Collection Order

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Jones, Thomas, Senior vs. Ettienne Bizayon administrator of Francois Bizayon Estate

Jones, Thomas, Senior vs. Ettiene Bizayon administrator of Francis Bison

Description: The file contains the documents related to the suit Thomas Jones brought against Ettienne Bizayon the administrator of Francois Bizayons Estate for the failure to repay a Promissory Note. On June 17, 1809, by his mark Francois Bizayon signed a Promissory Note to Thomas Jones. He stated for the value received he promised to pay and deliver unto Thomas Jones, Senior, on order, the sum of Two hundred fifty dollars and forty-nine cents in good and merchantable Indian Corn on or before November 15, 1809 in Vincennes. And two hundred fifty-three dollars and forty-nine cents on or before the expiration of one year from date in species a good and merchantable pelletries and skins at current prices in Vincennes. The note was witnessed by Gen [General] W. Johnston and Thomas Jones. On the verso side of the note, rec. 20 Aug. 1810 on act of within note the sum of one hundred fifty-six dollars and eight-three and 1/2 cents per his act. discharges. Thoms. Jones. During the November Term 1811 of the Court of Common Pleas, by his attorney, Henry Hurst, Thomas Jones complained of Ettiene Bision, administrator of all and singular goods of Francois Bazayon, dec, of a plea that he render unto him the sum of five hundred and seven dollars and thirty-eight cents which he unjustly detained from him. Francois Bizayon in his life time on the fourteenth day of June 1809 in a Promissory Note for value received promised to pay and deliver to Jones on order the full sum of two hundred fifty-three dollars and sixty-nine cents in merchantable Indian Corn on or before the fifteenth day of November at current price in Vincennes. Also the like sum of two hundred fifty-three dollars and sixty-nine cents good and merchantable pellteries and skins. Francois Bazayon in his lifetime nor Ettienne Bazayon as administrator on the death of Francois Bizayon had not paid the debt. He asked for payment of debt and one hundred dollars in damages. R Buntin, Clerk CPKC issued a Summons for Ettienne Bizayon, administrator of Francois Bizayon, dec. to appear in the Court of Common Pleas now sitting to answer to Thomas Jones in a plea that he render to him five hundred and seventy dollars and thirty-eight cents and damages of one hundred dollars. On the verso side of the Summons, cant be found John I Neely. D. Shff alias issued 18 February 1812. A second Summons was issued for Ettienne Bizayon by Buntin. He was to appear in court on the third Monday of March 1812 to answer unto Jones. This Summons was executed by John I. Neely, D. Shff. at a cost of $.59 to serve. In response to the Complaint, July ?Term 1812; the Defendant by John Johnson defended the wrong and injury. The Defendant could not gainsay [deny] the action of the Plaintiff. The note was proper but he was not informed why the Plaintiff maintained the action. The last document was an account of the court costs totaling $13.27 1/2. On the verso side July $395.09 1/2 August 29, 1812. According to the Minuet Book of the Knox County Court of Common Pleas 1811 -1817 page 58: The Plaintiff appeared by Henry Hurst and the Defendant by John Johnson. On a motion it was considered the Plaintiff recover of the Defendant the sum of five hundred seven dollars and thirty-eight cents to be discharged by payment of three hundred and ninety-five dollars and nine cents to be levied on the goods and chattels of Francois Bizayon in the hands of Ettienne Bizayon and with related court costs and expenses.
Origin: 2018-08-15
Created By: Indiana Territory. Court of Common Pleas (Knox County);
Contributor(s): Johnson, James; McClure, Daniel;
Collection: Early Vincennes, 1732-1835
Copyright: No Copyright - United States
Subjects: Indiana Territory
Accounts -- Indiana Territory
Complaints (Administrative procedure) -- Indiana Territory
Corn -- Indiana Territory
Costs (Law) -- Indiana Territory
Court records -- Indiana Territory -- Knox County
Executors and administrators -- Indiana Territory
Hides and skins -- Indiana Territory
Indian Corn
Judges -- Indiana Territory
Judgments -- Indiana Territory
Lawyers -- Indiana Territory
Personal debt -- Indiana Territory
Pleading -- Indiana Territory
Promissory notes -- Indiana Territory
Summons -- Indiana Territory
Court Records

Further information on this record can be found at its source.