Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 2007, Page 124

Description: Sophomore Andrew Buzzelli,and seniors Rich Notter, WillAutio, and Rory McGuiganhold hands while waiting tohear the state results. Theboys cross country teamplaced fourth in the state.Junior Wesley Drake, a three-year team member, runsduring the state cross countrymeet in Terre Haute, Ind.Drake was the No. 6 runnerfor the Cougars at state.Everyone connected to theprogram was talking about ourchances of winning state andwhether we were prepared to winstate or not.Sophomore Andrew Buzzelli runs during the state cross countrymeet. Buzzelli has been on varsity for two years. He was the No.3 runner for the Cougars in 2006. Buzzelli is also a member thethe Bloomington North trackteam. He can be foundin the halls witha large waterFocused on***jug.Dunes CampThe bugs and the sand-sophomore AndrewBuzzelliFirst day we had a longrun in 90 degree weather-senior Will AutioBoys Cross Country
Collection: Bloomington High School North

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