THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY251primary grades, Deming School, TerreHaute.Samm, Margaret, 2IG, ha Coalmont
taught two years in rural school andtwo years fourth grade before graduation: 1928-1930 teacher grades, Coalmont.Sanders, Faith, 2IG, ha Orleans...
1921-1922 taught in Sullivan county
1922-1923 taught in rural school, Orangecounty: 1923-1925 taught in grades,Fontanet
1925-1928 taught in grades,Orleans
1928-1929 teacher social science and physical education, Orleans.Sankey, Charles Origen, B. S., ha TerreHaute, RFD F
pa 1114 Elm, Cincinnati, Ohio
1922-1923 taught WashingtonTownship High School, Cass county
1923-1924 taught high school, NewRichmond
1924-1928 taught Glenn HighSchool, Vigo county, before graduation
1928-1930 teacher manual training,Cincinnati, Ohio
graduate work University of Cincinnati, 1928.Schaufler, Wilhelmina, B. S., ha TerreHaute
446 North Center St.
1928-1929teacher commerce, high school, Orleans
1929-1930 teacher commerce, GerstmeyerHigh School, Terre Haute.Scherb, Thelma Pearl, B. S., ha Staunton
pa Hymera
1928-1930 teacher ofmusic and commerce, Hymera.Scherschel, Virginia E., 2IG, ha Bedford RFD 1
1928-1929 at home, notteaching.Schmitz, Anne McMahon, A. B., ha TerreHaute, 1028 South 8th St., 1928-1929teacher in Cruft School, Terre Haute.Schneider,...
taught three years in rural school inSpencer county before graduation
1928-1929 teacher rural school, Spencer county.Scott, Amelia F., 2P, ha Shelburn
1928-1929 teaching -primary grades, Currytownship, Sullivan county.Scott-Kitterman, Mrs. Lydia
2IG, haPimento
pa 541 Hudson Ave., Akron,Ohio
1924-1925 teacher grades, Piersontownship, Vigo county
1925-1927 teacher grades, Honey Creek township,Vigo county
1927-1928 student, IndianaState Teachers College, Terre Haute
1928-1929 teacher grades, Pierson township, Vigo county
1929-1930 not teaching, homekeeper, married December 24,1929 to Mack Kitterman.Scott, Myrtle Jeanette, P>. S., pa Gary
1929-1930 teacher English, Gary, forcomplete record see class 1927.Sears, Cecil, A. B., ha Tennyson
taughtone year in rural school, one year gradesand seven years in home economics andmathematics in high school, before graduation
1928-1929 dietitian in City Hospital. Indianapolis.Seddlemeyer, Claude E., 2IG, ha Odon:1925-1929 teacher of grades, EpsomSchool, Plainville.Sefrit, Audrey, 2IG...
1928-1930 teaching grades,Hammond.Self, Mildred, B. S., ha Terre Haute,1543 South Center St.
1928-1930 teacher elementary grades. Terre Haute.Sewell, Ruth N., 2P, ho Russellville
taught ten years in graded schools
1928-1930 teacher grades, Crawfordsville.Sexton, Lulu E., 2P, ha Linton, RFD 1
1928-1929 teacher of elementary grades,Jasonville.Shakelford, Basil, B. S., ha Stilesville
pa Fort Wayne
1916-191* taught highschool. Eminence
taught nine years otFt. Wayne, three years grade schoolsand six years Central High School, allbefore graduation
1928-1929 teachermachine shop practice and sheet metalCentral High School, Ft. Wayne.Shanks, Elizabeth, 2P, ha Harmony
1928-1929 teacher of elementary grodes,Clinton
1929-1930 teacher of elementarygrades, Richmond.Shattuck, Ruth, B. S., ha Brazil, 110E. Logan St.
taught nine years in Brazil High School, before graduation
1928-1930 supervisor of home economicssenior high school, Brazil.Shields, Bernice B., 2P, ha RFD 1, Seymour
taught five years, Jackson county before graduation
1928-1929 teacherprimary grades, Jackson county.Shields, Bertha M., B. S., ha TerreHaute, 209 Deming St.
1928-1929 teacher sixth grade, Terre Haute, Davis ParkSchool. For complete information, seeclass 1919.Showalter-Fleming, Mrs. Doris E., B. S.,ha 210 North&...
pa5007 28th St., South Minneapolis, Minn.
1922-1924 teacher in Girls VocationalSchool, Terre Haute
1924-1929 teacherof home economics, Gerstmeyer Technical High School, Terre Haute
1929-1930 married Feb. 24, 1929 to Wm.E. Fleming, not teaching, homekeeper.Snowalter, Hazel, B. S., ha Terre Haute,1439 Chestnut St.: taught in...
1928-1930 teacher grades,Sandison School, Terre Haute.Shrontz, Ruth Vivian, A. B., ha Lewis
pa Bourbon
taught in NorthboroughSchool one year, West Palm Beach,Florida before graduation
1928-1929teacher English and history, Bourbon.Shultz, Laura Evalyn, 2P, ha Wingate
1928-1929 teacher of grades, Crawfordsville.Silcock, Elizabeth, 2IG, ha West TerreHaute
1927-1930 teacher primarygrades, Whitcomb Heights, Vigo county.Sink, O. Ernest, B. S., ha Muncie, taughtthree years rural schools Owen county,three years...
taught manual arts, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute, and manualarts Ball Teachers College, Muncie before graduation
1928-1929 on leave ofabsence from Muncie, Ball Teachers College to attend Ohio State University
head of department of industrial arts,Ball Teachers College since the openingof the college
1929-1930 head department of industrial arts, Ball TeachersCollege, Muncie.Sister, M. Honora Hau, A. B., ha St.Francis Convent. Lafayette
1928-1930teacher in St. Frances Convent Lafayette.Sister Mary Fridiana, A. B., ha St.Francis Convent, Lafayette
taught inSacred Heart Academy, Fowler and inSt. Francis Normal, Lafayette, beforegraduation
1928-1930 teacher of history, St. Francis Convent, Lafayette.Skelton, Maurice, B. S., ha Brazil, 333East Georgia St.
1926-1927 teacher ofbiology, Wiley High School, Terre Haute
1928-1930 teacher of biological science,high school, Brazil.Smiley, Mary E., B. S., ha Elnora
1926-1927 taught music