure to pay off a Promissory N...
Early Vincennes, 1732-1835
WHOWHATrningvs.NightWhere do you fall?seniorAbbey Martinlam anightperson.There isso muchmore todo and Im moreawake.juniorJake PfenningerWell, Iconsidermyselfto be anafter...
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed
248THE NORMAL ADVANCEture that the smaller the chance of reachingmaturity the greater is the number of youngproduced. We see this same fact ...
the color is grayish with small dark-coloredspots. The little toads are very sensitive toheat and secrete themselves under stones, leavesand rubbish...
but let a showercome up and they appear in great numbers.Their sudden appearance after a shower hasgiven rise to the widely credited belief&...
but conclusive evidence ofsuch stories has never been produced.The toad has a well developed sense of locality, and uses the same place of...
but there is not positive proofthat it was the same toad.The toad may be considered as a nocturnalanimal, although it is frequently seen...
only living and movingthings are devoured. The toads tongue is attached in front and free behind, and is coatedwith a sticky secretion so...
when the supply isplentiful it spends the time alternately feedingand resting. In one night it consumes foodequal to four times the capacity ...
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
is five feet and whose weight is 230 pounds. Will not appearwith her husband in public.Irene Pauley. Married at the age of thirty-six. ...
Bloomington High School
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The file contains the documents related to the suit Thomas Jones brought against Ettienne Bizayon the administrator of Francois Bizayons Estate f...
Early Vincennes, 1732-1835
rules of the matBloomington South wrestlers give an inside look into wrestlingproving that its more than just a sport...its a lifestyle.The objec...
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed
Manuscript will of Michael Warnock of Clark County, Indiana, dated August 22, 1823. Heirs are wife [not named] and children John, James...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
Internships offer students oportunities to experience theworking world by putting in time with local businesseso most students, the end of fourth ...
Bloomington High School South
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COCCBACCCoach Harold F. MumbyFOOTBALL SEASONN round the four letter men, Branam, McDaniel,* ^Wyatt, and Covington, left from the previous season,...
Bloomington High School
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Manuscript will of William Stacy of Clark County, Indiana, dated October 29, 1849. Includes witness testimony and probate dated January 3, 1850....
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
Manuscript will of David Spangler of Clark County, Indiana, dated June 26, 1822. Named heirs are wife Elizabeth and children William, Simon, ...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
Concerning fund-raising and financial matters, President Baldwins arrival on campus, and organization of instruction.
[1]. The editors of the N.Y. Obv. say of the Wabash college, This enterprise is one of the most important which has ever been...
Wabash College - The Hovey Scrapbook
246THE NORMAL ADVANCESay, Yaller, the fellow at the Mission theother night, said that everybody was everybodyelses brother. Now, since youre my b...
yet to a large majority of those directly benefited, its worth is unknown, while to others it isan object of disgust or even of fe...
that the toad has power to poisonbabies by its breath
and that if you kill a toadyour cows will give bloody milk. How few ofus do not remember how we feared to handle atoad lest w...
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
Manuscript will of George Howard of Clark County, Indiana, dated June 27, 1842. Named heirs are children Adam, Katherine, and Clarissa. Includes&...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
90THE NORMAL ADVANCEerr &o£eB. H. SCHOCKELHERR ROSE was my boyhood friend and ideal
of all things brave and courageous. The Herr
we lay for weeks in the cold
rains before Metz, and with the Kaiser finally
triumphed at Paris. The table became our cam¬
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
Manuscript will of Isaac Holman of Clark County, Indiana, dated January 30, 1833. Includes probate statement. Transcribed by Linda Colwell, August...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
The file contains five documents related to the suit John and Andrew Oliphant and Company brought against Nathaniel Ewing as the administrator...
Early Vincennes, 1732-1835