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THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY591915-1916 in school, Columbia University, A. M. 1919-1923 teacher in Indemnity College, Peking 1926-1929 teaching in State Normal School, Touston,Md,Bailey-Rayborn, Mrs. Frances, pa NewRichmond 1902-1905 teacher of gradesin New Richmond 1905-1906 student,Indiana University 1906-1907 teacherof grades. New Richmond 1907-1924married, at home, not teaching 1924-1925 student, Purdue University 1926-1927 teacher of English and historyin high school. New Richmond 1927-1929 teacher of grades, New Richmond.Barton, Carrie N., la 539 East 11th St.,Long Beach, Calif.: 1904-1915 taught inpublic schools, Terre Haute 1915-1916teacher, departmental geography and history, Long Beach, Calif. spent summerof 1916 in University of Calif. lr 1916.Bennett, Hilbert, pa Rockport 1904-1911 county surveyor and drainage commissioner, Spencer county 1911-1926contractor, firm of Bennett and Scama-horn 1926-1929 residing in Rockport.Brewer, Estella, la 423 East 15th St.,Houston, Tex. 1904-1905 teacher ofsixth grade, Clinton 1916 teacher ofgeography, Houston, Tex. lr 1916.Brown, Albert M., pa New Palestine:1904-1905 principal of schools, Palmyra 1905-1906 principal of schools, St. Maurice 1906-1913 principal of schools,Kingston 1913-1914 principal of schools,Forest Hill 1914-1916 principal ofschools, Maxwell 1916-1917 principal ofschools, Bunker Hill 1917-1919 principal of schools, Spiceland 1919-1920principal of schools, Straghan 1920-1921principal of schools, New Philadelphia 1921-1929 principal of schools, NewPalestine.Brown, Ernest B., la West Terre Haute:1904-1906 principal of schools, FrenchLick 1906-1907 superintendent ofschools, French Lick 1907-1910 principal of schools, Burnett 1910-1912principal of schools, Coal Bluff 1912-1913 taught district school, Nevinstownship, Vigo county 1912 principalPittenger School, Fayette township, Vigocounty 1926-1928 teaching, West TerreHaute, RFD B.Brown, Harry A., nr.,Brown, George Henry, pa 1919 WestChestnut St., Louisville, Ky. 1904-1908principal of high school, Corydon 1908-1916 principal of Lincoln High School,Princeton 1917 graduated Indiana University 1917 principal, Frederick Douglas School, Louisville, Ky. 1926-1929teaching Louisville, Ky.Burke-Calvert, Mrs. Edith, ha Rib Lake,Wis. 1904-1919 at home, not teaching 1919-1923 not teaching, doing officework in Chicago, 111. 1923-1929 home-keeper.♦Butsch, John Louis, 1904-1905 B., Purdue University, Lafayette 1905-1908 secretary, Buntin Drug Company, Terre Haute 1908-1912 M. D..Johns Hopkins University 1912-1913associate professor of physiology, University of Buffalo 1913-1916 clinicalassistant in surgery and medicine, Buffalo, N. Y. 1916-1919 Mayo BrothersHospital, Rochester, Minn. 1919-1924head of own clinic Buffalo, N. Y. deceased August 1925.Carter, Elmer E., pa 850 North 14thSt., Elwood 1904-1906 taught in country school, Madison county 1906-1908principal of school, Orestes 1908-1916county school work, Madison county 1916-1917 teacher in rural school 1917-1919 teacher of mathematics in highschool 1919-1921 not teaching 1922-1923 teaching in rural school 1923-1929 not teaching, clerking in department store. Elwood.Coffraan, Gilberta, pa 911 South 7th St.,Charleston, 111. 1904-1911 teacher ofgrades. Oak Park, 111.: 1911-1929 teacherin training school. Eastern Illinois Teachers College, Charleston, 111.Cowgill, Josephine, nr.Crask, Ira T., pa Lebanon 1908-1915superintendent of schools at Castletonand Mellott 1915-1916 not teaching,farming, Lebanon 1916-1929 lawyer andreal estate dealer, Lebanon received LL.B. degree from Indiana University in1907 LL. M. from Yale University in1908 A. B. from Indiana University andA. M. from Yale University.Crawford, Archie, pa Springfield, S. D. 1904-1905 principal of high school, Mc-Cordsville 1908 graduated from IndianaUniversity: 1908-1909 principal of highschool, Brookville 1910-1912 head ofEnglish department, State NormalSchool, Sprinflgfield, S. D. 1912-1924vice-president, Regents of Education, andalso acting head of English department,Springfield, S. D. 1926-1929 teachingSouthern State Teachers College, Springfield, S. D.Crawley, James Robert, pa Greensburg:1898-1900 teacher in rural school, SaltCreek township, Franklin county 1900-1902 teacher in rural school, Fugittownship, Decatur county: 1902-1904student, Indiana State Teachers College,Terre Haute 1904-1905 supervisor ofschools, Decatur 1905-1906 teacher inhigh school, Sardinia 1906-1915 principal of schools, St. Paul 1915-1929superintendent of schools, Decaturcounty.Crowder-Shaeffer, Mrs. Clara, pa Memphis, Tenn. 1904-1908 teacher of gradeB,Waynetown 1908-1909 teacher of ungraded work, state of Washington 1909-1917 teacher of grades, Sugar City,Colo. 1917-1929 not teaching, at home,Memphis, Tenn.Fishback, Elvin H., pa Anderson: taughttwo years, district school, Brazil 1904-1907 principal of school, Alexandria 1907-1911 principal, Muncie 1911-1913principal, Evansville 1913-1914 attendedColumbia University, B. S. degree 1914-1930 principal junior high school, Anderson M. A. degree at Columbia University 1917 editor of book publishedby D. C. Heath & Co., 1928, title:Character Education in the Junior HighSchool.Flinn, Lucy, pa 901 South 4th St., TerreHaute 1905-1916 teacher of primarygrades, Terre Haute 1916-1919 teacher of primary grades, Terre Haute 1919-1929 teacher of music, Wiley HighSchool, Terre Haute.Flood, Edith Florence, pa 1125 South7th St.. Terre Haute: 1901-1902 teacherof grades, Tipton 1902-1906 teacher ofgrades, Terre Haute: 1906-1919 A. B.Indiana University and teaching at intervals in Terre Haute 1909-1910 teacherof English and history, Montpelier HighSchool 1910-1929 teacher of English,Wiley High School, Terre Haute 1912 |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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